
Only System

A story about a boy who starts a new life in a world he doesn't know. . . . Of course with System

Ade_Uyee · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Earth, Jakarta November 2019

07:03 am

Third person POV

In a normal men's room there is a child who is still fast asleep.

"Honey, wake up at 7 am, you have to go to school", came the loud but soft voice of a beautiful woman who is none other than the mother of a sleeping child.

"Yes ma'am, I'm awake" came a weak and tired reply voice from the room.

After a while feeling his newly awakened body the boy began to clean himself and get ready to go to school.

a few minutes later


Mc: "Mom I'm leaving, See you!"

mother: "Hey, eat your bread first, I've prepared it"

I took the bread made by my mother and quickly rushed to school.

by the way my name is Rama Setya, 2nd grade high school student, yes I am just an ordinary student like students in general, I am also like other normal teenagers have hobbies, namely, I like reading Novels and Manga, and watching Anime, Movies etc. I really like seeing strong characters that I read or watch in anime or Movies because they are COOL. why COOL I think it's a matter of pride to be standing among all people and hearing your words for others to hear and do it obediently, and don't forget that strong men should be surrounded by women.

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School , 07:40

Currently MC is almost at his school

MC: "Tch, I fell asleep again for sure old man Roy will punish me again" mcb muttered to himself.

a large figure is seen in front of the school gate, yes he is a male gym teacher who is greatly feared by students because of his scary face and very large body.


MC: "Damn, he's in front of the school gate should I just go home and tell mom that school is closed today" I thought to myself and turned to leave

Old Man Roy: "HOOOOOIIIIIIIII Where are you going to hurry here"

MC: "Yes sir" I answered loudly and loudly

Old Man Roy: "Today you are late again, how many times have you been late this week? Haah" with an angry face he asked

MC: "5 times sir"

Old Man Roy: "WHAT 5 times did you say, Quickly you push up 500 times" with a shouting voice

MC: "WHAT" I answered disappointed


MC: "No sir, ready to do"

After some other punishments that must be received by him Rama went to class and started his school activities.


Third person POV

After School 15:12

MC: "Damn I can't move my hands, it's all because of that old man, if only I was like a character in anime who could do push ups a thousand times, I couldn't feel tired" he grumbled beside from the walkway as he was about to go home.

"Meow Meow Meon" There was a cat sound like it wanted to cross the road.

"What is that cat doing walking leisurely in the middle of the road like that" thought MC when he saw the cat and kept walking to go home.

A few moments later

"DINNNN DINNNNNN DINNNNNNNNNN" the sound of the car bell on the road

"OIIII GO CRAZY CAT, Damn this cat won't move" while screaming the driver swayed but unfortunately he couldn't control it and BRUKKK looks like he hit something.

Moments before the accident happened

while walking leisurely rama was still thinking in his imagination and heard a very loud car bell then he turned to his side suddenly a car wanted to kiss him and BRUUAAK BOOOM our MC OFF without knowing what really happened.

After some unknown time.


MC: "Where am I?, Damn what happened?" rama thinks in his heart and he remembers a while ago he was kissed by a car and after that he doesn't remember anything

???: "O my poor son"

MC: "Who are you?" immediately rama turned around and asked a man in front of him.

???: "I am a God" in a proud tone, the old man said to Rama

MC: "WHAT" shouted Rama loudly. "Wait, this feels familiar, like the novels I read," thought Rama and looked directly at the old man with a thick beard.

GOD: "Son, you are the lucky soul among millions of souls, you are the chosen child, you are the unique essence filtered by me. So I will give you a choice of 1. You will ascend to heaven or 2. Reincarnate in a different world. so which one is better, will you choose?" said the bearded old man, stroking his thick beard.

MC: "NUMBER 2" Answer by shouting

GOD: "HO HO HO, Interesting Choice for Young People" i

MC: "So I'll be reincarnated like in the world of novels, manga and anime? and have OP abilities?" I answered by asking the old man a question.

GOD: "None of your sons will be in a random world. but I can make 3 wishes for you. so what's your decision?"

MC: "What" I answered a little disappointed. "Well I still choose to be reincarnated" I thought remembering the 3 requests given by the Old Man.

GOD: "So what do you want?"

MC: "1. I want to have a system that can make me strong in that world and the system is equipped with functions such as STATUS can see my condition, SHOP that can be purchased with shop points, and unlimited STORAGE, 2. I want my body to have high regeneration and I am immune to poison and all its negative effects and I have never been sick, lastly and number 3 I want to have unlimited store points"

GOD: "My first wish can grant it, second I can as long as you can still feel the wound, my third wish can only give you 100 million points. How can you accept it?"

MC: "Okay I accept"

GOD: "Good luck son and enjoy your life", with a happy tone and a smile on his face I will always see you.


After saying that Rama felt like he was free and wanted to fly.

"WONDERFUL DAY" I muttered before my vision faded.

After some time I wanted to write this book again,

so i will give it a try!

Ade_Uyeecreators' thoughts