

After the third cock crow, the environment became a little bit noisy as people began to wake up from sleep.

The Palace warriors usually marched out at first crow; but this morning, they were unusually late.

The noise of their loud march woke Ego from sleep. She hissed tossing on her mat. She was getting a little pissed at the incessant noisy march.

"ooooohhh you people should just go already" She yelled even though she knew her voice wouldn't beat their tread.

All through the night was the cry of a baby and now this. Her elder brother's third wife recently put to bed. Ego couldn't sleep because her nephew cried all night and she was just a hut away.

The next thing she heard was a clap at her door.

"kpai kpai my princess" that was the voice of her maid Ugomu.

Ugomu always came every morning to escort her to the stream for a bath.

"Bata wa" Ego asked her to come in.

Ugomu entered, surprised to see Ego still on her mat.

"my princess are you not set for the stream"

Ego hissed and sat up on her mat.

"That woman can't control her baby. Can you believe this people robbed me of my beautiful sleep" Ego complained and Ugomu began to laugh.

"what's funny?" Ego asked wearing a frown.

"my princess, I'm sorry to have laughed. I couldn't sleep too and I'm sure everyone else was disturbed, but what can we do. He is only a baby". Ugomu explained softly.

Ego hissed and got up from the mat.

"Get my wrapper and soap let's go" She commanded.

Ugomu picked the items she mentioned immediately and said to her

"Princess, we are set".

Ego looked at her disdainfully

"Move now, lead the way ozugbo" She commanded.

Ugomu smiled at her, walked out and Ego followed. She was already used to Ego's excesses.

Ego maybe the most rude and temperamental person she has ever met but she know her heart was gold.

She has learnt how to leave with the princess, after many years of being around her.

Ugomu practically grew up with princess Ego.

She reminisced on how she ended up on the palace as they walked down to the stream.

That very day at the playground with other kids of her age. Her father had called her out and took her by her hand and started walking her to where she didn't know. She remembered vividly he had her bag of clothes on his head.

Ugomu had to summoned all the courage left inside of her to ask her father as they walked.

"Nna are you taking me to grand mother's hut".

Her father ignored her and didn't say a word to her until he got to the Palace gate.

She became a little scared and grabbed his hand tight but he released his hands from hers

He down her bag and placed it on her head and said

"Go in, that is your new home from now on".

Confused at his words, she began to cry but her father shouted at her to stop.

"Be strong, dont cry. You will be fine. Go inside".

Before he could finish, a guard stepped out of the gate and asked

"Is she the girl"

Ugomu was frightened at the voice, She ran behind her father before she was able to look at the bearer of the voice. He was a very huge warrior and he looked very tall and fearsome.

Her father had nodded in response and dragged Ugomu out from his back.

"Go ahead. Follow him" He said to her. Ugomu had started crying and held his father tight to his cloth but instead her father pushed her away and she fell.

"You stubborn child. Get away".

The warrior roared back at her father in anger

"why are you doing this to a little child? What kind of a man are you?".

The warrior goes to were Ugomu fell and helped her up. He went further to dust her cloth as her father just stared at them in silence.

Ugomu's sight were already blinded by tears as the guard spoke calmly at her.

"I heard your name is Ugomu, well they call me Ugbe. From now on, this is your new home. I am sure your father has explained that to you?".

Ugomu shakes her head "Noooo" she cried.

The guard embraced her in consolation then said calmly to her.

"We have plenty of foods and comfort here. The king will know you by your name. Every moonlight we tell stories. You will have the privilege to play with the princesses and Princes. You will sleep on the warmest mat and cloth in royal ropes. You will eat everything you want.."

Ugomu was already feeling a little relieved. He then released her, took her by her hand and started heading into the palace as he kept counting.

That was how she came to stay in the palace.

" Ehe adigom ka mu si kwesi" "Yes, I am the way I should be" Ego praised herself as she admires herself in the mirror, held in position by Uchayi.

Uchayi is her second maid, just like Ugomu, she was jovial and chatty.

The mirror was loud and heavy that Uchayi was already tired of the weight but still have to hold it up not to upset the princess. She knew this was one of her precious moments and no one dares ruin it.

