
Opening a shop in Pokemon world.

In a small shop, a large number of customers seemed to be going out and coming in. With huge smiles on their faces, they thanked a boy in his teens. Who was smiling at all the customers, with a bright look and shining eyes? The shop had a flood of customers, and most of them were hoping to get the sign of the legend in front of them. As they hoped, to buy eggs of the Pokemon from this place that sells them cheaply. But few of them even hatched some rare pokemon that were hard to find. While all the girls working in the shop were known trainers in different regions, where this boy opens a legend of a legendary shop manager of the greatest franchise ever in the world of Pokemon. This novel will pokemon adventure, along with different shop and their setting by a kid of a merchant, whose family suddenly disappeared leaving him with a shop and a note. Where he was asked to search for them, that is if he is capable of finding them... This image does not belong to me, so I hope the creator of this image will allow me to use it in this fanfic...

Shubham_Gosai_0895 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Shop opening...

The shop should have been completely empty, where the butler Jia was thinking of buying some merchandise that could be sold out.

But the next moment he visited the shop, he was shocked to see all the first few shelves filled with merchandise.

Not only merchandise was perfectly packed in a container with a clean brand mark of their shop. All of them seemed to be of the highest quality that he has seen.

"Master! from where, does this all stuff come from, and did you arrange them all yourself."

It took time for Jun to explain himself out, but he put them all over a weird pokemon that came out of nowhere and helped him.

Jia was first worried if this was some kind of mischievous prank of some rare pokemon, but when Jun put it blatantly about what it could get from pranking them like this.

Jia was left wordless, given he did not have any answer to it.

While Jun told them, how that pokemon talked to him from his mind, telling him that it was working for some kind of organization.

That will provide them with material like this from time to time, by selling this kind of merchandise to the public.

"Then master about the money..." Jia was troubled thinking about what if the company behind that Pokemon, choose to take away the money they earned selling them.

Jun denied the plan, as he pulled out a document.

This was the document, that Jun has prepared in hurry! Being a lawyer from the previous world and having a brand mark, that would be registered to them by Old Jia, they would put ease to old man's worries.

"With this brand mark and registration, we would be the legal seller of this potion and material right."

He gave them to Jia and asked him to get permission from the Association that guards all the rights related to trainers and businesses related to Pokemon.

Jia's eyes flicker, as he nodded vigorously and called out his Alakazam with which the old butler disappear from Jun's sight.

"Fuck!!! This is truly shocking. Having people teleported like this with the help of physic pokemon is truly something good. But this world also has more variety of pokemon than in the anime, but species remain the same huh."

Jun lay down on the chair, as he was thinking about the Pokemon.

When Stacia entered the room, she looked at Jun who was lying on the chair and was relaxing his leg on the counter with a deep expression on his face.

'Hmm! As long as he doesn't cause problems! All the butler and maids are starting to look at him positively. While to me! He is getting more and more shameless from the morning, how can he just say something like marriage.'

She looked at Jun who was smiling in his thought. When she pinches his nose, making him stumble back.

Jun looked at Stacia after balancing his chair.

The beautiful maid of his was grinning at him, with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Hey! That is wrong! To pull out a sneak attack like that miss Stacia-San. For mental recovery, I want a kiss from you, or else I will ignore you from now on."

Jun looked angrily at Stacia who was grinning at Jun's words while walking back to her work. Where Jun just shook his head, thinking he was asking for something hard too early.

At that moment, a customer entered the shop.

Given! the sign on the top of the gate was opened by Jun, who wanted to start this business as soon as possible.

While this shop is situated at a good location, where mid-level trainers usually came for catching rare Pokemon.

It would be an easy job to get the customer, but what was more important in this case was the product.

Given! The product quality would affect the image of the shop.

"Hello! Welcome to the Pokect-Store sir, what can we do to help you."

Jun greeted the boy that seemed to be around the age of 15 to 16 with proud air around him.

As he looked at Jun with a surprising gaze and nodded at him while walking toward the shelf.

"Are these potions good or what? Given I am about to head out to complete a quest for the association. I hope all the potions here are good enough right."

Jun wanted to speak when butler Jia appeared with a smile on his face, as he walked toward Jun and handed him the certificate.

"Master Jun! These potions here are really potent. Due to this, the association has decided to give this shop a 3-star rating."

The trainer that came was surprised as he opened his dex, where the shop appeared with a 3-star rating.

While the price of any star-rated shop is definitely higher than normal, but the potion cost on the shelf was nothing in comparison and cost only 100 Federal Coins.

"I want to buy 7 of the healing, and 5 of the stamina. Hell! You even have stamina potion, they are rare as hell. Then why sell them at 200 Federal coins."

The boy was surprised, given he had seen the same stamina potion for 500 to 700 Federal coins.