
Onslaught!! The Demon Kings

Humans thought the apocalypse happened when the barrier between worlds had vanished. When, the world of fey, spirits, humans, and demi-humans became one. However, it does not end, in fact the world got more interesting as magic was introduced. Technological advancements became bigger as many feats becomes possible to achieve. But as soon as the final barrier dissolves introducing the demonic race to the world, people shun the demonic race. No one likes the demon race and nothing can hope change the public sentiment whenever it is concerning the demonic race. Then, two demon kings decided that, "It's time for another apocalypse" "I will kill everyone who has no demonic blood" "I will reincarnate everyone so they all will have demonic blood" Instagram: @onslaughtdks

Duke_Mifaat · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Transcendent Magic

Ruin, The Harbringer of Destruction and Renewal, lifts both of his hands into the air. Blue energy emitted from his hands into a peculiar shape. Slowly, a sword hilt could be seen forming, made out of blue magical energy. As it finally took shape in about 4 seconds, Ruin had successfully conjured up two identical blades made out of magical energy. 

"Such beauty," Sierra said, marveling at her master's power.

Mana control. It is not the most well-known lesson when doing magic. But it's actually one of the most important keys for doing effective and precise attacks or spells. Though this kind of thing, only Lord Ruin himself can do. 

Sierra smiled comfortably at the spectacle in her eyes.

Ruin charged toward Ralof, which was now in prime condition yet again. The eyes of the wolf demi-human were crazed like that of a primal animal in frenzy mode. Desiring to kill anything within sight, it glows in red, filled with a sinister aura emitted from it.

Clashes happened as blue sparks collided with red sparks. It is clear that these were the traces of Mana Flash that collided with each other and, in turn, just blocked each other. What was amazing was the fact that Ralof was not even using a weapon, but his enhanced fist could now be on par with the magical blades of Ruin. It's like he is trying to prove something, even though he is also holding the scepter of the sun and moon.

Zig-Zag flashes of clash decorated the labyrinth as the two seemed like levitating in the air. Eventually, the sparks of the magical energy hit the environment around them, making noise as, bit by bit, the structure of the labyrinth got destroyed.


Ruin was now holding both his blades, parrying the punch of Ralof as they began to enter a clash. A contest of both their powers.


Slowly, Ralof managed to get the upper hand on the beam clash as more and more it felt like Ruin's stance was getting lower.


Magical energy is emitted from Ruin's body. "I can. But, can you?" His strength suddenly increases as the clash continues, but this time, Ruin is slowly pushing Ralof like how Ralof did it before this. "I've told you before. Saying yourself the strongest is not the way to convey your strength," Ruin spoke.

Ralof, who still had the fire of crazed bloodlust, didn't stutter.

"Let me show you how."


"From here on out, I will carve the meaning of power into your soul!"

He smiled.


"What... How?" Umbra stood at the lifeless bodies of Unit B of the Umbral Fighters. Aira gritted his teeth as she spoke, "I am sorry, Lord Umbra, it is all because I didn't plan-"

Umbra held out his hand to Aira. As she stopped speaking, Umbra made a sign to stay quiet as he whispered, "Please cast the stealth magic now." Umbra then sneaked with Aira as to the sound of crashing.

Aira's eyes widened as she saw a white-haired elf woman wearing a black suit and a domino mask overlooking a battle between a man clad in black with blue energy particles and an awful-looking wolf demi-human who seemed two times or three times larger than usual.

"We will standby and watch,"

Ruin clashes his blades again with Ralof. However, there are noticeable scars present on the wolf demi-human. On the other hand, Ruin seemed untouched, not even dust on his outfit. The clashes happen again and again as the sparks grow even more chaotic. Then, Ralof's attacks suddenly got slower as his Mana Flash was outmatched by Ruin's. "AAGH!" Ralof screamed in pain, getting knocked to the wall of the labyrinth.

Unlike the previous Mana Flashes, if a Mana Flash clashes with one another, the other loses the clash. The loser got hit with the opposing and his own Mana Flashes. Another point to make is that Ralof's body is slowly depleting out of magical energy due to overuse and poor control. The residue and uncontrolled remaining mana of Ralof obtained using the scepter of the sun and moon were gradually weakening him as his body also grew weaker.

