
Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 15

After Yami disappeared, 3 people came out. "Hey! We're not finished!!" The one who said that looked like a punk and had this baseball which was made out of fire in his hand. He also had a small ball of fire in the other. "Haha! I found a new friend! He's way more interesting than you!"

Luck laughed out and zipped behind me. "So hes one of the new rookies..." He looked at me then looked to his side a bit. "And those are the other new recruites..." He looked over at them and snicked. "Captain Yami chose a lot this year huh? Let's see what they can do.."

As he said that, the ball of fire floated out infront of him and he cocked his bat back. "I'm leaving..." Xaoi then disappeared and Magna said "Get back here!!" He looked all around but soon stopped as he knew he was actually gone.

"My~Yami chose quite the charmers this year.." I saw this pink haired woman walk up to Asta and she cupped his face. "My name is Vanessa little boy. What's yours?" She winked at Asta and he stared at her. "Asta. My name is Asta..." She smirked at him and looked at Nero.

"Your cute aswell~" Nero stared at her then looked away. She soon layed her eyes on me and smiled. She soon walked over to me and said "Whays your name~..." She fell down to the ground and we all stared at her. "Dont worry! Shes not dead!" He laughed behind my shoulder like a psychopath.

"I'll be the one to kill you all!!" He said that with a smile on his face which made me sweat a bit. "Hey Mister!" This small child floated over to me on...Cotton? It was like a cotton cloud or something. "I have a yummy treat for you!" She held out a cupcake and I took it. "Thanks?..." I looked over and saw that Asta and Nero had one aswell.

I then bit into it and my face lit up. It was so sweet that it made me cringe a bit. "Its delicious..." She smiled at that and said "Have another.." She made some more and stuffed them all into my face. I chocked a bit and Luck said "Dont die! I have to kill you before you do!"

He put his hands around my neck and started squeezing. "Your wide open!" A fire ball came at me and I put my hand out. I then smacked it and it flew into the ground. "What!?" His glasses slid off his face a bit and he looked at me.

"Dont You see it magna!?" He let me go and stood beside me. "His power...Is way beyond ours!!" He pointed at me with a look on his face. "So!? Hes ignoring me which is disrespectful!!!" He shot out multiple balls of fire at me while screaming.

I hit them all away and even one at Asta. Asta hit it back at me with his sword and I hit it at Magna. It came at him to fast for him to even react and he got hit. He was then sent flying into finral which made him scream out. "Haha! That was amazing!!" He blitzed passed me and went to Asta.

He then took his hand and started shaking it. "How did you do that!?" He increased his speed and Asta said "M-My sword...." He increased his speed even more and nodded. "You have no Magic but your strong! Let's fight!!" He blitzed back and got into a stance. Asta immediately denied it and I smiled a bit.

"So this is the black bulls huh?' I looked all over at the chos and chuckled a bit. Nero then flew onto my head and said "Its too noisy. Let's go inside." I agreed with her and I started walking towards the hole in the door. I came inside and looked all around.

It was the exact same. "Hey, I'm Kenji. What's your Name?" I looked over at the tall and black smoking man and it stared down at me. It puffed some smoke out into my face then walked away. "Okay then.." I soon started walking around the whole base and found an empty room.

It had a single bed with a table and chair in the room. A small bookshelf aswell with a small window in the middle of the back wall. "I guess this is my room.." Nero flew off of my head and looked around. "I...Want to sleep here aswell.."

I held my hand out and a box appeared. "That's fine..." I sat the chest down on the bed and opened it. There were a few normal clothes in it and I soon closed it. "We wont be using these for a while anyways..." I awkwardly laughed and picked the chest up.

I then stepped back from the bed a bit and bent down. I slid the chest under the bed and bent back up. "Your in this dump too peasant?" I looked towards the voice and saw her. It was the same girl from the exam.

"Why are you here?" I walked up to her and she backed up with her arms crossed. "Dont come near me." She stared at me and I sighed. "And dont ask me about my personal business." But you asked me about mine. A world we live in huh?

