
OP Freak In Academy Of Mech

Cross Milliams, a mysterious young man with a mysterious background, transferred into the Academy of Mech, in which all students were based through mana scores. However being the only manaless student in the academy put him in a pinch. Everyone was looking at him as if he was a freak. The cutest girl in their classroom did not even spare him a glance. He didn’t know that in this academy, mana score is the bases of popularity, which he had none. He was looked down! However, despite being a manaless, it turns out he was secretly OP in handling any Mechs! Cross academy life had just started.

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
82 Chs


Cross didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his situation.

Although Squad Leader Senior Wyze told him that there were many volunteers who asked the commander to exempt him from this mission, it was still hard to believe that they'd go so far as to do this.


After letting out a sigh, he looked into the distance in the direction of the Helle District. He could not see their silhouettes anymore, seemingly because everyone had already stepped inside that fog of miasma.

Since the situation came to this, there was nothing he could do but wait. He secretly wished for their success. He wasn't mad, honestly. There was no way he would think like that. 

He distracted himself by looking around. He noticed it was already dark.

He gasped when he glanced into the sky. Reflected in his goggles was the sky in a majestic purplish-dark color.