
OP INCUBUS MC ruining TEEN WOLF and LEGACIES With a little Multiverse.

Our main character Alex dies as he is killed in the most cliche way possible, by a truck as he saved a kid. He was supposed to live through this but 1 of gods sons messed with fate so God decides to reincarnate him with wishes. He decides to be reincarnated in Teen Wolf as a Wait for it . . . Wait for it . . . Primordial Dragon Incubus God If you don't know what this is read more WUXIA novels Also English is my second language but it is still quite good so please excuse the minor mistakes.

ItIswhatItIs · TV
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39 Chs

CH23: Marvel

He made some more changes and had both Natasha and Wanda become his Secretaries by the orders of the gov.

{Time Skip}

Today is the first day of Alex as an agent of Shield.

Alex wakes up in bed with Diana lying on his chest. He then looks at Diana and notices that she is awake.

Alex: "Good morning Diana"

"Good morning Alex hehehe.": Diana says acting all Lovey Dovey.

Alex: "You know we still have 1 hour before 'work'."

Diana: "Oh and what could we do in that time." She says as she gets up and moves her ass up and down on my Dick.

Alex: "Looks like I need to teach this little vixen here a lesson." says as he tumbles her down on her back.

{1 and a half hour later}

Alex and Diana could be seen laying in bed as Diana breathes heavily with her mouth wide open, saliva leaking out of her mouth and gasping for breath.

Alex: "Looks like we are late for work"

Diana gives no reply and just keeps gasping for breath.

Alex sighs and says: "Looks like I went over board." Then he uses some magic and Diana is back in Prime condition and is completely clothed.

Alex: "Come on get up Diana we are already late for work."

Diana: "Just turn the time back."

Alex: "No"

Diana: "Pleeeaaaaseee" She says making a cute face.

Alex reaches forward with his hands and pulls on her cheeks.

Alex: "If you continue like this you will become fat you know." says trying to threaten a woman with her biggest weakness.

Diana: "I can't become fat any more." She says and sticks her tongue out causing Alex's face to twitch.

He smacks Diana on her head and says: "Get up or you are on the sofa for a whole day.

Diana immediately gets up but not before leaving a comment: "The girl is the one who is supposed to be saying that."

Alex: "Like you can survive a day without me."

{5 minutes later}

Alex: "You ready"

Diana doesn't say anything and just nods her head.

Alex teleports them near the gates of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although he could have teleported them inside but he had a delegation standing for him at the gate so he couldn't have done. Maybe if it was a normal delegation but no this delegation was special as Natasha and Wanda were the ones coming.

(A/N: Just rubbing it in. HAHAHAHA)

He sees the both of them in front of him about half a foot away. This causes both of them to jump back in shock. He immediately activates his love aura but only enough to bring himself to a crush level.

Natasha immediately composes herself and extends her hand forward while giving a professional smile: "Hi you must be Alex Martin and you must be Diana."

Alex: "That would be me. Nice to meet you...." waiting for her to say her name as he isn't supposed to know it.

Natasha: "Natasha"

Alex then turns to his left looking at Wanda: "And you must be...."

Wanda: "Wanda"


Hope you enjoy.

That will be all for now you could say that was another filler chapter.