
OP: Turtle Hermit

Abandoned alone with no memory, a young boy with the will to become stronger walks the rough path into the unknown but determined to become the strongest under the sun. #onepiece #OC

reginaldveg22 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: A orange Shell?!


Regveg here: Patreon is Regveg3000 please subscribe if you like the stoy and want to be ahead on chapters!!

Speaking voice - "I'll kill you".

Thoughts - 'I'll kill you' 'flashbacks'.

Deep voice or impact - "I'll kill you" (Explode).

Hope you enjoy!!


Dark clouds covered the moon as rain began to pour down, in the dark forest a small light shined from the window. Inside a worn down old shack that sat surrounded by trees in a dense forest.

The inside of the the shack was bare with only a black bag that lay near the door and a lit candle that sat on the old floor. The only inhabitant was a small 10 year old boy who was sleeping with a red small worn down blanket covering him.

A large unkept black Afro covered his head as brown skin glistened from the fire of the candle, he wore a dirty dark green shirt and black cargo pants with one pocket torn.


Green eyes snapped open hearing the sound of a far explosion echoing in his ear, he tossed the blanket standing up he felt the cold wood under his bare feet and the vibrating of the shack floor.

He found this shack a few months ago while scavenging for food and claimed it as his home after a few weeks of nobody coming to this part of the island.


He started shaking when another far explosion was heard, he didn't know what was going on, but it was loud and far, he just hoped his home wouldn't get targeted next.

His head whipped to the candle and hurried to blow it out, in the dark dense forest his home would be a beacon when the rain subsided.

He sat on his knees with his back to the shack door, he didn't know what to do?! he knows the sound must be coming from the town on the other side of the island.

He didn't have a guardian, a mother nor a father. Since he could remember he was alone, his earliest memory was when he was 5 years old and sitting in a alley with a red blanket wrapped around him, with a bag of food and clothes next to him, no memory, no note, nor any idea of how he got there.

He tried talking to the people in town too see if anyone knew him, but he didn't know the language they spoke! The people he ran into had on fancy clothes with bright rocks on there hands and necks while he was dirty. Because of this a lot of people acted like he was filth, an animal.

Calling him names and even threatening violence, because he was different and homeless but thankfully there were kind people in the town who took pity on him and showed him how to read and write.

But the alley he first woke up in was still his home every night, no one took him in and soon enough they would just stop looking at him entirely after showing him how to survive alone.

The only good thing was that he figured out his name from the blanket, at least he thinks it's his name.

Kazuki Tsuki was the name on his blanket so that was his name too, it was the only thing besides the bags and cloths he had on him.

He didn't know what caused him to be left abandoned with no memory but he was determined to survive and luckily they left him a lot of food and berry to use for a couple weeks.

When he got to know the language he knew he couldn't continue living in the ally way but he was ignorant about the outside world.

After a couple weeks he started spying at a school for nobles and poorly stole a couple books, causing him to hide for a few days. He was slowing learning about the outside world around him.

He was in the east blue area on Nitora island a wealthy tourist attraction that heavily favored nobleman and noblewomen alike.

After getting accustomed he left the town a year later and lived off the land, sleeping outside, fighting animals for territory daily and reading his books, it was hard at first but he grew quick to love it and learned to correct his mistakes along the way and soon he gained great strength too!

But Kazuki knew physical strength didn't matter in the face of a explosion, two months ago he had seen a some kids playing with a cannon. When they accidentally fired the cannon, it hit a building and exploded causing a lot of injury's.

So Kazuki decided to wait a few hours until he no longer heard anything going on outside, his home was safe since it was in the dense forest and someone would have to actively look to see his home.


What will he do if they do come here?

Last week he had an encounter with bears in the deeper forest. He knew there was no chance of winning, but would he just give up?


He fought them off throwing large boulders and aiming at there eyes and mouth every time they tried to bite him, till they ran away tired and injured.


He tightened his trembling hands to stop the fear he felt. Soon the sound of the rain and explosion sounds stopped and silence reined, he didn't know long he stood there.

Kazuki slowly made his way to the old small window of the shake, he felt his steps were the loudest they have every been. Sounding like thunder in his ear.

He crept up to the window and peered out into the distance, his home was facing towards the town but because of the trees he could barely see anything.

But today he saw enough…

Flames burned bright in the distance licking the trees in the horizon, it was night but he could see the fierce fire burning. It looked like the other half of the island was on fire.

'W-what! Did a cannon do that!', Kazuki thought as he stood frozen with fear in front of the window, light from the distant fire reflected in his green eyes.

Smoke could be seen rising into the sky, storm clouds from the weather a couple hours ago seemed to darken even more then the pitch black smoke that was rising into the sky.