Ego loved to admire herself in the mirror. She was dressed in blue clothes and very beautiful marching beads. She recently made a cornrow styled hair. The beautiful wrapper on her chest was perfectly fitted to reveal her upper breast, then the one down was slightly short with beautiful heavy beads dangling on her waist just at she loved it. She wore beads on her ankles and wrist and light beads made with precious pearl was placed round her neck.

She knew she was beautiful, but not impressed as she had envisaged herself to be in that dressed.

She always loved looking beautiful all the time and she always dressed like she was going for an occasion.

"Ngwa do se zie ya" "you can now keep it".

She asked uchayi to drop the mirror that she was done admiring herself.

Uchayi exhaled heavily as she dropped the mirror, she goes to place it at a corner.

Ugomu had returned from the errand Ego sent her.

"Ndewo my princess, she said her Uli is finishe" E hee adigom ka mu si kwesi" "Yes, I am how I should be" Ego praised herself as she admires herself on the mirror, held in position by Uchayi.

Uchayi is her second maid and just like Ugomu, she was jovial and chatty.

The mirror was large and heavy that Uchayi was already tired of the weight but still have to hold it up not to upset the princess. She knew this was one of her precious moments and no one dares ruin it.

Ego loved to admire herself in the mirror. She was dressed in blue clothes and very beautiful matching beads. She recently made a cornrow styled hair. The beautiful wrapper on her chest was perfectly fitted to reveal her upper breast, then the one down was slightly short revealing her straight legs with beautiful heavy beads dangling on her waist, just at she loved it. She wore beads on her ankles and wrist and a light bead made with precious pearl around her neck.

Ego knew she was looking beautiful that morning, but she was completely impressed on her looks, as she had envisaged self to be in that dressed.

She always loved looking beautiful all the time even if she was not going anywhere.

"Ngwa do se zie ya" "you can now keep it".

She permitted uchayi to drop the mirror cause she was done admiring herself.

Uchayi exhaled heavily as she dropped the mirror, she goes to place it at a corner.

"Thank you" she said as she shrugged

Ugomu has returned from the errand Ego sent her.

"Ndewo my princess, you are beautiful as ever" Ugomu said.

"Oh please. I looked better yesterday and the previous day and a day before and.." Her maids began to laugh at her rantings.

"What's funny? You maidens are just unbelievable"

Ego goes to sit on a stool close to the wall.

"My princess, dont worry you are still beautiful" Uchayi said trying to cheer her up.

Ego winks at her in gratitude then turns to Ugomu

"Bia what about the message I sent you"

"Yes I brought the thread. I left them at our working mat" Ugomu answered.

"Good. Now go send for my breakfast, we have work to do".

Uchayi left and returned shortly with a basket of food, then she set the food before Ego.

It was bowl of corn, pears and fruits. Ego slouched and began to eat as Uchayi and Ugomu cleared up her hut.

The three princes; Prince Akudo, Prince Ubonwa and Prince Afere, sat around over breakfast as they engaged in a conversation. They were also planning for the big ceremony coming up in the next market day.

Prince Afere was carrying his son on one hand and eating with the other. Even as a crowned Prince and apparent heir to the throne; Afere is the most humble and nicest of them all. He is very handsome and good looking. He doesn't joke with his responsibility as a father and he has been dubbed the only Prince with one wife.

Prince Ubonwa is very fat, mean and arrogant. Everyone feared not to get into any trouble with him. He is the only sibling of Princess Ego. He married five women and had many children. Two body guards were faning him as he ate.

Prince Akudo was leading the conversation. He may be kind and gentle like Afere but he was so promiscuous. He loves chasing women and aside his two wives, he had many other concubines. His charming eyes and good sense of humor makes it easy for him to lure any woman.

They had guards scattered around them at all the corners, but not too close, except for the two guards fanning Ubonwa as he munchies his food. Everyone was having Abacha and ukpaka but he was the only one served a bowl of roasted fish and palm wine.

Not quite long Ifebuche joined them, bowing to all the princes in greeting. Ifebuche was once asking for Ego's hand in marriage but she had refused because he wasn't royalty. Not that she detest common people but that was just one of her excuses to chase suitors. Even many Royalties has asked for her hand in marriage but she has all turned them down.

