
Chapter 63

I was seen by the window of a flying plane.

I had my earphones in and was listening to the sound of pouring rain. While I was starring out the window, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "We will be arriving in 10 minutes sir. Please buckle your seatbealt."

I did as I was told and buckled my seatbelts. The women then reached over to my lap and grabbed a plate. The women left and I stared at her back.

Ahe turned back around and I looked away fast. I then looked out the window again and saw the floating island. It was moving slowly but still. It looked even more high tech than the anime proclaimed it to be.

"I only have a few hours of free time before attending that meeting." I talked to myself and sighed.

"Attention. We will be landing at I-Island in a short time. We advise you to fasten your seat belts." The seatbelts sign then started blinking.

Who was that announcement for? I was literally the only person aboard this plane.


"Please show me your i.d., Sir." I reached into my pockets and took out my hero licenses. She grabbed it and swiped it into the computer. She stared at the screen for a moment then told me that I was clear to leave.

I left the airport and arrived outside. There was a lot of people and huge buildings aswell. "I feel like theres a problem here." I was a V.I.P but I haven't gotten any special treatment since the plane.

I shrugged it off and left anyways. I walked around to look for some tourist spots. I arrived at this one place that looked like a futuristic arcade or something. I wanted to see how this was any different from the ones back home so I decided to play.

I walked up to a claw machine game and found out that there was no toys in it. Only electronics and cash was in it. "Free money I guess." I then placed my arcade card in. It had some tickets and alot of coins on it so I can use it without a care.

I used my quirk and started playing the game. I played for a while and eventually got all the prizes. There was a heard of people around me but it didnt bother me. Winning every time without a single lost would attract some people.

I decided that this was enough for today and was about to leave. I was about to walk through the door but out the corner of my eye, I saw a blonde haired girl with glasses. Her hair was long enough to go down to her back. She was quite tall for a women aswell but that didnt matter.

Anyways, she seemed to be struggling with a game so I did that anyone would do. I walked out the arcade and left. I'm sure I will meet her when all might and izuku comes. Though having a headstart with her wouldnt sound too bad.


I had a loli pop in my mouth with my hands on the back of my head. I was walking around, trying to find some interesting 'games.' I saw one that could test your strength. There was also one that tested speed.

I walked passed both of them and went to something that was even better. It was one of those tournament things where 2 people go up and fight and the winner stays. The winner then has to fight someone else and it goes on until he loses. The whole thing then repeats.

I payed for my ticket and went inside the stadium. I arrived at my seat and sat down. There was a match going on right now between someone with a electricity type quirk and a water quirk.

The man with lightning shot some out and hit the water user who was covering her body in water. Why would she do that? The lightning hit her and she was shocked unconscious.

"The winner is crypto yet again! The man who has won 19 fights in a row. Is there anybody who thinks they can challenge him!?" The lady then held his hand up and put it in the sky. People started cheering and the lady continued talking. "Is there anything that the winner has to say?"

"....." He said nothing.

There was no one who put their hands up by the way. You would think that someone out of a thousand people would but I guess not. I sighed and stood up. "May I try?" Everyone turned their heads and looked at me. "Sure! Come on down!" I nodded my head and started walking down.

I arrived in the arena and waited. "Sir, my I ask for your name and quirk please?" I looked at the women and nodded. "My name is Mars. My quirk is called negation." She shook her head and said "And can you tell us what your quirk does?"

I sighed then said "I can negate anything basicall, even quirks." I saw everyone in the stadium shake their heads in approval. "Crypto. Would you please explain your quirk for us once more." The man nodded and pulled out a piece of paper with writing on it.

"My name is crypto. My quirk is electricity manipulation. As the name suggest, I can control electricity without a problem."

That's broken. What is this mane doing in a place like this? Well, no matter how broken the power is, there is always a drawback.

His was that he was physically weak so a hit to the face should do it. Although he protects his whole body with electricity and that gives him some major endurance.

"Alright. Now that you guys know each other powers. Let's begin." The lady then started floating in the sky. "3..2..1.. begin!" The man immediately shot me with a beam of electricity.

