
Chapter 104

"Kenji. Why would you say that...." She pouted a bit and hit my shoulder. I stared at the purple haired woman and smiled a bit.

"I-Its embarrassing you know...You could have told me sooner." She was talking about how I said that the walls aren't sound proof.

"I'm sorry." She pouted some more then sighed. "I cant stay mad..." She blushed a bit and we walked to my car. We both got in it and I started it up.

"let's gooo!!" She screamed out and I nodded. I backed the car up a bit and started driving. We rode down the road with her sticking her head out of the window.

I looked over at her and saw her huge smile. "Get back in. Your gonna mess your hair up." I pulled her skirt and she came back in. She squealed a bit and said "Pervert..." She stared up side my head while blushing.

"Today is your big day right? You have to look presentable." She nodded and smiled. I continued driving her for a while until we reached a building.

"Good luck." She heard my monotone voice and nodded. She then got out of the car and smiled at me. She closed the door behind herself and started walking away.

I drove off for a bit and parked. She was taking her exam for her heros license. We only really use it for identification so that's pretty much it.

I waited for over 2 hours before seeing her again. "Well?" She was getting into the car when I said that. "I passed!" She instantly came up to me and kissed me on my cheek.

I touched it and stared at her. "Dont do that. I'll get the wrong idea." She laughed a bit and smiled. "That might not be a bad thing." She blushed a bit and looked away.

"Well congratulations anyways." I started the car back up and drove away. "You haven't shown me it." She tilted her face then gasped. She soon pulled out a card and showed it to me. "See.."

I looked over at it and nodded. In that moment however, something crashed into us. Time slowed down a bit and I tried covering her up but when I did, I instantly felt her cold body.

In that moment, everything turned pitch black. "Your fault..." I looked over at the voice but nothing was there. "You did this. You kenji." I heard another voice and looked over at it.

There was nobody there aswell however. I then kept hearing multiple voices and I got down onto my knees. I put my hands up to my face and screamed out. "Stop!!!...." I held my head tighter and the voices immediately stopped.

"You did this to me." My eyes widened and I undid my hands slowly. I looked down and saw her. She was all boney and was starring at me. "I'm like this because of you." She came more out of the ground and started cupping my face.

"I-Im sorry. I tried but..." She held my face and I felt her cold touch. "You didnt try. You let me die." I shook my head no and she nodded yes. "I did try...Believe me..." She frowned and fully came out of the ground. "Liar.." Her eyes turned red and she squeezed my face.

"Its your fault and you know it..." My head exploded in that moment and I shot up from my bed. I was sweating severely and was clenching my shirt.

"Damn it..." I put my face down and stared at my sheets. "3 months...And I still can't stop having that dream.." I slowly got up out of my bed and walked over to her picture.

I stared at it for a moment the closed my eyes. "I'm sorry..." I slowly opened them and walked out of my room. I went down the hallway and got into my living room.

I sat down on the couch and turned the tv on. They talked about the weather for a bit before pulling out some papers. They said something about a city being demolished but this happened a while ago.

It was kinda close to me aswell but I didn't care. I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen. I made some breakfast for myself and continued watching.

"We advise the citizens close to this area to evacuate immediately." They then went back to the norm stuff and I kept eating. "Its almost time huh?" I got up from my seat and went over to the sink.

I sat my bowl inside of it and snapped my fingers. I grabbed my car keys and started walking out of the door. I walked over to my car and got inside of it.

I turned it on and and started backing up. I got into the road and started driving off. I kept driving for about an hour until I stopped. I then got out of my car and placed my hand on the car door.

I sighed a bit and started talking. "I guess I have too huh." It's already started. The war between heros and villains has started and I'll eventually have to join. Well I dont have too actually.

I was looking at demolished buildings all around. I stared at the scene for a moment and got back Into my car. In that moment however, I heard a knock on my window. I rolled it down and looked at the person.

"Get out of here. It's not safe." I stared at the blonde boy and he stared at me. "Did you not here me? Get out of here. It ain't safe." I nodded and started driving away.

"Hes matured...I think." I kept driving and went behind a building. I parked my car there and got out of it. When I did, I felt earthquakes all around me. I walked from behind the building and into the road.

"You cant be serious." A huge wave of building and other things were coming at me. Well me and the heros that were infront of me. As I was starring at the scene, I saw a green haired kid run up to the wave.

He jumped up a bit and kicked at the wave of broken buildings and dust. He sent some of it back but it didnt work. "That didnt stop it! It's not just some kind of shockwave!" I saw a brown haired woman scream out at the boy.

The wave of buildings got closer and closer. "Everything is turning to dust..." A green haired lady said while starring at the scene around it. In that moment of talking, a huge wave of ice went up.

The person who made it seemed to want to slow it down as he immediately turned around and faced us civilians. "Run everybody!" The green haired woman screamed out and the heros ran at us.

The brown haired woman grabbed some kids while the blonde haired boy did the same. "What's happening at the hospital!? Somebody please respond!" The green haired woman screamed out again while running at me.

The heros then started yelling out hero names like they were calling out to them. I even saw the green haired boy pull a bus with these black wires. He was carrying kids aswell while doing that.

We ran down the city block all together while hearing the sound of a screaming man. He sounded like he was engaged in a battle of some sorts. "All of you. Evacuate with the other heros. They'll lead you to saftey." The green haired woman stared at us.

We nodded at her and started moving along with the heros. I looked back however and saw that the green haired boy started running in the opposite direction. The blonde haired joined up with him and they ran away.

His classmates asked him where they were going in this hell but they said that they'll be back. I stared at the scene for a moment then opened my mouth. "Hey." The green haired boy heard this and turned his head back at me.

