
Open secrets (invisibility)

Cassandra Manchester fell in love with a handsome young man who was brutally murdered by her toxic and obsessed ex-boyfriend. And due to the crime committed by her ex-boyfriend, she ended up being framed for murdering the man she fell in love with, Justin. She was sent to prison but was released five years after she served jail term. After her release from prison, she coincidentally met with a billionaire who helped her when she fell unconscious after she sighted someone who looked like her ex-boyfriend, Gabby. Her encounter with Kelvin, the billionaire turned sour which led to some unpleasant circumstances when some secrets began to unfold. Will the secrets between them, stop them from igniting the sparks that starts to erupt within them? Or will Cassandra follow her heart and hold on to feelings that make her heart flutter?

Annie_Micho · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


I woke up with a blurry eyesight and I felt a sharp pain in my head. As I tried to get a proper view of my surroundings, I hit my hand against the table lamp which fell and broke. Immediately, I regained my clear vision and that's when I realized that I was in some kind of fancy room. It most definitely wasn't my room because I have no home nor a place for shelter.

I got off the fancy bed and bent to pick up the broken pieces from the table lamp which I accidentally broke. I heard some footsteps and it sounded like someone or probably more than one person was running towards the room I was.

"What happened?! Are you hurt?" Kelvin exclaimed.

"Uhm....sorry, I mistakenly broke your fancy lamp" I said while being focused on picking up the pieces of the broken lamp off the ground.

Kelvin knelt and grabbed me by my wrist, I looked up at him and then he said, "You should be careful please. Don't bother, the maids will clean it up".

I felt a shiver down my spine. That was unusual but I brushed it off and got on my feet. I smiled and said "Thanks Kelvin".

"Anna, please clean this up" He said to one of the maids who was standing right at the entrance.

"Okay sir" Anna said.

He turned and looked at me, "Well, yesterday was crazy. You blacked out so, I had to bring you down here. I'm sorry, I just had to because I don't know where you live" He said apologetically.

"Thanks once again. It's fine. There's a teeny tiny problem though " I said.

"Really? what's wrong?" He asked.

I pointed at my grumbling stomach and let out a wry smile.

"I'm hungry kelvin. I'm fucking hungry. Prison food is trash. I just want something decent" I said and winked at him.

"Pri--Pri---Did you just say prison?" He stammered.

"Err.....I believe you're not deaf. Got a problem with that?" I was starting to get pissed.

Kelvin, noticing I was already getting pissed apologized immediately.

"No, I'm sorry. I--I---was just surprised. That's all"

"Well, you don't have to be. Don't worry, I didn't kill anyone. It was a false accusation so, I was convicted for murder without them making further investigations or whatever it is they do" I said and let out a heavy sigh.

"I hope that quenches your curiosity" I said.

Kelvin who was stunned at my long but short story moved closer and hugged me.

Hmm? That's weird.

"You've been through a lot. I'm really sorry about that" He said.

I pushed him and gave him a stern look.

"Just like that?" I questioned.

"Pardon?" He asked.

"You believe everything I just said? No doubts or whatever? What if it was a lie?"

"I believe you Cassandra. I don't know why but I do believe you" He said.

"You know you're being weird right now. Why did you help me? You're being suspicious" I questioned.

"It's okay to feel that way. If I were in your shoes, I'd definitely feel the same way" He said.

"So?" I stared at him with a questionable look and that's when I felt his warms hands on mine.

"Cassandra, I don't know exactly why I helped you but I just felt the need to help you. My intentions towards you are pure" He said and smiled.

"Uhm....yeah? You've actually done more than enough" I said and stared at the maid who was still picking up the broken pieces of the lamp.

"Damn! I totally crushed that fancy lamp" I said.

Kelvin let out a loud laugh and said, "you'll have to pay me back for that".

"Wait--wha--?" I stuttered.

"Just kidding. It's a joke alright?" Kelvin said.

"Oh okay" I said.

After two seconds of utter silence, my stomach decided to embarrass me as it made a loud grumble which sounded like a roaring lion.

"Oops! looks like someone's hungry" He said in mockery.

"Uhm-erm-not really" I stuttered.

Kelvin laughed and called me a "cutie". Hearing him call me a cutie brought back flashes of Justin and memories of where Justin would tease me. As I reminisced over the past sweet memories of Justin and I, I could faintly hear a voice which sounded like it was calling me back into reality. Kelvin snapped his finger and that's when I came back to my senses.

"You good? 'been calling you but you seemed to be out of this world. You're okay?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah. I'm good" I said.

"Maria! Maria!" Kelvin called.

A lady who seemed to be in her 30s came rushing down. She looked tired and stressed out. Her wrists were covered in bruises which looked like she had been abused. She caught me staring at her wrists and she had an uncomfortable look on her face. I stared at her face and saw bruises which looked like it was of recent. I was about to ask her if she was alright not until I heard a loud slap which landed on her right cheek. Lo and behold, it was Kelvin who had slapped her.

"Why're you so stupid?! Do I always have to repeat myself every fucking time?!" Kelvin yelled.

"I--I'm sorry. I was working in the kitchen that's why I didn't hear you call me the first time" She stuttered and sobbed.

I just stood right there and stared in disbelief. That was when it came to me that Kelvin wasn't the man I thought he was. I had pictured him as a good samaritan and a really nice guy but I guess I was totally wrong all along. I was startled and scared seeing how he treated one of his maids. Is this how he treats his other maids too? I began to question the situation at hand.

"Fucking stupid! Go and prepare a meal for my guest! stupid! You're all stupid in this house! All of you!!" Kelvin yelled.

He turned to me, smiled at me and said, "I'm so sorry you had to witness that. Now, let's get you cleaned up".

Hold up! What in the actual fuckery just happened? Few minutes ago, he slapped someone and now he's acting cool and unconcerned about what he did. I thought to myself and said "You're a psychopath".

"You said something?" He asked.

"N--no. I--I didn't" I stuttered.

"Alright, take a shower and meet me at the dinning room in five minutes" He said.

"Okay" I responded and immediately he walked out of the room, I let out a very loud sigh.

What have I gotten myself into?