
Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 2.

I was a random, walking down the streets of New York. I was minding my own business when suddenly, a truck came at me. "Are you serious-"

I appeared infront of god. "W-What!? What the hell are you doing here!?" I shrugged my shoulders and said "Your truck system is buggey. Should get the repair guy to fix it."

The old man sighed and thought 'We just fixed it 2 minutes ago..'

"So....uhm...What now?" He looked at me and I said "Send me to a fantasy world old man." He scoffed a bit and said "Sure..." He then came down to me and stood infront of me. "Tell me your 3 wishes.."

I put my hand up to my chin and thought a bit. I then snapped my fingers and said "I want every skill.."

"You already have that..."

"Your right..."

I then put my hand up to my chin and thought again. I soon snapped my fingers and said "Infinite magic-"

"You...Already have that..."

"Your right..." He face palmed at me.

"Just send me then.." He nodded and opened a portal. "If you have any troubles...Oh what the hell, Just go." I laughed a bit and walked through the portal.

I then appeared in the middle of a forest. "You already know the basics..." I nodded at his voice and said "Status."

A menu then opened up and I stared at it. It's been a while since I've seen one so I was kinda amazed...

Name: Kenji.

Race: Everthing.

Sex: Yes.

Age: older than Fiction.

Titles: The one above Fiction

Lvl: Dont apply to You.

Magic: Time lvl(Too high that even saying infinity would be wrong.)

Skill: Wink lvl (1)

Some things on here are kind of...Yeah okay..

I turned the status off and looked around. "Time magic." As I said that, everthing slowed down. The butterfly's wings completely stopped actually. The wind stopped and existence itself stopped. "Yeah, okay.."

"I guess I have to see it myself. Let's see..." I checked the magic lvl cap of this world and saw that there was none. The highest was around 90 and so I set my level to 100.

I also had to tweak some more things and this is my status now.

Name: Kenji.

Race: Human.

Sex: Male.

Age: 18.

Titles: New beginning.

lvl: 1

Magic: Time lvl (100)

Skill: Every single thing it says on the "Time superpower" Page on google.

I closed my status menu and walked around. I moved plants and all sorts of things out of the way when I did. I even saw some monsters but they ran away when they saw me.

I kept walking around for hours until I saw this river. "Good. I was starting to get thirsty.." I walked up to it and fell on my knees. I cupped my hands together and got some of the water...

"Apple...juice?.." I smacked my lips a bit and drunk some more. My eyes then widened and I fell back. "I have some pretty weird fetishes but drinking piss...Ain't one of them.." I looked around and my eyes focused on someone.

I breathed out in relief as the person appeared to be female. "Hey lady.." I walked up to her and a sword was instantly pointed at my face. "Who are you?" She gave me a condescending look while revealing everything.

"You peed in the river woman. It could have killed me..." She kept starring at me but I saw a light blush appear. It was very fsint. "You didnt answer me peasant." She moved forward and I backed up.

I guess I'm in one of those worlds. Old man, Your A Troll.. "Yeah, Yeah..." I snickered in my head and kept backing up. I then backed agaisnt a tree and she stared at me. "My name is Kenji." I bowed a bit and she continued starring at me.

"Magic and level. State them now." She shoved her sword out a bit and I nodded. "Time and I'm level 1." Her face instantly changed and she kneeled. She put her head down towards the ground and said "I am so sorry Time Master! Please, punish this foolish persons as they have disrespected you!"

She held her sword out and I took it. I then placed it under her chin and moved up. She moved up with it aswell and stood back up.

The sun was beaming on my face so I couldn't get a clear picture as to what she looks like but man...Lady nagant was considered to have the perfect looks to me but this woman...

A perfect face. Red hair that was redder then anything I've seen before. Red eyes aswell which darker then her hair and she had pale skin. She also had breast that were about the size of my head if you wanted to know.

"Please! Punish this foolish person!" I stared at her and said "What's your name?" I put the sword down to my side and she stared at me. "Lidia Yoni Sir! I am the Eldest princess of the Yoni Fire empire Sir!" I nodded and slowly walked passed her.

"What's your magic and level?" She then took out a card and bowed down.

Name: Lidia Yoni.

Race: Human.

Sex: Female.

Age: 18.

Titles: Eldest Princess of Yoni empire.

lvl: 34/Infinity.

Magic: Fire lvl(50/100)

Skills: Cooking, sword thrust, fire ball, fire cyclone, fire spear, fire swords, fire mastery. Fire creation magic.