I motioned him towards me and he nodded. He dashed infront of me and waited. "What is it?" I walked up to him and he stared at me. "Let me help you." He kept starring at me but he finally responded after some time.

"No. Escape with the others. You'll be in danger if you come with us." He then turned around and started walking off. I grabbed his wrist however and he looked at me. "I'll protect you then. If your gonna be in danger then you'll need it."

I let his wrist go and he turned around at me. He smiled a bit and nodded. "This is very dangerous. You realize that right?" I nodded and he nodded at me nodding.

'Why do I easily trust this guy?' is what the green haired boy was thinking. We both then started running together and caught back up with the blonde haired boy. "Who is that!?" He screamed out and I kept running. "He said that he'll help us. I believe that he can aswell so..."

He snickered at that and said "Hes a civilian idiot! A random! Your a complete idiot to allow him to come with us!" The green haired boy frowned at this and we kept running.

We contined running and jumping on buildings for a while. There was people talking on their ear pieces and were saying some pretty intresting stuff. "What's your name?" The blonde haired boy looked at me.

"Kazuto." They both nodded at me and kept running. "Your fast man. Your able to keep up with us even at this speed. What's your quirk?" I looked at him and looked away. "Super strength and super speed." They both went silent after I said that.

"So you have two quirks?..." I nodded at him and we finally arrived. As soon as we did however, a hand was sent at the green haired boys face. There was a black dot in the middle of it and he was smiling. "The voice in my head is telling me...I just gotta have it...Hand over One For All, Izuku Midoriya."

The white haired man kept smiling. I saw the fear in izukus face and I was surprised. I haven't seen him like this in a while. After the white haired man said that, a tiny old man zipped by and grabbed izuku and bakugo. I held onto bakugo hands at the same time. "Gran Torino!!"

The green haired boy screamed out. "When I heard "One For All" over the comms....I had a really bad feeling. Were you kids really looking to fight with that thing!? Shigaraki decay quirk obliterates everything that it touches! Even get hit by a stray piece if rubble would kill ya!" He paused for a bit and kept talking.

"As you are now, you might be able to stand a chance but it's too dangerous." The green haired boy instantly said "If I stand a chance then let me fight!" Gran Torino sighed and looked down at him.

"Listen, us heros....Ain't out of the picture yet.." We then kept flying into the air until we landed on top of a small building. "Should be good here." Gran Torino sighed a bit and izuku shot his head at him. He saw aizawa and was confused. "But Aizawa sensei's down there!" Gran Torino nodded and said.

"Yeah, Hes sealing off shigarakis quirks." Bakugo then got up and said "Were still pretty damn close to that guy gramps!!" Izuku jumped into the conversation aswell and said "Oh Gran Torino. He knows about one for all." He nodded at that and said that he knows already. All might told him is what he said aswell.

He then started explaining some type of plan while I listened. "Oh yea...Who the hell is he!?" He screamed out at izuku and bakugo. "He can help. I promise. He has super speed and strength aswell." Gran Torino stared at the side of my head and shook his.

"Fine. We'll probably need all the help we can get anyways." He continued explaining the plan then said..."I'm heading back down there to keep erasure head on his feet." He stared down at the side of the building. "Are you saying that we should stay up here and wait!?" Izuku screamed out a bit and Gran torino sighed.

"Word is All for Ones quirk was transferred to shigaraki.." This surprised izuku and bakugo. "If he manages to steal one for all from you then..." Izuku slowly shook his head like he understood. In that moment of talking, we heard a huge rumble. We looked over the building and saw a lot of people rushing towards our direction.

We stared at all the heros in awe. Behind the dust of cloud they made however, you could see around 8 monsters in the dust cloud. They all freaked izuku and bakugo out. "Nomu!? How'd they survive!?" A hero screamed out.

"That really hurt....Hey number one!" Another cloud of dust went away and he was revealed. "How'd it go again? Was it this arm thats raised?" The white hair man had his right hand up while standing on top of endeavor. "Too bad I got the jump on you."

Most disrespectful thing I've seen in my life. "Get off!!" Endeavor screamed out and shot out some fire. Shigaraki easily jumped away and landed a bit away. "I can control decay now, y'know....I couldn't save every last nomu capsule but I've fined tuned it enough to spare some of 'em."

Shigaraki then went into a back story. "So these guys just wont wake up and go nuts?" He was in the lab while talking to someone. "Hrm? Of course not." The man paused for a bit and continued. "They're activated by an electric pulse. Just tap this device once and they'll awaken...but their programmed to obey specific orders from specific people."

The flashback ends with shigaraki whipping some blood of his face. "The perfect servants for the villian king, I say." After some time, the nomus started rushing outwards in all types of directions.

"Damn it! Two of them are heading for erasure head!" Gran Torino launhced away after saying that. "You 3 stay hidden here!" He disappeared for a bit and I looked over at izuku. "The worst... case!"

We then see shigaraki disappear from his spot. He rushed at aizawa while the ground around him decayed away. "Got your eyes on me huh? Well then, who's watching you?" He stuck his hand out and continued talking. "Your in the way, Erasure head."

Rock lock shot infront of aizawa to try and protect him. Aizawa then started thinking to himself. "No, I cant afford to die. If I die then there will be no one else to hold him back. I still have to watch over them until they graduate and become amazing heros..." Aizawa then opened his mouth.

"No, Your in the way!" He screamed out at shigaraki but he didnt stop. He got closer and closer until a green zap shot passed. He captured shigaraki in his arms and everyone made a surprised face.

"Its our turn!!" screamed out bakugo.


(AN: I was going to try and make my own scenes but man...I forgot how uncreative I am.

Imma be honest here, I never read passed class A vs B. I had to skip around and then I found the scene of them trying to evacuate people on the road.

I was then like 'I'll just set him here and go from there.' Yeah, Yeah, Smart right?)