
OP From The Start ( New World )

After saving Earth, Yao Yan goes to the other world through a warm hole because of Earth's security.

DaoistRuan · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 10. Wuyue's Disciple

Then suddenly Mao Jai said to Yao Yan, "This is our sect master, bow down to her and greet her ".

Yao Yan's mouth fell open as soon as he heard it, although he is not afraid of the sect master, but he didn't expect her to be here , and because he had sealed his powers, so he had to do something like this.

But in front of him was the rumored sect master Wuyue Xia whose stories had been heard everywhere and anyway Yao Yan had no enmity with her so he agreed to say hello .

"Ahem.. Never mind, I have come to talk to you about something else." Wuyue interrupted Yao Yan.

" what work you do have with me "

" I do not know how to talk in a roundabout way, I will speak directly, do you want to be my direct disciple? " Wuyue Xia said shyly in a little hesitation because it was her first time to ask someone to be her disciple.

Everyone's senses flew away on hearing this, even Mao Jai's feet also wobbled, because for the first time she has seen the sect master asking for something.

Everyone looked at Yao Yan with a fixed gaze , and waiting for his answer, Wuyue was also waiting.

As everyone was looking at him, Yao Yan straight out said "No" without thinking.

First everyone was happy together, who could turn down this opportunity, Wuyue was also happy. But as they paid close attention to Yao Yan's words, everyone's mouths fell in shock. Everyone forgot to even breathe, Mao Jai really fell this time, and Wuyue was also left in shock.

Wuyue didn't understand why Yao Yan refused her, is she not powerful, or beautiful , what is wrong, she was confused .

Mao Jai suddenly got angry and said, "Yao Yan, what are you saying,do you even know who she is, she is the sect master of the Heavenly Demon Dao Sect, the top powerhouse of this world, And you mindlessly rejecting their generosity".

On the other side Wuyue was also shaking her head saying yes in Mao Jai's words, that she is saying right.

Yao Yan suddenly stepped forward and stood in front of Wuyue Xia , Wuyue was startled and blushed when Yao Yan suddenly came forward.

Yao Yan held Wuyue's hand and brought his mouth to her ear , Seeing this scene, everyone instantly became silent , silence prevailed in the whole area, only the sound of people leaving things in shock came.

On the other side, Wuyue's heartbeat was increasing as Yao Yan approached, her ears turned red, as Yao Yan whispered something in her ear, Wuyue nodded her neck ' Yes'' . and from there grabbed Yao Yan's hand with her own and disappeared

In a short span of time there were talks that the crippled young master of the Yao family refused to become a disciple of the world powerful person.

And no one has any news about his alive and dead, on the other hand, when Senhe heard this, she was also getting distressed. she was just begging god to keep him well,

______Wonderer Mountain - Demon sect

Wuyue Xia is sitting on a stone, Yao Yan is also sitting in front of her, both are facing awkwardly

After a while, Wuyue asked Yao Yan, "Why did you refuse to be my disciple?"

" I Just refused, if I say yes directly, then how do I know whether you are my real master or impersonator, because the status of sect master is very high, why would she come for me crippled person Who was thrown out of the house by his own family ".

"So how can I assure you that I am the sect master"

" How do I know?" He said bluntly.

" Then okay look here , this is the Red Thread which is called Soul Thread, it is a very powerful treasure, even I could not even see inside it. I don't even know what work this is but I am giving it to you from where a normal person can get it . And I swear that I am the sect master Wuyue Xia ." While saying this, she was thinking "how these days have come that one has to assure that I am the Sect Master".

Yao Yan took the red thread in his hand and looked at it with appraisal skill but Nothing was visible except the ( ?? ) mark, Yao Yan was confused that what kind of treasure is this, which even I can't see, did it come from another universe.

" Tell me what happened, now do you belive my face." Wuyue Xia asked in confidence. She was thinking that now Yao Yan could not refuse, when there was a Top Powerhouse in front of him, and she was feeling happy in her heart that she can show her status how powerful she is to Yao Yan.

Yao Yan directly said bluntly without emotion " No , I don't believe you"

Wuyue xia giggled in her heart as soon as she heard it, she felt that Yao Yan could never refuse her, but as soon as she looked at Yao Yan's words, she stopped laughing and her face changed.

"Why, why are you saying no again, you still can't believe my word," wuyue xia asked anxiously. She made her face like a cute cat who wants to get her master to agree.

When Yao Yan saw her face, he laughed a little, seeing her cute face his heart was feeling warmth and beating fast he muttered softly, "How is such a beautiful woman still a single, why hasn't she married, many people would die for her this smile."

As soon as wuyue heard this, her face turned red and started looking down in shame, Yao Yan also realized that Wuyue had heard him, then Yao Yan also started feeling awkward.

For some time both of them could not meet their eyes, then after a while Wuyue break silent and said, "Tell me, what do you want now?" Her voice was very soft, she was still shy.

Yao Yan looked at her and said, "Nothing, I just want to take my aunt with me to the sect and I want her to have this much authority that no one can say or do anything to her." there was a silence in yao yan's voice

Hearing this, wuyue's face colour change away, "That's it, it's okay, from today onwards your Aunt is my sister, and no one can touch her, it's okay now." She was happy in her heart because she didn't think that Yao Yan would ask for that little .

Okay , Yao Yan nodded

"Then kowtow, " Wuyue Xia said immediately

Other side an Elder"Tournament has been postponed for a few days ."