"Okay. Bye then." I turned back around and walked over to my desk. "W-Wait!" She held her hand out and I looked over my shoulder. "What is it?" She stared at me for a moment then she slowly put her hand back. "Nevermind. Goodbye Peasant." She flipped her hair and walked away.

"Those Guardians..They always think that their above everyone...." I sighed out a bit and sat down on the bed.

The 9...Guardians. Said to have been bestowed with extraordinary power from the gods. They were created to Protect Me essentially. Well not me but the Time users in general so I guess it is technically me.

Anyways, the 9 Magic knight captains are said to be their descendants which is true actually. They arent human but they look like us. Their race is literally called 'Gaurdian.' They have more magical power then most races and can use it better then most races.

They were basically perfect in every single way. They had to be as they were supposed to protect the ones who kept the peace of the world. "They changed over time..." I looked over at Nero and nodded. She wasnt wrong actually.

The 3rd Time Master denied their help about 2 million years ago which caused some things to be thrown out of place. They still respect us but they wont go out of their way to protect us now. "Old Man 3rd. Just because you got rejected by one of them.."

One thing about Old Man 3rd was that he actually tried to find love. He was rejected however and decided to have a student. The student was my master and yeah..

He trained my Master then killed himself soon after. He...Was the joke and example for us Future Time Masters..

"Yeah-" I was stopped mid sentence as the window shattered into pieces. Nero quickly made an air clone and used it to block the shards of glass while the other bits of the glass just passed through me. "What the hell?" I got up and walked over to the broken window.

"Get Your ass down here!!" Magna screamed out at me with luck laughing behind him. "Its time for orientation! Hurry your ass up!!" I stared at him and nodded. Nero then changed into a bird and flew on top of my head.

I soon jumped down and landed next to Asta. Xaoi immediately appeared next to me which made me flinch a bit. "So they got you too..." I stared at him in confusion. He saw my confusion and pointed upwards.

I then saw that the window under mine was shattered and I laughed out a bit. He hit me in the head with his spear when I said that "Also, Give me my mask back." He hit me again and I moved back a bit. "I just wanted to test it out..." I reached into my back pocket and pulled it out.

"Nobody should wear this. It corrupts the mind of anyone who does and makes them insane." Yeah..I cant take that seriously if your causally putting it on like that. "Why are you putting it on now?" He then sat down and crossed his legs.

"To heal myself of everything..." As he said that, his mask glowed slowly and I saw his clothes turning cleaner. I could also see that his skin was becoming whiter. "That's cool..." I reached my hand out at his face.

"Stop." He hit it away quickly and I held it. "Your so mean to me Xaoi..." He fliched a bit at this and said "Weirdo..." I sighed out a bit and said "So...What is this so called orientation about?" I put my hands in my pockets while looking at him.

"To join the black bulls of course!" He laughed out and Asta said "What will we be doing?" Xaoi stood up and took his mask off. He stared at me out of the corner of his eye with a disgusted look then looked away.

"I will give you a test so I can see the man inside of you!!" We all stared at him then I looked over at finral. "How did he join then?" Luck laughed out and finral sighed a bit. He then turned around with his head down and teleported away.

"I...was kidding..." I could never not like finral. He's funny as hell. "Now then! For your first test!.." He pointed at a huge boulder. "You must break that with your head alone! Begin!!" We stared at him then looked over at the rock.

"Give me my robe." Xaoi stared at him and Magna snickered. "You'll get this robe when I say so!" He pointed to himself and smiled. Xaoi didnt say a word back and only walked up to the boulder. He stood in front of it and twitched.

"Give me my robe." The boulder cracked a bit behind him then exploded into pieces. Magna then stared at him with his mouth gaped open. "Well....He got you there..." The drunken woman weaved her wand around and a black bulls robe came onto him.

"Good job.." She stammered over to him and fell down at his feet. Xaoi starred at this and started walking away. He then jumped up a bit and flew into his window. "Guess it's our turn.." I put my hands behind my head and yawned out a bit.

