
Only you: Always and forever ( Remastered version)

"I reject," the shrill scream of Madison echoed from across the hall into the drawing room. Her eyes were wide and watering, and she looked as pale as a sheet when she remembered who she was talking to. A shudder of fear ran down her spine, but she couldn't help it. "Well, I dare say you will!" the loud and imposing voice of the Earl of Clanford echoed across the room. He looked significantly older, as if he had aged over a decade, but that didn't stop him from being as red as fire, consumed by anger that his youngest daughter would dare to talk back to him and defy him. However, Madison was too preoccupied to notice. Her heart pounded, and her palms were sweaty as her father's words kept resounding in her mind until it finally sank in: Robert Williams, the renowned Duke of Frostway, had just asked for her hand in marriage. Madison Salypse commands attention with her mesmerizing beauty and an indomitable spirit that matches her fierce determination. Her presence in Clanford is magnetic, drawing admirers from every corner, yet she knows exactly what she wants from life and possesses an unyielding resolve to attain it. However, Madison's journey takes an unforeseen twist when she encounters the enigmatic Robert Williams, the esteemed Duke of Frostway, and finds herself bound to him in marriage against her heart's true desires, for societal expectations hold little sway over her. Robert, a man of impeccable reputation, is celebrated for his charm and grace, leaving every young lady in London yearning for his affection. Yet Madison, unlike her peers, glimpses beyond the Duke's facade. She discerns a hidden complexity, a man with secrets and layers yearning to be unveiled. As their worlds collide, Madison and Robert become ensnared in a dance of emotions and intrigue. In a society where appearances often obscure reality, their interactions evolve into a delicate balance between their inner conflicts and the roles they are obliged to assume.

jenny ash · History
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Soon the dancing had began and most of the women was being led to the dance floor by young men.

Madison stilled her breath remembering the last encounter she had in a ball and how it seemed to her that men had an evasion to dancing with her.

She was in the mist of the crowd with the both of them before Jen got asked to dance and mademoiselle had scurried off to find an appropriate match for her.

Not wanting to wait any longer at the side lines and end up as the season most notorious rake, she started towards the stairs leading to the balcony.

Upon reaching there she closed the door before moving over to the edge while taking in a deep breath.

She had left the hall because she had felt uncomfortable being there and because she didn’t want to be the center of attention standing there alone, she had experienced it before and it wasn’t something she looked forward to happening again.

But what she didn’t know is that what happened five years ago could never repeat itself because back there she was surrounded by young boys who didn’t have the courage to ask her to dance while now she was surrounded my men who knew exactly what they wanted and went for it.

She stood there needing some air and to be alone for some time and was glad that no one was there, or so she thought.

“I thought all the ladies in the hall would be dancing by now”

She jumped hearing a deep male voice from behind her, turning as quickly as she could she looked back to see a man standing on the other side of the balcony while leaning on the rails, she looked over to the door to notice that it was still closed which meant the person was in the balcony before her and she might have missed him when she entered there earlier.

Turning back to face him she answered “And I thought all the gentlemen will be leading the ladies to the dance floor by now. ”

She couldn’t see the man face clearly because there was no much light where he was standing, but she could make out his structure as she noticed that the man was very tall with broad shoulders and muscular legs, he held a glass of drink in his hands, probably whiskey as that was most men preferably choice of drink.

“And who said I was a gentleman”

she felt herself turn breet red as she noticed his eyes solely on her, he looked down at her taking in each and every one of her features before he took a long swing of his drink.

“Aren’t you now? And I thought the Fedinards invitations was restricted”

she heard the man let out a small chuckle.

“They are, I was just probably lucky to get one, wasn’t I?”

“That wasn’t what I meant” she quickly clarified, not wanting to offend the young man. Or so she thought, he did sound young.

“I understand”

Feeling awkward by the change in atmosphere she went ahead and made the introductions since they were both not acquainted with each other. “I am Madison Salypse” she announced

“How do you do Madison?”

“Very well Mr.…” she drawled intending for him to complete the sentence but it seemed to her the man had other thoughts. Not giving up she persisted.

“And you are?”

She saw him take another sip from his glass before answering “an acquaintance”

“How lovely” she had completely given up hope on him, it seemed that the man would like to keep his identity a mystery.

“I presume you are enjoying yourself here alone” he asked with his eyes still on her person


She looked back to the beautiful sky and continued " I have always found the constellation extremely beautiful, and always look for an opportunity to see them.”

“Really” he inclined his head for her to go on.

“Orion is my particular favorite ” she continued conversationaly

"why if I may ask ”

“Because of the story associated with it."

He looked at her mockingly“And you know it?”

“Of course”

“Orion the hunter led a tragic life that ended when he stepped on a scorpion knows as scorpius, what is there to like. ” he looked at her as if she was just so simple minded

“Orion was put back in his faithful dogs canis major and canis minor, into the sky as constellations by the gods as the felt sorry for him. It shows that everyone deserves a second chance and it means light of heaven as they are the brightest stars.”

“Well then” he smirked at her showing his perfect jawline “it seems to me that you know your facts very well.”

Feeling proud of herself Madison grinned back “of course i do"

“So does that mean you believe in giving second chances” he nonchalantly asked.

“Why not, everyone makes mistake and it will be unwise to hold a grudge after an apology has been granted” not noticing his change of expression because he was in the dark she continued “don’t you believe in giving second chances?”

“I do not” he answered with his voice seeming hard “most people are undeserving of it”

“But …

“What are you really doing here all alone Madison”

He called her name as if he had know her her whole life. ”don’t you know it’s rude to wander when invited to someone house?”

Staring him down she answered “I could ask you the same”

“Am practically family” he drawled

Letting out a little laugh she looked at him mockingly “really? I thought you were no gentleman."