
Onyx: Reborn in the Strongest Family

After being killed by a mysterious and powerful monster and causing the destruction of Earth, Sara finds herself reborn as a child in a dystopian sci-fi world called Onyx. However, this rebirth comes with a twist—she is now part of the strongest and most dangerous royal family in Onyx. With a burning desire for revenge against those who destroyed Earth, Sara must navigate the treacherous politics of this new world and survive the deadly intrigues of her own family.

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15 Chs

The Uncle of The sea

Aekira stood alone in her room, a grand space adorned with luxurious furnishings that seemed far too extravagant for someone her age—or rather, the age she appeared to be. The tall robot maid beside her adjusted the folds of her blue ocean robe, ensuring every detail was perfect as Aekira gazed into the mirror.

Her light grey hair fell softly over her shoulders, contrasting with her deep blue eyes, which reflected a mix of emotions. She struggled to grasp everything that had happened.

"Okay, Sara—I mean, Aekira, try to recap…" she thought, taking a deep breath. "A strange monster destroyed Earth… I was reincarnated as a child… and apparently, the same child died due to a virus… I'm also a dragon? And my family is a huge royal family? Okay… I must be dreaming."

Aekira shook her head, still finding it hard to believe. Reincarnation was something she'd only read about in novels, something she never imagined could actually happen. Yet, here she was, standing in a new body, in a new world, with a new identity.

Aekira looked up at the robot maid, her curiosity piqued. She had so many questions about her new life, especially about the parents who had been so ecstatic to see her. 

"Uh... Miss Vira?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of hesitance and innocence.

The robot maid, who had been adjusting the last folds of Aekira's robe, turned to her with a warm, metallic smile. "Yes, princess?"

Aekira hesitated for a moment, then continued, trying to sound as cute and endearing as possible. "How are my parents?"

Vira chuckled, clearly charmed by Aekira's sweet tone. "Your parents? They are very well respected, Your Highness. They're known for their kindness and fairness, and they treat their staff exceptionally well. Thanks to them, I was able to send my children back to school!"

She paused suddenly, as if realizing she had shared more than she intended. "I apologize, princess. I may have spoken too much."

Aekira shook her head slightly, a small smile forming on her lips. "No, it's okay, Miss Vira. I like hearing about them."

Vira returned the smile, her mechanical eyes softening. "Your parents are remarkable people, princess. You're very lucky to have them."

Aekira nodded, though inwardly, she still felt the weight of the questions she couldn't yet ask. For now, she decided to simply absorb what she could about this new world and the people she was now connected to.

Aekira walked alongside her parents, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sheer size and grandeur of the palace around her. Her small hand was gently held by her mother, Shenan, whose presence was warm and reassuring. The hallway they walked through was vast, with high ceilings adorned with intricate designs and walls lined with tall, ornate windows that allowed light to pour in, illuminating the path ahead.

Her father, Zakis, strode confidently on the other side of her. His tall and imposing figure seemed to fill the space, yet his demeanor was protective, always ensuring she was safely between them. Aekira couldn't help but glance up at him now and then, still trying to process how someone so powerful and intimidating could also be so gentle and caring.

As they walked, the sound of their footsteps echoed softly through the hallway. Aekira took in the details around her—the opulent decorations, the beautiful tapestries, and the occasional servant who bowed respectfully as they passed.

Shenan looked down at Aekira with a loving smile. "Are you alright, my dear? You've been so quiet."

Aekira nodded, managing a small smile in return. "I'm just... taking it all in."

Zakis glanced over his shoulder, his sharp eyes softening as he looked at her. "It's a lot to take in, isn't it? But don't worry, Aekira. You'll get used to it soon."

Aekira squeezed her mother's hand a little tighter, feeling a mix of emotions—nervousness, curiosity, and a strange sense of belonging she hadn't expected.

As Aekira walked alongside her parents, her small hand held gently by her mother, she glanced up at them with curiosity. The towering presence of her father was both comforting and intimidating as they made their way down the grand hallway.

"Where are we going?" Aekira asked, her voice soft but filled with curiosity.