"Fan me very well you both. I am sweating" Ubonwa roared at the guards. Both intensified the fanning in fear not to anger the Prince further.

Though Ifebuche is from the richest family in their village and the son of the most influential Kingsman. His quest for Ego's hand in marriage ended after one of the Princes; Prince Ikedi married his sister Oluchukwu. So he ended up as an in-law to the royal family

Prince Afere gave up his seat for Ifebuche.

"No my Prince you don't have to, the guards have gone to pick a seat for me". Ifebuche refused the gesture calmly but Afere insisted.

"No don't be too modest, I want to go lay my baby, the boy is fast asleep and I will go check on father After. Do sit Ifebuche".

Ifebuche thanked him and sat. Afere signaled for one of the guards to follow him.

When they have walked out of the other princes sight, Prince Afere turned and said to the guard.

"Listen carefully because your life and so many others depends on it" The guards nods

"OK my prince"

"I don't mind if you serve all our guest sand but do you see Prince Ubonwa's guests, his in-laws precisely, especially his third wife. Serve them well. His third wife's family should be served only roasted fish and the best of the palm wine. Do you understand"

"Yes my prince"

"Biko achoro mu nsogbu Ubonwa" "Please I don't want Ubonwa's trouble" "You know what he is capable of. Please for your sake, relate this to the planners and cooks inugo".

He said finally and left with his baby.

Ego and her maids have been working on this particular dress for a long time now. She may have made plenty dresses but this one was special. Her maids could sense her commitment and dedication to this dress.

They all sat on a mat knotting the fabrics at the back of Ego's hut.

Then they heard a familiar voice approaching.

"Princess princess" that I'd the voice of Amaka; Ego's cousin and only daughter of Prince uzor.

"what does that one want now" Ego mutters unpleasantly. Ugomu and Uchayi giggles.

"easy my princess she's close" Uchayi whispers.

They both know Ego doesn't like Amaka, and they also know the feeling is mutual but they only pretend to get along.

Amaka is only friendly because Ego makes the best dresses and she always needed her dresses to show off.

"This dress is so gorgeous. Ego this is so beautiful" Amaka screamed in amusement on seeing the dress Ego was working on. She knelt on the mat too as she kept admiring the dress. Uchayi and Ugomi exchanged glances and silently makes an awkward remark, while Ego ignored her drama like she didn't notice her presence.

"Yes Princess Amaka the dress is beautiful" Uchayi said to ease the situation.

"Ego I'm buying the dress when you are done. I am the first to tell you. please please please" Amaka begs.

Ego replied with eyes still fixed on the dress she was making.

"I am sorry I am not selling".

"Ah ah now Ego. Why are you like this. There is nobody this dress would fit better than me and you know it" Uchayi and Ugomi exchanged glances again as Amaka kept talking.

"The coming new yam festival. I need to look beautiful as usual now. I need this dress. Just name your price Ego. How many cowries?".

Ego immediately frowned and gave her a disdainful look and said in anger

"Excuse me. I maybe selling the dresses I make but that doesn't mean I need the money. I am Ego, a princess. How much do you think I need. I said I'm not selling, can't you just move away".

Amaka stood up and gave a loud hiss

"Oh chim. biko if you changed your mind, I'm sure you know where to find me" Amaka said walking away as Ego stared at her with so much spite.

Uchayi and Ugomu burst out laughing as soon as she was out of sight.

"What is it again?" Ugomu said

"I wonder" Uchayi responded.

"Can you imagine that girl. who does she think she is?" Ego said in anger.

"Don't mind her princess. She thinks she's better than every body" Uchayi added in support.

Ego hissed again and went back to working.

She and Amaka maybe relatives but she hated her guts, the way she carries herself.

In anger, Ego dropped the dress and said

"This girl has ruined my mood. I can't focus again to do this thing. I need perfection. pack up this things, we continue tomorrow." Ego commanded. Uchayi replied

"But my princess..." Ego interrupted and barked.

"Are you deaf. I said pack"

Uchayi and Ugomu rose immediately and began to pack her tools hurriedly, in other not to anger her further.

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