Asta did the same and we waited. "O-Okay! For the next test, You will be..." He stuck his hand out and a small ball appeared. "Earlier, you were able to deflect my slow ball. Let's see how you fair against my fast ball..."

(AN: Slow ball...Isnt a thing is it.)

He made a bat out of fire again and said "Ready!?" We didn't even get a chance to answer as he already begun. He shot out multiple balls of fire at us and I smiled a bit. "I guess they are faster..." One came at my face and I hit it away.

He grunted a bit and got faster. Asta was able to dodge them aswell with ease while Nero was just sticking to my head. One then came at my head and I ducked. It flew past me and I said "That was close.."

He smiled at that and I pulled my sword out. I then twirled my body around and cut the ball of fire that boomeranged back at me. "But not close enough..." I put the sword back into sheath on my back and turned around. He frowned at this and kept going.

He continued for about 10 minutes until he fell to his knees. "This years rookies are tough..." He panted out and luck laughed at him. "But congratulations...You all passed..." He forced himself back up and smiled.

"My name is Magna. Welcome to the black bulls..." He smiled out at us and we smiled aswell. I then felt something come over me and it rested on my body. I looked down at the robe and smiled.

"A..Mazing!!" Asta cheered out a bit at the robe. "I'm finally going to be someone important in this world!!" I looked over at him then looked back. I guess the robe gave him that sort of feeling. "Good Job Asta..."

He smiled at me and Nero flew out beside me. She then transformed and got her robe aswell. "Good job guys~.." She stammered behind us and pulled us in. Her breast hit the back of my head and I sighed out in relief.

She soon let go and fell back onto the ground. I think she was out for real this time. "Are you brats done?" Yami came out with finral by his side. "Yes Yami Sir! We just finished and they passed with flying colors!!" He somehow teleported in front of Yami and saluted.

Yami stated at him for a moment then blew smoke into his face. I then said "We have to be somewhere so...GoodBye I Guess.." Me, Asta and Nero started walking away towards the woods but was stopped by a cold aura. "Where the hell do ya think your going?" I turned my head over my shoulders and stared at him.

"Were going to go see our friends for one last time. Surely you'll step up as a captain and respect our wishes..." We stared at each other and he eventually puffed out some smoke. "We were going to celebrate your entrance into our squad but I guess you have more important matters..." He then turned around and said "Enjoy it."

He walked away and I smiled a bit. I would have loved to celebrate with my new squad but it can wait. 2 people wouldnt have even wanted to join in on the celebration so I guess this was fine in a way.

We soon walked in the forest a bit and teleported. We then arrived in another forest and continued walking until we got out of it. We saw the moons in the sky as we stood at the edge of the cliff. "Its beautiful huh?" The wind blew a bit and our clothes flapped.

"Yeah, It is..." We were in the forest outside of the city. We were also on top of a cliff that gave us a view of the entire city. "The lights...Remind me of earth..." Asta stared out and I looked at him out of the corner of my eyes. "But this...Is better..."

I slowly looked back with my eyes going down a bit. We kept starring out at the city and moon alike and heard the bushes behind us rustle. "Master!!" Someone came up behind me and hugged around my legs.

I looked over my shoulder a bit and smiled. "Kaida.." I rubbed the top of her head then picked her up. "You look cute in your small little robe kaida..." She stared at me for a moment then giggled. "Ms. Squad leader said the same!"

She then wrapped her arms around my neck as I held her from under. The bushes then rustled some more and I looked back at them. The 3 soon appeared and I stared at them. "Well?" Lidia had on the basic uniform and I said "It looks great on you." I put my thumb out at her and she smiled a bit.

"Yeah...I can get used to this..." Scanty checked herself all out and said "Dont I look even sexier Kenji?" She turned around and stuck her butt out while posing. I then walked up to her and checked her out. "Hmm...this one doesnt show as much skin..."

I then hit her butt and she squealed out. "Jokes aside tho..." She turned around while holding her butt. "It looks good on you.." I smiled out at her and she slowly did aswell.

