
God continent (3)

The next day.

Zeus woke up from his sleepy state. He stretched his body and got up from his bed. He put on his regular clothing and was heading to the library. He checked his parents and noticed they were still asleep.

"I guess they've been busy last night taking care of the last incident." Zeus sighed and as he quietly close the door and continued walking to the library.


In a spacious room where there's so many books that the eye can see. It was the marquis house after all! Truly amazing.

When Zeus went in, he was not so surprised. Not like the first time he arrived here! He was stupefied! He hated reading after all! He was a thug in his previous life.

"Ugh! SO MUCH PAIN IN THE A*S!" Zeus stumped his foot angrily! He was not a type of person to read after all.

"Why do i have to read all of them?!" Zeus thought grumpily. He wanted to have fun! But he can't do that because he was not prepared to leave yet.

"I wish i have a clone that can help me read faster." Zeus was too lazy to read all this. He was not a bookworm. So he wished that he had a clone that can help him read all of this and also transfer the knowledge that they accumulated afterwards.

At this moment a system notification pop-up alerted Zeus. He checked what it was and he was stunned for a few moment.

[Ding!... request granted!

Learning Clone in progress!

5% Complete...

30% Complete...

60% Complete...




Now learning [Clone] wait a while.]

[Ding! Congratulation on learning [Clone]!

Do you wish to learn it?

Accept or deny?]

After that was all done. Zeus woke up from his stunned state and hurriedly accepted the skill. This was just a blessing to Zeus! Since he wanted this!

[Ding!... You learned the skill!

[Clone Lv. 1] (Experience : 0/200)

(Active) - Can be used to help you on any task and also transfer their knowledge if they disappeared. It can also be used for fighting (Just like in Naruto!), It has the same stats and ability as the owner!

Limited to only 1 Clone. (Since it's level 1) (Every level up +1 Clone)

Cooldown : None


Zeus was so happy right now! He jumped for joy cause of this new skill he got. 'Thank you God! I swear, That I Zeus (A.K.A Chad) will live happily!' Zeus kneeled and kowtowed.

How could he not live happily with this kind of skill! He was basically an exploit in this world! He could do multitasking and level up his skills fast in an imaginable speed!

Zeus then stopped his kowtow and grinned. He cracked his fist and said. "NOW! let's get to work!" after he fished saying that he use a hand seal signal (Damn XD! Pls don't report me!) He then shouted. "Clone!"


+5 Experience points. (10x training boost activated.)


Out of thin air, smoke appeared and a same looking Zeus came out. He walked towards the original Zeus and said. "Boss! What should i do?" The clone said.

"Hm... Disappear first! I only got 50 exp for summoning you. I need to level this skill up so have 2 helping hands!" Zeus was a little disappointed at that meager Experience he got. But he was alright about it! He liked training after all.

"As you wish!" The clone then disappeared leaving smoke behind.

"Okay! Let's do it again!" Zeus cracked his fist and did the same posture (Like Shadow clone jutsu duh!) He shouted clone!


+5 Experience points. (10x training boost activated.)


"Hmm... I only need 100 more exp to get an additional clone." Zeus was a little excited about getting an additional clone. He wanted to finish reading all this books. And because it's a pain in the a*s by doing it himself!

He tried it 2 more times, and he got an system notification.

[Ding! Congratulation on leveling [Clone]

+1 Additional clone.]


"Finally! I leveled up. Even though it has only been a minute I still felt like it was taking forever!" Zeus said while stretching his back.

"Okay time to stop nagging and get to the real business!" Zeus then did the hand seal signal again and shouted. "Clone x2"

2 exact replica of Zeus came out after the smoke disappeared.


+10 Experience points. (10x training boost activated.)


"Sweet! I got an additional 5 Exp when i used the other clone! Now i only need 200 more to get an additional clone." Zeus said as he planned that he would level up [Clone] afterwards.

"Anyway! Back to real life problems! You two, read all those books! We need information of this world!" Zeus ordered the two clones.

"Yes!" The two clones nodded. After they nodded the first clone asked. "What about you? What are you gonna do?" Clone 1 asked.

