
OP: Injustice (Side Story)

Guys! I fucked up! I didn't know that Side Stories were only for Originals! So I can only put the Side story here! Um... Hmm... If you're new, You'd have to go and read 'One Piece: Injustice Corrected' to understand what's going on.... but for the rest of you! All those little dreams in your heads of wholesomeness and happy endings will be fulfilled in this side story! Banzai Daniel-san! Banzai!

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Eijiro's Declaration!

Galan and Mihawk talked before leaving the restaurant, sailing away.

They sailed to a small island seeing a commotion.

[Nico Olvia: Oh boy… All the children in the audience, please don't watch this next part… This is most definitely not for children.]

[Izuku: Huh? What do you mean, Olvia-san?]

[Nico Olvia: Well… nobody listens to me anyway…]

Galan and Olvia came to see a bunch of Fish-Men a woman walked over and accused Olvia of everything that happened to them, revealing that Bell-Mere was killed by Arlong! The Marines never helped them at all! Only accepting bribes from the Fish-Men and letting this tragedy happen!

Galan was very angry and Olvia told the people to leave the area, as well as not let any children watch…

Just like in real life!

Galan walked over to a Fish-Man saying that he wasn't clear enough with Jinbe. The Fish-men seemed to recognize him and said that it was a big misunderstanding.

Galan held out the shotgun and blew the Fish-Man's head right off, showing him what a big misunderstanding it really was. He added that he gave them a chance because of Fisher Tiger but it was clearly a mistake as he stepped on a Fish-Man's head, popping it like a watermelon.

Blood splattered all over his expressionless face and he added 'Very well. No more Fish-Men.' The Fish-Men scrambled for the water but Galan punched out at the bay area, the entire area became devoid of water and Fish-Men, turning into a massive bowl!

The Water even froze before rushing back into the bay as Galan turned around, cocking his shotgun with an emotionless face covered in blood. He put the shotgun on his back and his fists turned black.

He swung a fist and blew up a Fish-Man a few meters away, his body popping like a balloon and splattering blood everywhere. The Villagers shouted in horror and ran away in a frenzy, leaving only a few.

Galan punched through a Fish-Man as another punched at him from behind, but Galan tilted his head and grabbed his arm, turning around and stepping on his chest, ripping the arm right off his body!

Galan didn't even flinch, grabbing his head and tearing it off along with his spine, ripping it right out of his body before throwing it out like a sword, pinning an escaping Fish-Man by the head into a wall, killing him instantly.

Another one crawled away as Galan walked towards him slowly. He reached out to a girl, pleading for her to save him. But Galan grabbed his ankle as he cried out for help from god himself!

Galan stepped on his other leg and said "God can't save you." before tearing the entire Fish-Man in half, splattering blood everywhere, even drenching himself in it!

He looked like a real demon from hell!

Another one asked for Mercy and Galan tore his arms off, shoving them through his hand, pinning him to the ground, dead.

Galan looked around before a Fish-Man ran over from outside. He saw the scene and paled, turning to run. Galan looked at him, grabbing a sword before whipping it out. It pierced through the air, stabbing through the Fish-Man's head and nailing him to a tree, his body hanging down from a few feet off the ground.

Galan turned to another one and grabbed his ponytail, covering his scalp in Haki before ripping it right off, revealing his brain as he kicked it out, letting it get some air.

Finally Galan turned to the second to last Fish-Man, walking over as the Fish-Man named Hachi said sadly that he was so nice to them before. Galan told him that he warned them if they did evil he would come for them.

Hachi told him that Jinbe didn't know at all and this was all Arlong, not Jinbe or Fisher Tiger. He told Galan to please not hurt Jinbe because of what they did but Galan told him that he would find out from Jinbe himself, taking out his shotgun.

Just as he was going to execute Hachi, Nami ran over saying "Wait! He didn't do anything wrong! He was helping everyone after Arlong attacked us! And that Hachi protected her many times from the other Fish-Men…

She even insinuated sexually explicit things that she was spared of because of Hachi! Galan retorted that he could've also stopped them. But Nami didn't care about that, saying that if he wanted to kill Hachi, he would have to kill her too!