Shenan smiled down at her, "We're going to meet your uncle first."

Zakis leaned slightly toward Shenan, his voice lowered in a whisper, "Are you sure about this, honey? You know your brother is… quite strange."

Shenan's smile didn't waver. "Don't worry, dear. He'll be fine," she replied, her tone reassuring.


Aekira, along with her parents, stood in front of a massive door that led to an intriguing room. The first thing that caught her attention was the enormous, floating orb at the center of the room. It swirled with a deep black hue, speckled with glowing white stars, resembling a miniature galaxy. The sight was mesmerizing, and Aekira couldn't help but stare in awe.

Her gaze then shifted to a large aquarium nearby, filled with strange, otherworldly fish that she had never seen before. They swam gracefully, their luminous bodies casting a soft glow that made the entire scene feel almost magical. The room was undeniably beautiful, filled with an ethereal ambiance that left her captivated.

As they took in the surroundings, they noticed a man standing quietly by the aquarium, observing the fish with a calm demeanor. He wore a white, intricately detailed kimono robe with extremely long sleeves that almost touched the floor. Despite his elegant attire, he had a sturdy, muscular build and stood at an impressive 7'1", slightly shorter than Zakis. His broad frame was complemented by a turtleneck underneath the kimono, giving him a unique, distinguished appearance.

What stood out the most was the mask he wore. It was a smiling mask, but there was something unusual about it—golden accents adorned the mask, adding an air of mystery and an almost regal quality to his presence. The man exuded a strange, serene energy that made Aekira feel both curious and cautious as she observed him from across the room.

Arpha lowered himself to Aekira's level, his presence looming but oddly gentle as they locked eyes. His gaze was intense, even through the mask, as if he could see straight into her soul. Aekira felt a shiver run down her spine but remained still, her curiosity piqued by the strange aura he exuded.

"Aekira, this is your uncle, Arpha," Shenan introduced with a reassuring smile, her voice soft and warm as she tried to ease any tension. "Arpha, you must already know Ae—"

Before she could finish, Arpha interrupted, his voice full of pride. "Such a beautiful specimen."

Arpha's hand moved slowly, almost reverently, as he reached out to caress Aekira's head. His touch was surprisingly tender, given his imposing stature and the strange, enigmatic energy that surrounded him. 

Aekira couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions—confusion, unease, and a flicker of something else she couldn't quite name—as her uncle gently stroked her hair. His words and actions were laced with a peculiar sense of admiration, leaving her wondering just what kind of man he really was.

Arpha's deep voice broke the silence again, his tone playful yet carrying a hint of something more. "Your parents must have told you more about yourself, my beautiful niece," he said, his eyes seeming to study her closely. "And your father… he probably called me weird again, didn't he?"

Aekira remained silent, her mind swirling with questions. She wondered about the relationship between her father and this mysterious uncle. Why did Zakis find him strange? And why did Arpha seem so unfazed by it? There was an underlying tension she couldn't quite place, something about their interactions that hinted at a complicated past.

She glanced up at her father, noticing the way his expression tightened, his eyes narrowing slightly. It was subtle, but enough for her to sense that there was more to this relationship than met the eye. Aekira's curiosity grew stronger, but she wasn't sure if it was the right time to ask all the questions racing through her mind. 

Arpha's voice carried a strange tone of excitement as he asked, "Would you like to see more of my little world, Aekira?"

Aekira glanced up at her parents. Shenan smiled gently, giving her an encouraging nod. Zakis, on the other hand, was grumbling under his breath, clearly not thrilled with the idea but making no move to stop her.

Aekira hesitated for a moment, then looked back at her tall, mysterious uncle. There was something intriguing about him, something that made her curious despite her father's clear reservations. "A-alright…" she replied, her voice soft but tinged with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Arpha's masked face seemed to light up at her response. He extended his hand to her, and she took it hesitantly, feeling the warmth of his large palm. As they began to walk, Aekira couldn't help but glance back at her parents once more, noticing the way her father's eyes followed them closely, still grumbling but allowing her to explore this new world with her enigmatic uncle.