Pretty strong I guess for an 18 year old. I know the highest level achieved by a 'Human' was around 56 so she was definitely doing things right.

"Stand up and lose the serious mode...Thing." She nodded and got up. I walked back over to the river and said "Why would you do that tho? All sorts of creatures and animals drink from this..."

She walked up to me and said "Sorry. I had to pee so...I peed." She still sounded like a military commander. "Hey. I know this is an odd question but can you explain to the people reading this why Time Masters are so respected?"

She stared at me and said "People who are...Reading this?.." She looked all over then I said "Please explain." She instantly nodded and said...(AN: I'm about to spout some bull shit but it'll...make sense...Probably...)

"Water. Earth. Fire. Air. My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the Time master kept balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the Air nomads attacked. Only the Time Master could weild all four element as he could learn them over the course of time. Only he could stop the ruthless Air nomads. But when the world needed the Time Master the most, He vanished..."

(AN: Thanks, avatar wiki..)

She then stared at me. "Where have you been?..." I sighed and looked away. "Like the legends said, we need time in order to master all of the elements. I had to go into hiding as I was being hunted as well.."

I looked back at her. "Are they still attacking or..?" She shook her head no then said "We came to an agreement over the last couple of years so now, their are no more wars..." I nodded at her then put my hand out.

"Take this. I need to practice with my other magic anyways.." She hesitantly took it and said "If you dont mind me asking..." I nodded and she continued. "If you went into hiding for that period of time then shouldnt you be a higher level?"

I laughed a bit and bent down. I got some more river water which surprised her and myself. I think...I do have a pi-. "It takes centuries just to master one element. You think that I have time to improve their levels?" She shook her head no and I walked away.


I should have time but...

She started putting her clothes on and soon followed me. "You have a nice figure by the way." She then nodded and said "I'm glad you like it." Wasnt expecting that sort of monotone reaction but okay.

"So why are you out here alone?" She /is/ a famous princess right? Why the hell is she out here by her self? "To increase my level. I got Intel that a level 50 beast was out here and if I slay it then I can finally level up again.."

What? A level 36 fighting something thats....14 levels away? How can you be so crazy yet...Smart? "If your worried Time Master then I'll protect you." She then walked infront of me and I smiled a bit.

We continued walking for a bit and I saw this little rabbit. It had a single horn on its head. "Time master! Quickly! Try to defeat it!" I nodded and stuck my hand out.

A blue ball appeared and and bunny instantly disappeared. "What!? Where'd it go!?" She looked around and I said "I killed it.." I put my hand out again "With this.." She stared at the blue ball in amazement. "Is that the legendary...Time ball?" I nodded and she squealed.

Thank you Julius from black clover. I'll use your moves with good care over here. "You have to be lvl 50 and up in time magic to get that spell right!?" Her eyes sparkled and I nodded. "That's freaking amazing!!"

I guess she was a magic junkie? "My level went up a bit." She looked at me and said "To what?" I then said "To level 1." She stared at me and said "Hmmm...Time masters /are/ rumored to level up faster huh...That rabbit you killed shouldn't have made you go past level one.." She cupped her chin and I nodded.

This is...Kind of fun. Maybe this should Have been a completely different novel...

"Hey. Watch this.." Another rabbit appeared and it jumped at me. I then put my hands out and the rabbit froze mid air. "No..Way..." She then placed her hands on my shoulders. "What level is your time magic!?"

She shook me aggressively and I said "Level...10-" She cut me off as she knew I was over level 50 in a certain skill so that means that me saying anything with 1 and zero would mean that I'm level 100 or higher.

"T-The highest level in time magic was 90! Y-You set a..." She fell back a bit and I caught her. She had a smile on her face when I did. I then helped her up. "I'll show you all the things I can do later okay?"

She nodded and I took her sword. I then cut at the frozen bunny who was trapped in a time bubble and sliced it. I then resumed time and the rabbit flew into two separate pieces at the ground.

"Level 3. Nice..." She nodded and we kept walking through the forest. She told me about this world as I proclaimed to be in seclusion the whole time. "Yeah and my mother is considered the most beautifulest woman in the world."

My ear twitched a bit when she said that. "Well your the most beautifulest person I've ever seen so..."

"Well I'm the first person you've ever seen in over 500 years right? It doesnt count now does it?"