"I'll eat and relax while you are reading! Hehe..." Zeus chuckled and he headed to the exit of the library.

"That's not fair! We do the tiring job! While you just relax." The two clones angrily rebuked. This was truly unfair! They were the same person and same mind after all.

"What?! Got a problem with that? Even if duke it out it would still be my win!" Zeus grinned and said. "And also you have such lightning speed! You two could probably finish reading all these books when I'm done doing my leisure time!" Zeus added as he grinned.

"A*shole! I'm clearly stronger than you!" Clone 1 angrily said.

"That's bullsh*t! I'm stronger than the two of you!" Clone 2 hurriedly rebuked. He did not like losing to the two of them!

"Hey! Who said you two are better than me?!" Zeus was angry when the two clones claimed themself stronger than the original himself.

They argued for 20 minutes! After all that, no one could beat each other cause they were the same person after all. The original Zeus then said. "Alright! Stop this gibberish! No one can win like this! Unless we place Rock, Paper, Scissors properly!"

"Alright! I'm the king of this game!" Clone 1 said proudly.

"That's bullsh*t! We are the same person! No one can determine who is the strongest!" Clone 2 angrily shouted.

"Yeah!" Zeus also agreed! They were the same person after all! They were all kings in this game.


"OKAY! Rock, Paper, Scissors! Go!" The three of them spoke together. Two was rock, and 1 was paper. The winner was Zeus himself!

"HAHA! Got a problem now? Huh?" Zeus was proud of himself he won the game he laugh out loud.

"Shut up! You were just lucky!" The two clones said gloomily. They were prideful son's of the heaven after all! Even though they were only Clones.

"Yeah yeah! Go back to work now! I still need to eat!" Zeus happily walked out of the library leaving the two poor clones to work.

The clones then started reading with lightning speed and almost half the books were almost done. Zeus on the other hand was enjoying his meal, He watched the beautiful maid smile at him and used his x-ray skill that he was good at in his previous life, to see right through them clothes! He was enjoying his life right now. Meanwhile the two clones were busy reading the books that were in the library.


When all said was done. Zeus went back to the library and saw two tired clones. "Well done boys! You made your grandpa proud!" Zeus giggled and said.

"You MotherF*cker! You said you were our grandpa!" Clone 1 was angry from Zeus remark.

"F*ck you! I was born even when you were born!" Clone 2 was also angry because of Zeus.

"Haha! I'm the original! So I'm your father who gave birth to you! HAHA!" Zeus added more fuel to the flame. He was so happy that he could tease this clones of his.

"..."Clone 1 and 2 were both speechless right now. They were about to cry about Zeus shamelessness.


"Anyway! Enough with the chit-chat! Transfer me your memories!" Zeus then said with a serious face.

The two clone only nodded hesitantly. And they transferred their memories to Zeus! All the history of God continent was sent to Zeus. All the Math problems, Magic, and etc. all the knowledge was learned by Zeus in a mere second.

He had 322 INT after all! This was not a problem for Zeus at all! He learned that this continent had many sacred animals like Dragons, Wyvern, etc. was all in this place. He was surprised because this planet was basically 100 times the earth size.

He learned that there was also academies like Magician association, Mage academy and swordmanship academy, etc. Zeus was pretty excited to taste this so called Academies! And also he wanted to find the most beautiful women of course!

He learned there was also jobs like alchemist, forging, etc. they all different ranks to them. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Obsidian, Star, Master, Grandmaster, Each rank having 5 level. 1 is the lowest and the highest is rank 5. Zeus was pretty impressed that this place had many things that he wanted to explore.

"Alright! All done! This is gonna be exciting experience for me! HAHA!" Zeus maniacally laugh. He was disappointed that the earth he was in was not so magical as this place. He wanted to become strong! Strong enough to make them bow down and become a legend.


Do you like have Zeus a [Clone] skill? And do you like the world background? Do tell me in the comments, I appreciate it!

Oh and Btw i can't upload everytime so sorry! I have other novels (except 23) too so do understand me. :D

Don't worry about his mother getting f*cked! That would be kind of f*cked up to me! So don't worry! :D

Fallen_Raijicreators' thoughts