I then walked up to Kneesocks and stared at her. "You...Look good in it aswell.." She and Kaida were in the same squad as each other so they were wearing the same clothes.

"Thank You.." She smiled at me and I did the same. I then walked back over to the edge of the cliff and sat down. Kaida sat down on my crotch and we stared out together. "I'm going to go call Megumin. I'll be back later..." He winked at me and ran off into the woods.

Everyone soon started sitting down next to me with Lidia and my right and Scanty on my left. Nero sat on top of my head and I held her legs. We all then stared out while enjoying the moment. "So...When are we having sex?"

The moment didnt last long and they all stared at me for some reason. I then forced out a cough and said "I-I'm ready..." When I said that, I could see a light smile on most of their faces. Kaida then teleported behind me and Nero turned into a bird and flew behind me.

"We...Are doing this here?" Lidia, Scanty, And Kneesocks then got up aswell and looked down at me. "Oh Yeah. You did say something about that huh?" I guess she was talking about that one time when she told me her backstory.

'Unpleasant' was the word I used I think. "Well it's a very special night so I dont mind it this time..." I got up and turned around. I then saw them all naked and they smiled at me. "You all look..." I looked down a bit and took my blindfold off.

"Amazing..." I looked up at them and smiled. Scanty and Kneesocks mouth gaped when they saw my eyes. "Its like...Your complete now..." They both drooled at me and I laughed a bit. "I'm complete now huh?.." I laughed more while smiling.

"Me and Master are twins!!" She teleported in front of me and smiled. I then picked her up from under her armpits and stared. "Your body is so small kaida!!" I put her belly up to my face and blew on it. She laughed out while grabbing my hair. "That tickles!..." She continued to laugh out and I soon stopped.

She then sighed out in relief with a blush on her face. "Master is so mean...".She pouted a bit and turned her head away. "Kaida. Your turn is up..." Scanty appeared In front of me and pushed me down. I then hit the ground and Kaida sat on top of my crotch.

"But I didn't get a chance to do anything yet..." She made a sad face and looked down. "Hmm...Maybe I should let Master decide.." She then started pulling my pants back. Scanty then walked over to the side of me and I looked up.

Her pussy was already wet and some clear slime fell down on my face. "Oops..." She squatted down and smiled at me. "Let me get that for you..." She scooped up her pussy juice with her fingers and put it towards her mouth.

"Wait..." She was about to put it into her mouth but I stopped her. "Let me..." I grabbed her hand and put her finger into my mouth. I licked all around it and her eyes widened a bit. I went under her fingers nail a bit aswell which made her moan.

"Kenji..." She fell back with her finger in my mouth and started playing with herself. "Kenji...." She kept saying my name faster and Faster and soon started twitching. "D-Drink it all Kenji!!~" She came back up to me quickly and pulled my face into her pussy.

I then felt a warm stream of water hit my face and I opened my mouth a bit. Her warm stream then continued to go into my mouth and she moaned out. "Kenji~...." She twitched a bit more and let me go. She then fell back and sighed out.

"Ive...Been alive for 1800 years and I've never felt that good before..." She squirted out a bit more and looked at me. She saw me licking around my lips which made her face become redder. "You really are the only one for me kenji..."

She smiled at me and I smiled at her. "W-What are you doing!?" I looked up and saw Lidia being grabbed from behind by Kneesocks. "My sister is warming him up for you and I'm going to warm you up for him..." She continued to fondle her breast which made Lidia blush a bit.

I...Got kind of jealous as it takes me forever to get her to look like that. "S-Stop it!" The both fell down to the ground and Kneesocks slid up her back. "Let's get you nice...." She licked her ear lobe. "And Wet..." She put her tounge inside of Lidia's ear and I stared.

"Dont Worry. Were not through yet..." Scanty then twisted around a bit and started crawling towards me. I then felt something bit down on my crotch area and I looked over. I saw Kaida biting my tip like she was trying to get into the center of a tootsie pop.

(AN: He said he had fun writing that one.)