I...Couldnt argue with that logic. She managed to ignore my corny smooth talking and even managed to out play me..

We then arrived at this entrance of a small cave. "The level 50 beast is in here?" She looked at me and nodded. "This is where its claimed to be at atleast." I nodded and we started walking in. It was dark inside so she made a ball of fire in her hand.

"Im not fighting this one by the way.." I looked over at her and she nodded. "I wasn't thinking of letting you fight in the first place." She had her serious voice back.

We then got to this huge room and she grew the ball of fire. "You shouldn't use your magic like that..." I touched her shoulder and rewounded her body. Her magic fuel came back to her and she said "Yeah...You gotta show me that later on.." I laughed a bit and nodded.

After a bit of time, Something huge landed infront of us. "You...

"Yep. Welcome to the real world, kenji." This thing was massive. I would say about 30 meters in height. "Yeah....Good luck Lidia." I turned around and walked away. She then turned her back and said "Seriously!?" You wasnt planning on letting me fight so I'm just gonna get out of the way...

The...Bear..Yeah let's just call it a bear, roared out. It caused everything around us to shake when it did. I sat down and the battle started. "Fire Creation Magic: Burning concept!" She screamed out and a small cube made of fire appeared in her hand.

She then ran at the beast at light speeds. It was able to keep up however as it struck horizontally on her as she got closer. She slid under its strick and went between its legs. She then arrived at it's back side. She then punched at it with the fiery cube and...

She flew back. She hit the wall and coughed up blood. She stayed down for a while and I sighed. "Come on Lidia. Get up. Is this how the fire nation shows off their power?" She grunted a bit and slowly go up. Her armor was broken and she got into a stance.

"Fire creation magic: Hells flame!" She then put her hands out and a red light started appearing. The bear spared no time and ran at her. She then started screaming out and the bear got closer.

Time then stopped and the camera did a circle around the two. Time then resumed and she shot out the ball of fire. It connected with the bear and was sent flying back at a wall.

I then look over at her and saw her panting. "Hows...That!?" She shot her head at me and I clapped. "You did good....For someone who ultimately lost...." She then fell to the floor. Her clothes got ripped to shreds and huge claw markings appeared on her chest.

It would have been plot armour if she won with those simple moves. I then walked up to her and the bear sliced at me from afar. I froze the slice Mark's in the air then I froze the bear aswell.

"I'll take this back with us and when the time is right, you'll defeat it." I bent down and picker her up. I carried her naked, soft body and said "Time magic: Temporal Healing." Her body then turned back into a brand new one. Scar free and with more magic in her arsenal.

"Let me fight! I can win now! I promise!" I shook my head no and said "You would have died if I was never here and you would haved died again if I let you fight with it for a second time.." She slowly nodded and said "But if your here-"

"Dont even say that." She fliched when she heard me. "You think that I can keep healing your wounds over and over again huh? Well sorry. Its not going to happen. You need too lose some to understand how to win some."

I sat her down and she nodded. "Look. Im going to store it for you so whenever you think your ready..Come back to me okay?" She nodded and we decided to continue exploring the cage since we were here already.

"Hey look at this." I had a necklace in my hand. "I think that this would look good on you. What do you think?" She looked at me and shrugged. "Let's find out.." She moved her hair from behind her neck and I came up behind her.

I placed the necklace on and said "I was right...It looks amazing..." It had a red jewel in it which compliment her hair and eyes. "You think?" She looked around at it and smiled a bit. "Yeah, it does..." We then looked through the other treasure chest.

We found books, potions, jewelry, money, etc. I stored it all in my time pocket and we continued. We then got out of the cave and stood on top of a hill. "See that?" She pointed somewhere and I looked. "That's, my empire..My home.."

I looked at the huge volcano and said "Cool." I then looked away then immediately looked back. "Wait!? You all live in that volcano!?" She laughed a bit and nodded. That volcano was so huge that it could fit everyone inside of each wall in AOT in it.

It maybe even be able to fit the entire verse in their.."Geez. Your home is huge.." She smiled a bit and looked at me. "Now tell me Kenji." Her voice got serious. "Tell me...All of the skills that you have!" She grabbed my arms and sat me down.

I sighed a bit and started telling her about some of my skills. Not all of them tho, as I dont trust her that much yet..Even tho she respect Time Masters....

Yeah, I still ain't gonna tell her all of it..


(AN: Wow.. Isekai is actually pretty fun to write...)