
Only Wisdom Awakened

In 'Only Wisdom Awakened,' the world bears the arrival of monstrous threats and the emergence of awakened individuals wielding extraordinary powers. Hans Richter, a young man burdened by the weight of debt he had to take to cover up his family's medical expenses, inherits the 'UNKNOWN' class {Knowledge Seeker} on the somber night of his eighteenth birthday. Unlike his peers, Hans's abilities stem from his relentless pursuit of knowledge, and his boundless imagination, unaffected by the limits set by the 'system' for others. As Hans navigates this perilous world, he grapples with moral dilemmas and confronts formidable adversaries, driven by his longing to once again see his loved ones and unveil the truth behind the catastrophic events that reshaped his world.

Almun_ · Fantasy
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244 Chs

Peace of mind

While chaos was unleashed in the outside world, Hans was peacefully enjoying his time at the library.

He had a personal butler who would bring him a meal as soon as he called for it and had the entirety of the place just for himself.

Consuming knowledge like a sponge, Hans spent two whole months reading, and in that time, his wisdom reached unbelievable heights.

Two months later….

"Knock knock"

A person knocked on the huge door, disturbing Hans's practice.

And a few seconds later, he opened the entrance to the place.

Welcoming him outside once again was the dean, who had taken her time to come and greet him out of his retirement.

"It's good to see you"

"Yeah… good to see you too"

Said Hans, passing right beside her and walking away.

'Is he angry?

Did he perhaps not find what he was hoping for?

Silence ruled the car ride, while they both sat on the back of a black luxury car.