
Only You Can Have My Heart

After being separated for five years, finally Aaric returned one day only to find his beloved, Sasha to have unknown parents and was engaged to somebody. She even forgot about him. Later, when everything came back on track and they were happily living together, suddenly she met with a horrible fate. Aaric stayed with her for all the past eight months taking care of her. He wanted to be the first person she sees once she wakes up. But her reaction was totally opposite of what he expected. "Who are you?" Did all the hardwork he had done to make her alive again from her deadly past was all gone in vain?

Tangent34 · Urban
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312 Chs


Nobody spoke anything after Elder Jones questioned. Was there any reason that Edward could state in support of his son? There were none. 

"I won't allow him to work in the company if it is going to get into the hands of your useless son. Elijah already has his company to run, and I am sure under his lead the company will be touching the sky of success very soon." Elder Jones' words were honestly true. It had been only a couple of months since the company had started and it had already gained huge projects which could triple the share amounts.