
Opening Doors To....

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. If you managed to take the powers of a supernatural entity, what would you do? Just felt like writing this, you can like or not it's all your choice. Oh, if you notice any plot holes, please tell me, I find those annoying and will try to correct them if they are real.

Scorch18572 · Video Games
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26 Chs

Chapter 5 - If you have to lie

Raiden was not sure how to deal with this latest development. During the match, he received multiple visions from the future. They were bleak and showed the destruction of Earthrealm. With the cracking of his amulet, he couldn't hide it from Liu Kang, but he still tried to hide his worry.

Raiden had too many concerns to deal with at the moment with a split second decision, Raiden decided to ignore his suspicions about Nicholas. With Earthrealm at stake, he couldn't afford to push away potential allies.

Raiden knew something was off with Nicholas. He was radiating energy, but it was distant, and it was old. Raiden suspected that Nicholas might be someone's champion. Raiden would be concerned about asking, but lucky for him, there was someone here who would ask the questions without raising suspicions.

Just as Raiden expected, Johnny Cage was straightforward and blunt. Without even thinking about the potential consequences, he asked Nicholas in an excited tone, "What is with that cool ax? you know, I know people in Hollywood who who kill for effects like that."

Raiden quietly studied Nicholas's face to see if there were any signs of deception. After a moment, Raiden stepped in and said, "Johnny, before you berate him with any more questions, let me introduce him. This is Nicholas. Nicholas, these are Earthrealm's defenders." With a wave of his hand, Raiden started to introduce everyone.

"Sonya Blade."

A woman with blonde hair and a very revealing military outfit gave Nicholas a slight nod in acknowledgment.

"Her partner Jax."

A black man, also in a military style outfit, with machinery covering his arms, stepped forward and said, "Sup."

"You've met Johnny Cage."

Johnny was shirtless with his name prominently displayed across his chest. He decided to inflate his ego even more when he said, "Come on, Raiden, everyone knows who I am."

Raiden gave a slight sigh before collecting himself and continuing, "Lastly, this is Liu

Kang, champion of the White Lotus Order and the Shoalin Monks."

The man identified as Liu Kang gave a custom bow, then he said, "I greet you, perhaps you could enlighten us and tell us a little about yourself."

Nicholas, who had been silent till now, nodded and said, "Where do I begin."


On the outside, Nicholas was as cool as a cucumber on the inside he was freaking out about what had just happened. First, Raiden was bound to sense something was off with him. Second, on instinct, he summoned Anna's ax. Anybody would know something was up. He thought of a story to tell if they asked back on the boat, but now he had to make on the fly alterations to explain his ability.

Nicholas thought, 'Well, I have to give them something, I better make it reflect the truth, without telling the actual truth.'

Nicholas explained that he was an escapee and the ax was a momento from someone who used to hunt him. The others wanted more, but Nicholas casually looked around and said, "We should discuss this later when there is less chance of an unwanted audience."

They clearly wanted to know more. It was written all over their faces, but Raiden had agreed with Nicholas and changed the subject by saying, "The tournament is about to truly begin."

Nicholas tried to think on which version of Mortal Kombat he was in. He wasn't sure since the series had different versions, and there was no real guarantee that he was in a cannon version or even a video game version. Then his eyes spotted Raiden's fractured amulet. Nicholas thought, 'Okay, good news, bad news. With that fractured amulet, I'm probably in the first reboot, so I have a general understanding of how events will play out. The downside is that Raiden may notice that I'm not a part of his future memories and may feel the need to keep an eye on me.'

As the first fight started, Nicholas could feel several pairs of eyes on him. Nicholas waited until Kung Lao decided to make his splashy entrance and slip away. The moment happened just like the game. All eyes were on Kung Lao as he was getting his ass kicked.

Nicholas took that opportunity and slipped away. He wandered for a bit and found himself at ruins in the jungle. Nicholas could feel at least five pairs of eyes on him. After taking a moment and letting his hunter's instinct, one of many gifts he received from Anna, identify his observers. Two were from the Lin-Kuei, Cyrax, and Sektor. Another two were female, Nicholas realized it was Kitana and Jade, though they didn't appear to be together and the last one was trying much harder to hide themselves, and not just from Nicholas but the others as well.

Nicholas then sensed another presence. They weren't trying to hide or even follow him. It took only a moment for them to be identified. It was Liu Kang.

Nicholas suddenly realized that he was standing in the location where Liu Kang would first meet Kitana. Instead of waiting in ambush, Kitana seems to be making her move. Nicholas thought for a moment that if he actually intercepted Kitana, he could alter the timeline severely. Nicholas belted a quick laugh. If he actually cared, then he wouldn't have walked through that door.

Kitana emerged from the jungle. It was clear she wanted to fight. Nicholas gave her a once over. Her long black hair looked wild, but a certain shine proved it was well kept. Her deep blue outfit hugged the curves on her body, with every step a certain bounce could be seen. Also, despite the fact she was wearing a mask, it was still clear how beautiful she was.

Kitana approached with no shame in her movements. Why would she? She is well aware of how attractive she is, and she knows how to use it. Kitana spoke first, saying, "What are you doing here so far from the others? Not less than an hour ago, you were fighting for your life, and now you're out here wandering around alone."

Kitana's actions indicated that she thought they were alone. Nicholas was amused by the situation and knew how to take advantage. Nicholas sighed, then said, "I'm out here because I felt too many eyes on me instead of the tournament, but even now, I seem to have an audience." Kitana was about to speak, but Nicholas raised a hand and continued, "Not including you, there at least five others watching us."