I stuck my hand out and absorbed it. Crypto didnt even bat and rushed at me. He disappeared into a streak of lightning and appeared behind me. He created a sword of lightning and struck me in the stomach.

I looked down and saw the sword that was inside of me. Crypto was already back where he started and just stared at me. The sword then disappeared, only leaving me with a bloodied wound.

The crowd was still silent.

"..." said crypto. I can read your mind you know. He was laughing at me inside of his head right now.

I sighed and put my hand over my stomach. The wound then started closing. This was regeneration but they dont know that. "Amazing! To be able to heal from a serious wound like that.. Your quirk is amazing!"

Crypto didnt seem to care about me healing. He started channeling lightning around his whole body and bolted at me. He arrived in front of my face then jumped back. He then bolted around me in a circle, waiting for a chance to attack.

He continued circuling around until he saw an opening. His eyes turned into lightning and he charged at me. He made a spear of lightning and thrusted towards the back of my head.

I quickly turned around and the spear was at my eye. It was about a inch away from it and and i could feel the loose electricity that was on the the spear, hitting my eyeball.

I ducked and grabbed the spear of lightning. I sunk into the ground a little but I was still fine. I did a complete 180 and threw him at a wall.

He flew into the wall and stayed there.

There was silence until someone started clapping. Everyone followed and soon the whole ring flew up in excitement.

I scratched the back of my head and waved at the people. In that moment tho, crypto started floating out of the rubble. His body was covered with lightning and his eyes were white with electricity coming out if them.

I sighed and got ready again. When I did, he pointed at me. The clouds above quickly changed and red lightning flew at me. I looked up like I was surprised and 'panicked.' I stuck my hands out to the sky and caught the lightning in my palm.

The pressure was so 'intesne' that the ground under me started cracking. While I was distracted from the lightning, he appeared behind me. I turnt my head towards him and he punched me in the face with a ball of lightning.

I sped into a wall at high speeds then stopped. In the arena, I could hear cheers all around. The sky brightened and crypto soon stopped releasing lightning from around himself.

He stared at where I was lying then looked away. In that split second tho, I appeared in front of him and held him up by the neck. He struggled for a moment then released lightning on me. I didnt flinch at all and he seemed surprised at that.

"I'll be taking your spot light now." I then started squeezing harder and soon slammed him into the ground. It did it multiple times just incase. The crowd cheered louder at the view. They expected me to be knocked out by that punch but they were wrong.

"The winner is Mars! Does anyone have the guts to challenge him!?" The lady floated back down and held my hand up.

Crypto was a fun person to fight with. Although, if this wasnt my hero but some other verse then he could have went far with that quirk.

The crowd was still cheering but when the announcer said that, they went silent.

After a while, a women raised her hand. "I'll fight 'em" She looked American and sounded like it aswell. "Good! Come to the stage to begin!" The lady then walked down onto the arena. Crypto was already gone by the way.


The red haired women, named rose, had the power of phasing. She had complete control over it and didnt fall through the ground without warning like a certain person. "Begin!" said the announcer lady.

She ran at me then fell through the floor midway. I looked all over to find her but it didnt take long for her to appear.

She popped up behind me and punched towards the center of my back. She landed the hit on me but It did nothing. She wasnt surprised and just assumed that it was my quirk.

She jumped back then started running at me again. I turnt around and swung my fist at her but she just phased throught it. She stop phasing when she was behind me and did a pivot on her left leg. She then went for the head this time.

She punched at me but I caught it. She instantly phased through it and started..Floating. She can do that? Lemme check google real quick to see if this is even possible.

Whelp, it's possible alright. Anyways, before she floated off, I grabbed on to her leg with my right hand and pulled her towards my left hand.

I held her by her neck and she started squirming. "What the hell!? I cant go through you?" She then put her hands on mine and tried pulling them away from her neck. "I can just negate your powers so they dont work. I already told you this."

She stopped squirming after hearing that. "I concede then." She put her amrs up and that was my decloration of victory. I sat her back down on the ground and she started coughing. "Mars wins again! Does anyone want to challenge him again!?" Someone immediately put their hand up.