Scanty then arrived next to me and put her leg over head. She then moved her self and sat down on my face. Her slimy and wet pussy smothered me and she said "How is it? Isnt is sweet and slimy?~..." Her pussy then got wetter and she slowly started moving.

Her slimy pussy juice was getting all over my face while tickling me aswell. Her bush tickled my nose a bit which made it move, which made her moan out a bit. "Your nose is so long!!" She moved faster while grabbing my hair.

Kaida then put my dick in her small mouth hole and started moving up and down. "Mashster is a big as ever..." She shoved it deep down in her throat and I felt her tonsils. She gagged a bit which made her mouth hole even tighter then before.

"Kaida..." I held onto Scanty's thighs and started eating her out. "Nero.....Switch with me pleaSe..." Kaida pulled my dick out and my eyes widened a bit.

I forgot she was here as she was dead silent. "Ill...Try..." She appeared and Kaida scooted over. Nero hesitantly placed her hand on my dick and Kaida said "Its okay! It feels amazing!!"

Nero looked over at her then looked back down at my dick. A small sweat mark appeared and she grabbed it. My grip on Scanty's thighs immediately tightened and I sunk my fingers into them. "Kenji~Your so rough..." She moved faster and faster with drool flinging out of her mouth.

"Its like...A hot rod..." She squeezed it tighter while moving it all around. She then made her way up to tip and started trickling her fingers all over it. "So wet..." She pulled her fingers away a bit and stared at the string of saliva.

She then put it up to her face and unconsciously licked it. "Sweet..." She then placed her hand back on my dick and started moving a bit. Her small hands made me moan a bit and she noticed this. She then went faster and faster while Kaida was giggling out.

Kaida then placed her hand on my dick aswell and they both locked fingers. They started jerking me off together which made me blush even harder. "Kenji~...Im coming again!!" She got off my face and a strings of clear through slime was seen all over my face.

She then started playing with her pussy in my face and squirted. I got all over me which made me cum aswell. Nero immediately moved back while Kaida cheered out at the fountain of youth.

"Its all over me..." Nero looked at the white paste on her skin and sighed. "But...It means you felt good doesnt it..." She smiled at the slime covered face of mine and I nodded. "You two...Are ready now right?" Scanty fully got up while wobbling and looked over Lidia and Kneesocks.

I did aswell and saw Lidia panting like a tired dog. "Yeah...I'm finished here..." The sisters came closer to each other and smiled. Nero and Kaida got off me and I teleported in front of Lidia with my belly on the ground.

"Dont look at me..." Her face was all red which made me blush. "You...Look better then me..." I crawled towards her and cupped her face. She smiled a bit at that and snuggled her face into my hand.

"Time for you two to get naked!" Kaida snapped her fingers and our clothes disappeared. "You two love birds need to hurry up aswell..." They all walked over to us and stared. Me and Lidia stared as at each other then nodded.

Lidia then layed up then sat on her butt. "I'm...Ready for you..." She formed her legs into an M position and started spreading her pussy. I saw the steam coming off of her and I slowly crawled up to her. "Its as beautiful as the first day I met her..." I placed my hands on her kneecaps and stared down.

"I know it is..." She tried hiding her embarrassment but I could see through it all. "Are...You ready?" As I was saying that, The other 4 bent down and stared closely at our crotches. "Yes, I'm...Ready.." She looked away while blushing and I nodded.

I then took my right hand off of her kneecap and gripped my dick. I scooted in closer and started rubbing against her entrance. "That's it! Plunge it into her!" Scanty and Kneesocks...Were getting into this a little bit to much. "Shove it in there! I wanna see a blood bath!!" They both screamed out in my ear and we slowly nodded.

"I'm...Going in now..." I positioned it right above her hole and she said "I...Love you Kenji.." I put it into her and...


(AN: It...Is very hard to write a sex scene when....You ain't horny. I'm actually going to tell you guys a secret between us authors when we write them.

We all have raging boners when writ- *bang!!*

"He...Said to much.." A bald man in a black suit blew the wind away from his muzzle and walked away.)