
Open When You're Bored

Virgil was really bored and had nothing to do. So, he figured Roman wrote a letter for this particular moment.

Yep. Virgil found it and opened it.

'Dear Virgil,

You're feeling bored... well, I have nothing planned... but why don't you write in that journal you keep around? I always notice it on your bookshelf. Writing always helps me with boredom. That, and music or movies. Anyway, try those out. You won't be disappointed. I hope...


Virgil looked at his journal. Roman was right. He could write about something in it. Right.

Virgil walked over to his bookshelf and grabbed the book off the shelf. He opened it and flipped through the pages. He stopped on an empty page and got a pen. He started writing...


When Virgil was done, he realized he had written a full-on fantasy about him and Roman.

"Like it would ever come true..." He sighed. He ripped the pages out and threw them away in the trash bin.