
op MC in multiverse

After a mundane life, he meets an unexpected end. In the void between life and death, a ROB emerges, offering him a new opportunity. Three wishes to shape his destiny and explore new horizons, where challenges and possibilities are limitless. With unwavering determination, he accepts the challenge, ready to sacrifice everything in pursuit of supreme strength.

CWN1223 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

chapter 8: gold finger

The morning was serene, a stark contrast to the turbulent emotions that permeated the atmosphere. The rising sun cast a golden light over the courtyard of the training center, where Shin and Sai stood. The fresh morning air carried the subtle aroma of wildflowers growing nearby, creating an almost peaceful atmosphere.

With an exchange of glances and a nod, Shin turned and headed to his next class, leaving Sai behind. The classroom doors opened with a soft creak, revealing a spacious and well-lit environment. The smell of chalk and paper hung in the air, mingling with the scent of polished wood from the desks arranged in orderly rows. Sunlight streamed through the large windows, creating intricate patterns on the wooden floor.

There were about a hundred students, all already in their places, their faces a mixture of anxiety and curiosity. The buzz of conversations ceased abruptly when Shin entered, and he felt the weight of dozens of gazes upon him. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he quickly found an empty seat and sat down, his eyes fixed on the instructor at the center of the room.

The instructor, a middle-aged man with visible scars on his face and calloused hands, emanated an aura of power and experience. His rigid posture and stern gaze silenced even the most discreet whispers. When he began to speak, his deep voice filled the room:

"Today, we're going to learn how to extract chakra," the instructor announced. "Chakra is the essential energy that all ninjas use to perform jutsus. It's the combination of the body's physical energy and the mind's spiritual energy."

Shin leaned forward, absorbing every word. He knew this knowledge was crucial for his future as a ninja. The instructor continued, making elaborate hand gestures as he explained:

"To extract chakra, close your eyes and concentrate on feeling the energy within you. Visualize it flowing through your chakra points, which are spread throughout your body. With practice, you'll be able to control this energy."

Obeying the instructions, Shin closed his eyes and tried to concentrate. At first, all he felt was the silence of the room and the slight discomfort of the hard chair. But as he deepened his concentration, he began to feel something different.

It was like a subtle vibration, a flow of energy running through his body. Shin frowned, focusing on this sensation. Slowly, he began to feel the chakra move, responding to his will. It was a strange sensation, as if a part of him that had always been dormant was now awakening.

Suddenly, a notification appeared in his mental field of vision:

{New Skill Learned: Chakra Extraction 1}

Shin almost opened his eyes in surprise but managed to maintain his concentration. "What does this number 1 mean?" he silently wondered. Deciding to explore further, he continued to extract chakra, focusing on improving his technique.

With each attempt, he felt the chakra flow more easily. It was as if he was exercising a muscle he never knew he had. The sensation was both exhausting and invigorating. After several attempts, a new notification appeared:

{Chakra Extraction +4}

A discreet smile formed on Shin's lips. He was beginning to understand. "This number must represent my proficiency level," he thought. Remembering the conversation with ROB, he concluded that to merge skills, the number would probably need to reach 100.

The hours passed quickly as Shin practiced, lost in his concentration. The sound of the lunch bell surprised him, breaking his focus. He opened his eyes, feeling both tired and energized.

Rising, Shin followed the flow of students towards the cafeteria. The smell of food hung in the air, but it wasn't particularly appetizing. He served himself a plate that seemed more functional than tasty: a mixture of brown rice, unseasoned cooked vegetables, and a dubious-looking piece of meat.

Sitting alone at a corner table, Shin looked at the food with a grimace. The contrast between the monotony of the meal and the excitement of his recent discovery about chakra was stark. However, he knew the importance of proper nutrition to maintain his strength.

As he ate mechanically, Shin decided to open his internal system and check his skills. The familiar interface appeared in his mind:

{Attribute System}

{Name: Shin}

{Classification: Student}


{Chakra Extraction 5}

{Uchiha 1}

{Uzumaki 1}

{Hyuga 1}

{Senju 1}

Shin chewed slowly, reflecting on the information before him. Each listed skill represented immense potential, a path to the power he so craved. But it also represented a monumental challenge.

"I have to increase my understanding of the skills through my own comprehension," Shin thought, a slight tone of frustration coloring his thoughts. "This is going to be harder than I imagined."

He looked around the cafeteria, observing the other students chatting animatedly, seemingly oblivious to the weight of expectations Shin felt on his shoulders. For a moment, he felt alone and overwhelmed.

But then, a flame of determination ignited within him. "What would happen if I merged all the skills?" he wondered, feeling a wave of excitement. "How strong would I be?"

The idea of becoming an unparalleled force, of surpassing all expectations, began to take shape in his mind. Shin straightened in his chair, his eyes shining with a new resolution.

"I'm going to become the best student in this school," he promised himself. "I'll be the best tool for Danzo and Sarutobi... for now."

Shin had known since birth that he was under the watchful eyes of Danzo and Sarutobi. Their expectations were like a constant weight on his shoulders, but now he saw an opportunity in this.

"I'm going to become a master of all ninjutsu," he thought, a plan beginning to form in his mind. "And then, I'll create a supreme ninjutsu, something no one has ever seen before."

A cold light gleamed in Shin's eyes as he made his final decision. "And at that time," he promised himself, "it will be the hour of my revenge."

Determined, Shin stood up, leaving the empty plate behind. The cafeteria around him seemed to have disappeared, his focus now completely on the future he was determined to create.

Every class, every training session, every moment would be an opportunity to strengthen himself. He wouldn't just be a tool in the hands of his masters; he would be the most powerful and unstoppable weapon, shaping his own destiny with precision and calculating every step.

Shin knew he had a long journey ahead. The path would be arduous, full of challenges and obstacles. But with each skill mastered, with each level of proficiency achieved, he would be closer to his ultimate goal.

He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his decision, but also the freedom that came with clarity of purpose. The air in the cafeteria suddenly felt lighter, charged with possibilities.

From this moment on, every action would be a piece of the puzzle he was carefully assembling. And when everything was complete, the world would feel the impact of his true strength.

With firm steps, Shin left the cafeteria, ready to face his next class. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: he wouldn't rest until he achieved the greatness he now knew he was capable of reaching.