Galan frowned slightly and Luffy said that he would have to kill him as well. Zoro added himself, Sanji followed, even Usopp said that he would have to be killed, however he added that he had an army of 8000 men behind him.

Galan frowned that they were all innocent but Zoro said he's killed thousands of people, Sanji said that he has sexually harassed just as many women, Usopp claimed to have conquered more islands than Arlong, while Luffy claimed to be the King of the Pirates!

Luffy stood in front of the gun and told Galan that if he wanted to kill his navigator, he'd have to kill them all!

Galan took out a Seastone slug, explaining that it would really kill him even if he was made of rubber. He changed the bullet and pressed against Luffy's head, telling him to say it again.

The crew turned white and Zoro pushed Luffy out of the way, pressing his forehead against the barrel, telling Galan to make his day, Sanji kicked him out of the way and told Galan he could take it, Usopp dived in front of it saying that he would block it but fell to the ground.

Nami covered her mouth and cried, very touched and moved.

Luffy punched them all in the stomach, pressing his forehead on the barrel, telling Galan that they would trade the Pirate King for his crew and an octopus, even laughing without a care in the world.

Galan nodded and said goodbye to the Pirate King as he pulled the trigger. But the gun slipped and fired next to his ear as Luffy stared at Galan dead in the eyes, grinning as he snorted out smoke from his nose.

Galan didn't even look at the shot, staring at Luffy as he said that it was a blank.

The crew was relieved and happy, hugging each other.

Meanwhile, Olvia looked behind her as the bowl sized hole in a tree not far away. The tree fell over and covered up the evidence as she curled her lips, looking at Galan.

Everyone watching was silent, not fully believing in what they just saw.

[Monkey D. Luffy: It wasn't a blank? Wow I almost died! Shishishishishi!]

[Nami: This lying bastard! Who knows when he's telling the truth!]

[Nico Robin: A big softie~]

[Sanji: A big softie~]

[Chopper: A big softie~]

[Usopp: A big softie~]

Eijiro grit his teeth watching, resisting the urge to puke but still typing.

[Eijiro Kirishima: Mr, you are as manly as it gets!]

The class looked at him in horror, Aizawa raising a brow and curling his lips as Eijiro clenched his fists, saying "Don't you remember? That girl from before her name was Bell-mere! These guys killed her for no reason! Even after she left because she was afraid, he never forgot about her! For a man, even friends who abandon you, are still friends!"

He looked lonely as some of them looked at him in disgust, but he stuck to his guns, "This guy! He's a Hero! A manly hero!" Jiro looked at him while moving away from him slightly, "But did you see what he did to those people?!"

Eijiro looked at Mina, who winced slightly. He looked sad and said "It doesn't matter. A hero is a hero as long as he saves people!" Aizawa looked at the mixed classroom before smiling.

Shoto looked at the screen and said "I agree." But Momo said the same thing at the same time! They looked at each other before turning away, a tinge of pink on their cheeks.

Denki said in shock "You guys are crazy! He's a villain!" Aizawa asked suddenly, "Why?" Denki didn't know what to say, he simply said "Because he killed those people?"

Aizawa shook his head and said "If a villain wants to kill you, and your only option to survive is to kill him, will you let him kill you? Killing is wrong, yes, but that doesn't mean that once you kill someone you'll become a criminal. Many Quirks are dangerous enough and battles get heated to the point where they become life and death matches. Sometimes you have no choice but to kill the enemy…"

He sighed, adding "Don't listen to everything you hear about Heroes… Although I shouldn't be saying this, but, every hero has killed someone before. Whether on purpose or by accident, they have killed!" The kids seemed to be shocked.

Aizawa explained "The purpose of school is to teach you how to control your Quirk so that you don't accidentally kill someone. But not everyone you fight as Heroes will give up. I remember a villain who just wouldn't stay down. I broke several bones fighting him until finally breaking his neck. Another one simply died of exhaustion. Sometimes you don't have a choice."

Eijiro clenched his fists and Aizawa nodded at him, "Very mature of you, Eijiro." Eijiro smiled slightly but was still sad, the girl he liked seemed to not like him anymore because of this.