
Chapter 68

I was back in my hotel room now. I was putting on some clothes for the reception. "Aphrodite. Does this look good on me?" She came up behind me and I turned around. "Spin around for me please." I started spinning slowly.

"Yea! It looks amazing honey. It's perfect for you!" I smiled and turned back to the mirror. I was just wearing a regular black tuxedo. I had my black round framed glasses on so it complimented my looks.

"You dont have to worry about what's going to happen tonight" I said while putting my bow tie on. "I know! You can take care of it right." I just nodded my head.

"Well, it's time for me to go." I turned around and showed her my final look. She clasped her hands together and smiled. "Have fun honey!" She came up to me and jumped in my arms.

"Yea yea. Now put some clothes on." She giggled and let me go. "You worry for nothing. You know that your the only person in the world who can see me."

That's true. Me saying that someone can use a quirk to see her was kinda stupid but still. "Your right." I paused for a moment. "But you can atleast put a shirt on. Your boobs could kill a city you know?"

I laughed and ran out the door. I could see her blushing and pouting a little but it just seemed cute to me. I went to the elevator and called it. You see, the hotel I was in was actually the building that the fight was going to happen on. The elevator came and I got in. I pressed the first floor button and the doors closed.

While I was in the elevator, I pulled out my phone. "I'm here guys." I was texting the class group chat.

I then put my phone away and arrived on the first floor. I went to the meeting place and waited.

"Wow kenji. Your looking quite nice." I looked up and saw the man himself. "Ofcourse it does. I'm the one wearing it after all." He laughed then disappeared.

"Oh kenji! There you are!" Ida came up to me and started talking. He was moving his arms around weirdly. "That outfits suits you!" I looked at him and said "And so does yours." He did look a little cool.

"I guess we have to wait together now." I shook my head at him.


There was a long silence. I even saw some hay rolling around. While i was looking at it, mina showed up. She was wearing a pink dress that was a little darker than her skin. She looked beautiful. "Wow kenji. You look amazing!" She ran up to me and jumped in my arms. I went with it and spun her around.

"Thank you! You look amazing too!" She smiled and blushed a little. I sat her back down on the ground and we talked. She said that she doesnt usually dress up for things like this so it's kinda new to her.

I told her that I only dressed up a couple of times before to make her not seem 'left out.' While we were talking, so more people started coming in. They were all dressed well. Tsuyu went for a dark green dress while toru had on a dark blue one. It complimented her short blue hair.

We were all waiting for Kirishima and bakugo now. Izuku and uraraka told us before hand that they were going to be late so it's fine. I wonder what they were doing tho?


"Are we even going the right way!?" Bakugo was yelling at kirishima. "I think so dude. The map said to go this way so let's just follow that." Kirishima kept walking but bakugo stopped.

"Are you saying that you were just walking around?" Kirishima stopped and looked back. "Yea why?" Bakugo twitched and started making small explosions in his hand. "You bastard! We're going to be late because of you!!" He then jumped at Kirishima.


"Oh my. Dont you two look good together." izuku and uraraka was here now. "Thank you." They both were holding hands and blushing from everyone stares. "Look at you Kenji. Your outfit really suits you."

I laughed a little and patted his head. When I did that, melissa came through the door. There must have been some type of imaginary fan blowing on her because there was no wind outside.

"Hey guys. Am I late?" She scratched the back of her head and smiled. "Yea, you are." The whole room went silent and looked at kaminari. "Anyways, we should-" Momo got cut off by the sound of an loud alarm.

The whole class panicked but was calmed down by ida. "Stay calm everyone! We're heros. We should know how to act in times like these." The class was still on edge. The girls came up me and circle me.

What are they trying to do? "Melissa. What was that alarm for?" Izuku asked the obvious question. "That alarm.. That was the intruder alarm. It goes off when someone or something is trying to by pass their way into the system.

The class nodded their heads. "If there is an intruder than all might should be able to save everyone." Everyone shook there heads in agreement. "Our phones and the elevators dont work in this lockdown so we have to walk to the banquet to see if everyone's safe.

We all shook our heads and started walking. "You guys didnt have to do that. I can protect myself." They looked at me and stared. "We're sorry Kenji. It's just that-" I cut them off right there.

"I'll protect you guys. Not the other way around. You should try and protect yourself in times like this." They nodded their heads in a serious manner and we kept walking.

I say that you should protect yourself and yet I'm protecting other people. But still, having my harem protect me would be cool but they can do that when they are strong enough.


"All..Might?" Our class was above the banquet. We saw how all the heros were trapped in some sort of blue strings and that all might was on the stage. There were some people with guns and masks walking around. They were threatening the regulars and heroes alike.

Now I know I said something about all might being restored to his 'prime.' He should be able to take them out right? Well, that time limit is still the same. I'd say we have about 30 minutes before he runs out and they know that aswell.

They are stalling right now and waiting for him to run out of buffness so they can initiate the other phases of their plans. Izukus smoke screen should be able to distract them but they have guns that go off whenever a quirk is activated in a certain area.

"All might got captured!? We're screwed now." Kaminari was saying the truth. "Guys. I dont want to say this but we might have to do this ourselves." Everyone stared at izuku. "They captured all might so its up to us, the only people who haven't been caught yet, to save the day."

Everyone stared at him then at each other. "Your right. We have to step up now." said momo. The rest of our classmates looked at each other then back. They all was starting to realized the importance of what's going on. They all then started to agree with what momo and izuku was saying. Our classes decision seemed to have shocked melissa. It honestly shocked me aswell.

I guess fighting against nine gave them some type of encouragment. They were still hesitant but they had to try atleast.

They were a little thrown off by the alarm and all might being captured but they eventually composed themselves. "Yea! Momo and midoriya is right. We have to step up now!" Ida only boosted everyone confidence.

"Well, we have to let all might know that we are safe and that we're going to save the day." Everyone nodded at me. "Momo. Go over there and create me a laser pointer please." She nodded and went to where I was pointing. She made a laser pointer from her finger and gave it to me.

"Here you go Kenji." I took it from her and started aiming it at all might. I aimed it at his eye and he flinched. He looked at where it was coming from and saw me. Well all of us.

He seemed relieved until I started pointing up. He gave me a 'Dont you dare' look and I smiled. He kept shaking his head no, but then stopped once he saw how determined we were.

I read his mind and it was saying, "There going to be fine. They have young skies and young midoriya after all." Geez old man. You call us 'young' in your head aswell?

All might then nodded at me and gave me a 'Protect them' type glare. I nodded at all might and we left.
