
OP Healer's Story

our Mc was a doctor but not by choice, but by need, at least at first. he lived but suffered. and when he died he was offered a choice to be reborn or just go to heaven. his answer was simple but the results of said answer in this story aren't. read as he takes on a whole new world of magic and fantasy races with the power to heal and any injury.

The_Unique · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Choice

[Salah Pov]

I drift in the darkness feeling nothing and hearing nothing for a time unknown. and I rest sleeping most awake for seconds then sleep again

then one time the darkness goes away and I am standing in a place of only white.

" where is this? " "Hello is anybody here"

then I hear a calming voice in my head telling me to calm down and that everything is fine.

and I don't know why but his voice did calm me and I felt serenity.

???:" Now, child of man I will tell you everything about what is here and why is here"

and he tells me conforming that I died and that this is a passageway to the afterlife and I am here to make a choice.

I asked: " what choice ?"

???:" you lived a life of giving but never got anything in return. but was taken from you some you remember some you don't, others you can't"

???:" and Karma is real and rewards are given to the devoted and good"

???:" so I offer you know, either a life in heaven or rebirth with power if your choice in a world of my choice to live in it right and happy one this time "

I take some time to choose which option to go with and after losing myself thinking about it.

without realizing how much time passed by.

I say:" I chose the second option I would like the rebirth"

"and for the power, I was always the type that believed that true power was the power to save lives that is why I became a doctor. and The more I learned, the more I understood how helpless I was.

don't get me wrong medicine can cure a lot of diseases and illnesses. but there were always the cases that were too late to cure cases and the cases that the current medicine could only help by making their last days less painful.

and from that came my sufferings. because despite knowing I couldn't save them all.

I wasn't ready For how much loss was involved in being a doctor. and at that point that I remember where it all started that day that I found that my older sister had cancer and the childish wish, I had the power of my healer game character to just use a spell and their pain and suffering would go away. but I couldn't because it was just a game it wasn't real.

so I studied and worked my path to be a doctor to one day save her but just as I was getting accepted into med school she died and it broke me and my will.

but that is enough of that. there is a chance to have that power. I wished for that day and then I can help all I meet. "

??? the voice replays with a happy tone: " what you wish for I will give and I will also give you your deepest wish."

I ask: " what do you mean ?"

???: "your sister you speak to her and let us ask her if she would like to accompany you in this life and experience what she couldn't "

my heart jumps and my breathing quickness, ' what is going to look like it has been so long and what I am going to say and do I even start that conversation. '

' Hi, Sis how is the afterlife treating you? it has been so long' 'no no no what shit is that'

while I am having this breakdown I didn't notice that an ethereal soul of a human who is my sister showed in front of me and was looking at me up and down.

then I heard a voice that I haven't heard in so long but cared for so much that hearing her call my name shook my ethereal soul.

Nora the sister:" Salah is that you?"

and with a very deep smile " look at how much you have grown"

and she started to move towards me while I was frozen in place. and when she was right in front of me. she hugged me which surprised me more since we were souls but at the moment I really don't care.

my body on its own started to hug her back while whispering " I am sorry I couldn't save sister I am very very sorry"

Nore:" oh you idiot it's not your fault you aren't a god you can't solve everything you were a 13-year-old when you knew and 17 year old when I died. did you really live blaming yourself for my death? you fool"

Nora:" I died early yeah but I went to heaven and lived happily with nothing to worry or to care about till now and the conditions of my death I made peace with the moment I enter heaven "

Hearing this warms my heart and lifts a weight that I carried in both my heart and solder for so long and while I and others told me this before but they can never carry the weight of hearing them from her.

{sometime later}

it took us time to calm down and reconcile.

and after we did Nora asked me:" So why did you call me here I could have met you in heaven the moment you entered"

???:" well that is for me to explain" and he does while I fell any messing parts

and after we were done my sister looked at me with a serious look and watery eyes:" you used your life to heal people because of what happened with me, and this is a second chance for you, why are you using it for this power and also for me to come with you I have dominated your first life as it's you should enjoy your second and use it for you"

Her words shook me: " Sister you are wrong it's true I pursued medicine to heal you but that doesn't mean I didn't find myself in it and the achievement of seeing people smilies when I help cure their loved ones meant the world to me"

I continue: " and the powers I chose is because I truly believe that real power isn't the power to take lives but to save them and the part about you joining me is as much is for you as it's for me.

it will make me happy to go and explore this new life and world with family then doing it alone"

my reply sends her into a thinking state as she absorbs and prosses my replay

???:" so then what is your reply going to be?"

*Read Auther thoughts it's very important*

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So guys please leave a comment on what you think of the novel and if this is a novel that you will support. and know that this is a test to see if this type of story and Mc is wanted or not if not I will find another project to write I have a couple but this is the one I decided to test first.

The_Uniquecreators' thoughts