

Human goes to mha world, gets system, become higher than god by chapter 5, becomes #1 hero by chapter 87 I think and dies in chapter 88. Series starts off trash, gets barely good, then become trash again. Then it gets worse and worse. Reas if your bored. Turn your brain off when you do by the way. Alright, future me here. He does not in fact become a hero by 87. maybe 100? Yea.. .... Future author here from chapter 120 or whatever. Thank you for 900 followes. I'm glad you enjoyed this story. .... Thanks for 1k. Started this all as a joke but I guess people like it. Knowing that, I'll shall continue. I-It's not like I'm doing this because I love you guys or anything... *Blushes and looks away.*

qu3n_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
142 Chs

Chapter 17

I woke up at 7:00 am. I got dressed and went out for a run. Sometimes, I need to clear my mind of things, even if I dont have problems. While I was running, I ran into a 'problem.' There was a villian fighting heros. It was a villian with a super speed quirk. The heros that were there were having a hard time capturing him. The villian had a tattoo on his arm, which showed that he was in some type of gang. As he was in 1 inch of me, I punched him in his gut. He instantly fell to the ground.

After that, the heros came up to me, asking questions. I told them that the villian rushed at me and I acted in self defense by punching him. They seemed to accept this and after some time, they let me go. I teleported back home and I saw eri getting ready. She seemed to have assumed that I went out for a bit so she did not worry.


We arrived at school and nothing happened. Although, midnight kept on looking at me to which I only stared back. She kept teaching and while she was teaching, I was taking pictures. I obviously stopped time to do this.

After school ended, I left eri with aizawa and went to ground Q. Mirio, tamiki, and nejire were waiting for me. We talked for a while about our school day before fighting. When the fight began I quickly launched at mirio since he had the most troublesome quirk. I punched at his stomach and it went through. He countered by trying to put his fingers in my eyes. It almost worked(lies) but I swung my other hand down towards his neck in light speed and knocked him out. Tamaki was next. I ran at him and he tried to capture me with his crab hand. That failed and I hit him straight in the gut. He threw up a little then fell down. Maybe I went to hard on him but whatever. I then went for nejire and she was kinda of a challenge since she could fly. I jumped in the air and came right at her. I used the eye poking method and she put her hands up, leaving her defenseless. I then quickly punched her in the stomach with my other hand and it sent her flying towards the wall. She got knocked out on impact.

I then took them to recovery girl and after they woke up, I told them what they needed to work on. I picked up eri on the way and we left. She could control her quirk and by, that I mean that she can only kill if she wanted. We picked up some food on the way and went to the park to eat. We ate on a bench and talked a bit about the stars. She seemed really intrested in stars so I asked her what she wanted to to do when she got older. She said "I'll do whatever papa wants me to do" That made me smile a little bit and I started to rub her head.

We then went home and I had to choose what to wear for the date tomorrow. Eri said that she wanted to go aswell and I allowed it. She also helped me choose what to wear, which I found cute. I picked out some and decided from there. I chose a black blazer with a white v-neck shirt and khaki pants. I must say that I look pretty good. After picking the outfit out, I took a bath with eri and went to sleep.