Char: *defeats all the dragons except the fire one Natsu is riding and forces them through the gate* people have waited who knows how long for this
Natsu: what are you talking about, and more importantly, WHO ARE YOU AND HOW ARE YOU SO STRONG?!?!?!
Char: I'm a character created by a lady author *disappears from the fairy tail world and appears next to Sakib*
Sakib: welcome back
Char: Sakib, yo LAZY MOTHERFU-
(we interrupt your reading to give you, ummm a random puppy *gives the reader a puppy* enjoy)
Sakib: alright, I'll make a good fight scene then tomorrow
Char: you better, anyways you need to sleep it's like 4am *looks at Sakib who is sleeping like a baby* and he's already asleep, great, I guess you can roleplay I'm the comments then, I don't know, do whatever the fuck you want