As Ralof stood up again, fiery eyes no longer showed in him. "I.. will win..." He said as he again attempted to draw power from the scepter as mana began to enter him again. Charging mindlessly, Ruin easily apprehended him, not even without a sword but with a simple kick accompanied by a Mana Flash.

"KUAH!" Sparks of energy hit Ralof and sent him to the side.

Then, again, he lifts the scepter to replenish his energy. Without noticing that his body is slowly getting more and more fragile. Ruin, however, was amused as he smiled deviously and laughed, "Hahaha."

Ruin extended his energy blades seemingly into retractable whips.

The whips then stretched out towards Ralof, piercing his torso area precisely near his kidney area. A horrible sound was heard as Ruin's weapon invaded his body and gouged everything inside. Making a mess out of Ralof's internal organs.

Ralof's expression was unimaginable. It was too horrible to look at. He lifts his scepter to heal himself using Mana. This did happen, but it doesn't stop the fact Ruin is currently holding him up in the air like a kite and keeps on making wounds. It also didn't change the fact that Ralof's body was already weak enough for him to perform miraculous feats like he did before.

It's like Ruin taunting Ralof to heal himself over and over again. It's really an utter humiliation for the one who was known as the champion of the demi-human. Ruin then severed Ralof's torso and bottom as it fell quickly to the ground.

"I...I...Gi..." Ralof spoke incoherently.

"Tonight's playtime is over. Get up. Heal yourself"

"I... I... No.. please..."

"You wouldn't want to miss my grand finale."

Ruin grabbed what remained of Ralof's torso and stuck it to one of his swords. He then stabbed the sword into the ground as if Ralof was now like a half-body mannequin.

"Did you know everything runs on mana? Which is also a type of energy. Do you know I used to think atomic was the strongest? But, I found that it is actually not."

Ruin held out his sword and threw it to the side.

"The strongest is the black holes. In today's society, where magic is everything and utilized atomic bomb isn't even relevant anymore. But what if suddenly a black hole eats the earth? We will be sucked so bad. Disintegrated into nothingness."

His hands joined, and a small orb could be seen.

"But do you know what is stronger? A black hole that has sucked everything and spewed it out all again. If energy is sucked into a black hole and energy can't be destroyed, that means it is preserved in some way or another. That means black holes could spew out the energy contained, hence pocket dimension magic we have today."

Energy started appearing from around the room, gradually moving towards this orb.

"If black holes are placed in another dimension, why not just make the whole world got suck and spew it all back, making it crash and explode as it forcefully got back from the pocket dimension?"

Ruin touches the sides of the orb and expands it. The bluish energy from around them started to enter it as if there was a wave of current entering the orb. Only able to see, Ralof stayed silent as he watched an unexplainable event happening before his very eyes.

"Do you know? How to make all the energy spew out without control? That is simple. You can do it with mana control. Triggering Mana Flash that spews the whole universe apart from inside the imaginary place it has been to. It's a guaranteed hit."

Ruin's body was now encumbered in the surge of blue magical energy that seemed to keep being sucked by the black hole.

"This is... the extent of Mana Control. I call it my.... Supreme Overload."


Everything was white.

As soon as Ruin finished his words, pure energy spewed out from inside the orb as a flash of light accompanied by surges of mana flashes rampaged into everything in sight. The Entertainment District nearest to the AA Dormitory was now utterly destroyed. As chaos happened, mountains of corpses were found.

"Lord Umbra, are you sure we shouldn't pursue him?"

Umbra spoke as he looked from afar at the devastating damage that had been done to one of the entertainment districts of the Demi-Human. "There's no point. We have what we came here for. The fact he destroyed the demi-human territory was a plus for us."


I woke up from my bed and walked to the shared kitchen and dining area, still sleepy. There, Trent and Colt were sitting at the table eating as they discussed the news about an explosion of some sort in the entertainment district we just went to yesterday.

"I am so glad we didn't stay there for long (T _ T)," Trent said.

"Yeah, Bro Yeah! I am so glad we didn't die (T o T)," Colt said.

They both hugged each other while crying like a baby. Well, I would do that too, of course, if I was in that kind of position. Luckily, I am not in that position, and even though something just happened, I can't stop being a scholar. I need to study more for the future of my career!

Next, I will have a date.

I wonder if Rea likes flowers.

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