It was a man with long black hair. He was Japanese. "Come on down!" The man then teleported then appeared in front of my face. He was too close for comfort. "W-Woah! You must have a teleportation quirk I assume?" The man then nodded.


"You may now begin!"

I have to admit that people with teleportation quirks are tricky. But, its interesting to me.

The man, named kazuma, teleported. He didnt appear for a while until he did. He struck me from behind and I flew away. I hit the ground multiple times before stopping.

As I was getting up, he appeared from my side and kicked me in the stomach really hard. He sure does kick hard for someone with a teleportation..Quirk?

What a cheater. This mane has 2 quirks but only told us that he had teleportation. He has a basic body enhancement quirk by the way.

I flew up into the sky. The island really was beautiful. As I was thinking that, he appeared beside me and tried kicked me down. He succeed and i went into the stadium, creating a crater.

Kazuma then appeared next to me and squatted down. "This is what you get."

? What did I do? I thought for a moment then sighed. That rose women was his partner in crime or something so he didnt like what I did to her.

After he said that, he quickly threw a punch at me that would kill any normal person. I could've let him hit me but nah. I put my hand up and caught it. He seemed shocked and tried teleporting away. He couldnt for some reason.

I used my other hand and punched him in the stomach. His eyes went white for a moment and some food came out.

I fully got up and held him up by his arms. "You cant teleport away if you are behind held by another person right?" His pupils came back and widened.

I took his right arm and bent it backwards. I could hurt people to this degree apparently. I just couldnt kill them. I then proceeded to do the same with his left arm aswell.

I threw him to the floor and stood over him.

Right now, his arms were bent backwards and that made him look like his body was the wrong way around.

I picked him up by the neck and walked to the center of the arena. I held him up in the sky for a moment and squeezed.

His body fell limp and I threw him to the floor.

All the gore silenced some people but there was still some who were clapping. I saw a red hair women behind held back somehow even tho she could just pass through them.

"Mars has done it again." She came down and put my hands up. "If anyone still wants to challenge him then come on Down." I sighed a little because of what was about to come.


Well that was fun. I was now in my hotel room. I was recognized at the front counter and since no one picked me up at the airport, they gave me a room on the top floors. I took a shower and started to get ready. I was about to meet up with Mrs. Yoyorozu.

I put on black pants with a long sleeved grey shirt and a black vest. I was putting on some black boots now and was almost done. I then put an ear piece on that could transmit thoughts to one another. It was a prototype that me and mrs. yoyorozu was testing out.

I got up from tying my shoes and put on some black shades. I looked more like a butler than a bodyguard but that's fine.

I picked up my phone and was about to put it in my pocket when I suddenly got a text message. "We are coming tommorow so meet up with us when we get off the plane." I smiled a little and put my phone in my back pocket. I then left the room and started walking towards a elevator.


"My~ You look so handsome in that!" I was driving mrs. yoyorozu to the meeting. "Thank you. You look amazing aswell." I looked through the mirror and saw her blushing. "Do you like the outfit that I gave you? I chose it out myself."

I then said "Yea it's perfect. I think it brings out my looks." She then put her hands on her face and started squealing. Oh yea, this outfit is from her. Before I came to the airport, I went to the her mansion. I talked with momo and then went to her moms room.

I went in and we talked abit. She gave me this suit and told me to where it when we meet. She was referring to the meeting.

Anyways, we reached the spot where she told me to drive to. I parked the car and got out. I went up to her door and opened it for her. I then put my hand out and waited.

"So gentlemanly." She took my hand and got out of the car. "So why are we at a ice cream stand again?" It was a literal truck that sold ice cream to people. "Just follow behind me. Also, dont speak unless spoken to." Why did she get so serious all of a sudden.

I followed her into the ice cream truck and waited. She then pressed a button that was under a cabinet and we started moving down.

"A elevator huh?" She then quickly put her finger over my mouth. "Dont talk." I nodded my head and we continued down. The elevator soon stopped and the door opened. I looked around and noticed that the whole room was dark except the middle where a huge table was at. There was some people sitting down with bodyguards behind them aswell.

"Welcome Mrs. Yoyorozu. Please, have a seat." We then started walking towards her seat. "Oh? So those people were.."