Kazuki watched in what looked like a pitch black hand descending to swallow the town, he fell on his back and just sat there.

He didn't like some of the people there but it wasn't like he wished death to them! There were even good people who helped him there.

He clutched his trembling hand together, there was nothing he could do but he shouldn't just do nothing….


He snapped his head toward the window, immediately leeping to his feet towards the window, he peered into the distance to see black silhouettes coming towards his side of the island.

Kazuki didn't wast a second and hurried to grab his bag, before going to the back of the shack and removing a thin piece of wood blocking a hole leading to outside.

He jumped out the hole and immediately started running into the distant, he didn't know where to go but he knew he needed to get as far from his home as soon as possible.


!'They can shoot me from this distance FUCK!',! His speed increased as he kept hearing shots sound out behind him.

While running some trees in front of him got shot quickly, he didn't need to look back know someone was quickly catching up. He started to weave through the trees to confuse whoever was behind him.


Kazuki while running was flung from his position when explosion hit a couple trees from him.

He couldn't prepare himself as he was thrown against a tree causing his back to dent it and the tree to nearly split in half.

Air escaped his lungs as he felt a burning feel his being at the lack of air he tried to get his breath back, but he soon heard feet cluttering in the distant.

Taking a deep breath he jumped to his feet and started running again, his lungs burned and his back felt shattered with shards of wood poking out his back leaving a bloody trail.

But he couldn't stop, not when it would mean death.

Running was difficult but he kept his stride as he passed dozens of trees, his vision started to waver but he never stopped moving.

Soon the trees started to thin out till he could see a clearing ahead, casuing him to go faster till he reached it but he suddenly halted his run and stared ahead in horror.


He made a mistake, a deadly mistake he never ventured out this far out the island and and thought it was a beach on this side but….

He stared at the end of a cliff that lead to a 50ft drop into the ocean. He could jump but it was the same as dying if he just stood here.


"FUCK SHOULD HAVE JUMPED IT PROBABLY WOULD HAVE HURT LESS!", He yelled as pain ran through his shoulder, as a bullet tore into the back to the front of his shoulder cuff spraying blood down his arm, he yelled in pain and fell on his back near the edge of the cliff.

Tears ran down his face as he looked back into the forest to see a figure in white with a top hat and an animal mask of the same color hiding his face step out towards the cliff.

The figure didn't say anything, they just reached into their pocket and dropped a small red ball near his feet and kick it lightly over to him.

Kazuki frozen in pain and fear saw the ball rolled towards him and watched as the figure stepped back a couple steps then waited just looking a him.

Minutes passed as they just stared at each but then the figure suddenly snapped his fingers.


The ball exploded covering the boy and area in a large explosion of fire, distroying the cliff and sending it directly into the ocean below.

The man with the white masked just looked as the cliff plummeted into the ocean below.

"It's never fun when they don't grab the ball!", the figure muttered to himself, he turned around and started walking back into the forest.

"Maybe I should give a notice? "Hey catch this", yeah that sounds cool, then ba boom!", He muttered to himself. "Well I'll figure it, just got to keep on killing then I'll have my catchphrase".


The dark laughter echoed into the forest that soon started to get covered in flames and explosions.


"Hmmm always interesting to see such young talent, but even I'm surprised by this child dihehedihehe I'm so excited!". He heard an old man's voice boaster with laughter in his ear as he struggled to crack open his eyes.

Sunlight blinded him for a moment but he adjusted soon to see he was in a pink room lying on a bed.

"Hmm your right such high potential? Been a long time since I seen someone react to KI this way!", an old voice said again to his left he looked around and just saw an old turtle and old monkey sitting in chairs near his bed.

The thing weird or different about both of the animals was that they were both dark orange, the turtle had six dots on its forehead and it looked dull having a bored old look in its eyes.

The monkey was also strange wearing a light blue Martial arts top and Yellow puffed arts pants and had pineapple like hair.

Kazuki's eyes passed over the animals and searched for the voice that spoke in his ears a minute ago but couldn't see anyone else besides them in the room?

"How rude! is a talking turtle that difficult to grasp? My, how the world has devolved", Kazuki this time looked at the turtle as the words came out it's mouth.

'Did a orange turtle just talk!!' Kazuki just looked at the turtle with wide eyes and mouth hanging open.

"Well do you know how to talk? Or is staring how your generation communicates now or do you need something to drink??" The monkey said as a cup of water beside him suddenly started to lift midair with a slight glow around it.

Kazuki stared at the cup, then the turtle, and then the monkey, then the cup again. Before seeing black cover his vision as he passed out.


To be continued….

hope you enjoy!! and please comment and add.

I update every Tuesday and Wednesday!

reginaldveg22creators' thoughts