Kitana scanned her surroundings, trying to find who he was talking about. Nicholas suppressed a smile and said, "Behind me, in rather bright red and yellow outfits! Are the Lin-Kuei mercenaries Sektor and Cyrax." Kitana eyes immediately shot behind him. Despite their skill, Sektor and Cyrax were hard to miss after being called out. Nicholas continued, "Behind you is a woman, I can't see her, but I can hear her." Kitana didn't attempt to look, most likely because she already knew or at least suspected who it was.

Not missing a beat, Nicholas then said, "The one emerging from behind the trees is Earthrealm champion Liu Kang." As if in cue Liu Kang stepped out into the open, a look of confusion in his face. Liu Kang spoke, saying, "Nicholas, what are you doing here, and also, who is your friend?"

Nicholas responded, saying, "She hasn't introduced herself, but if the conversations I overheard at the fighting grounds are any indication, I believe this here is Kitana." Kitana simply nodded, acknowledging the fact. Kitana got a look in her eyes, indicating that she was counting. Then Kitana asked, "So, who is the 5th? You've only mentioned four, so far."

Nicholas simply held up his right hand, and a hachet appeared. Kitana was put on alert, and then Nicholas threw it to his right. It flew with lightning speed. It looked like it was going to hit nothing but air until it suddenly exploded. In the same instant, Reptile appeared blood leaking from his face.

He began to swear, but then he started acting odd. He began speaking jiberish and showing signs of being disoriented. The hachet was coated with one of Anna's special toxins.

As everyone stared at Reptile, Nicholas got an idea. He decided to experiment in how control he had over the killers. Nicholas managed to summon the Deathslinger outside everyone's field of vision. While still making a spectacle of himself, Reptile ran off into the jungle.

Kitana and Liu Kang turned to Nicholas, with questioning looks on their faces. Nicholas sighed and said, "Well, that was unexpected. I knew that there would have been a reaction, but I..." Nicholas stopped mid-sentence and looked where the Deathslinger was hiding. That action was the signal, and the Deathslinger did what he was supposed to do. He brought up his chain gun and fired.

Nicholas simply yelled, "Down!" As he pushed Liu Kang and grabbed Kitana so they would be out of the way. The chain looked like it missed its intended target, but in reality, it was right on the money. The chain went tight, indicating somebody got caught. The Deathslinger stepped out into the open and began reeling in the chain. Jade rushed out to aid Kitana.

Nicholas got an eyeful of Jade. Her dark green outfit was just as revealing as Kitana's. Jade kept her black hair in a long ponytail. Her dark skin was a rich shade of brown. While Kitana had bladed fans, Jade had a Bo staff.

Everyone then saw who the Deathslinger had caught. It was Sektor. As Kade arrived to take Kitana away, Nicholas let go and yelled, "Run!"


Cyrax was becoming more and more disillusioned with the Lin-Kuei. First, this mission to knock out the fighters of Earthrealm is nothing new to him, but the fact that Sektor keeps pushing to straight up kill them is beginning to be bothersome. Second, there is the cyber program. It will turn those like him, who are questioning the groups current direction, into robotic slaves. Sektor again is excited for it, though Cyrax believes it's because Sektor's father is the current grandmaster, and the program is purely his idea. Sektor's desire to become the next grandmaster might be clouding his judgment.

Now, what was really starting to cause him to reconsider his future in the Lin-Kuei was the fact that Sektor decided to drag him into observing this newcomer. Cyrax had a good instinct that this stranger would only be a hindrance if they made him one. He voiced his opinion, but Sektor countered by saying their mission was to eliminate all potential trouble makers. Cyrax couldn't argue despite wanting to.

They had followed him, keeping to the tree tops, avoiding detection. Or so they thought. They had been caught off guard when he called them out. Sektor was furious blaming Cyrax for the detection. Because Sektor was distracted, he failed to notice the spear and chain flying towards him.

When Sektor went flying, Cyrax's instincts took over, and he tried to help Sektor. Cyrax was shocked to see on the other end of the chain, was this tall cowboy with a rotted face. The cowboy didn't hesitate to strike Sektor with his gun, rendering him unconscious. Cyrax entered a defensive stance. He was wondering how he would take this guy down when the cowboy suddenly looked around, gave a gruff growl, and then disappeared right in front of him.

Cyrax was left dumbfounded before remembering to check on Sektor. Cyrax found that Sektor's injuries while numerous were mostly disabling and that they would were-off in about an hour. Cyrax quickly revived Sektor and regretted it instantly.

Instead of being grateful or at the very least self-aware, Sektor started blaming Cyrax for his own mistakes. Cyrax tired of Sektor bull, punch Sektor, knocking him unconscious. Cyrax decided he had enough of the Lin-Kuei and would leave. He decided to take advantage of Sektor's current state and leave by the time the others would learn that he had deserted them, Cyrax would be long gone. While Cyrax was tempted to kill Sektor and by himself more time, he knew if he did, then the grandmaster would waste no effort in hunting him down. Cyrax then implemented his emergency escape plan, He, Sub-Zero, and Sektor had set one up in case this mission went sideways.


Watching the event was a single crow. It showed up the moment the same time the Deathslinger did. It had telepathically communicated to Nicholas everything that had happened after he "escaped."

It then flew off to new locations to see what else could be learned.