
OP Freak In Academy Of Mech

Cross Milliams, a mysterious young man with a mysterious background, transferred into the Academy of Mech, in which all students were based through mana scores. However being the only manaless student in the academy put him in a pinch. Everyone was looking at him as if he was a freak. The cutest girl in their classroom did not even spare him a glance. He didn’t know that in this academy, mana score is the bases of popularity, which he had none. He was looked down! However, despite being a manaless, it turns out he was secretly OP in handling any Mechs! Cross academy life had just started.

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Sci-fi
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82 Chs

The time has come

Once the front finally opened, what greeted his eyes was a pair of…


Cross looked surprised.

"Not ordinary boots. These are called Zero Gravity Boots, the meta version of our Pump Shoes", said Commander Felomina as she took them out.

Meta version? He did not expect that.

When Cross saw their design. He could not help but comment. He said, "They look powerful." They looked like heads of a black dragon.

"Don't let the design fool you. Here, take them."

Commander Felomina handed them to him. Cross gently took it from her. He noticed they were as light as normal boots.

There seems nothing extraordinary about it aside from its design.

"Go try them."


He did not expect they have this kind of item stored here. Cross wondered what was the difference between them and the Pump Shoe. But since it was the meta version of that, these boots should be better than that, no? Hopefully.