
Only One Way Up

I have a lot to say so bear with me now. Only One Way Up is a story about Parker Jay Asher, better known as parker. Parker is an average teenage boy in a futuristic world where everyone has powers, Parker is an exception though, although he would be called superhuman in our world he would just be normal in his. But like all mc’s he won’t let that stop him after all he is fairly strong for a kid without abilities. Parker's main goal in life is to be strong, in order to fulfill his mom's wishes he strives to get stronger every day. Parker only has one chance to prove himself though, in order to finally move on to tertiary school he has to take an exam. This exam will decide whether he will fulfill his mom’s wishes or if he dies trying. Anything goes in this game we call life so lets make it count. There’s gonna be a good amount of things to say so that I can answer or clear up any questions that you guys might have. First thing i would like to point out is that I'm a student so if i weren't to post new chapters in over a few weeks then that means I’m just doing my thing in school, And if i were to take a break or had a very busy schedule (not that i am really busy) i would tell you guys about it in my latest chapter and would mention it on my socials. Something you all probably noticed is that my grammar sucks. So if anyone were to reach out to me and would like to help me read over/edit my book then i would be glad and would explain further details if we were to get in contact. That should sum everything up, oh and one last thing thank you all for reading my book later. Socials (twitter is the only social for now) My twitter: I’m a bum @JN77510440

imabum · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Speak Of The Devil


"Stone barrier, Nice cheap shot. You see I was saving you for later but taking you on right now doesn't hurt does it?"


"Yeah that is true."


"But sadly you'll have to wait, I've got some matters that I need to attend to so for now this'll be postponed-"


"damn, looks like you forgot about me. Well no matter, this should make you remember."


"Hmm nice punch, looks like I was a bit wrong about you. Change of plans, I'll just deal with you right here and now."


"Oh looks like you had a change of heart, so what made it change?"


"Oh nothing, nothing at all, I just saw the bigger picture and re-evaluated my priorities, so you'll fight right?"


"Well I don't know, what do you say markus. Isn't it about time we fight too?"


"Yeah, I guess it's about time we fight as well. I still have some energy left in me, you?"


"Yeah, the tank's not empty that's for sure."


"Oh so yall still got some fight left in you, that's wonderful, it makes things easier for the both of us, don't you agree?"


"Yes, very much so yes."


"Can't they just stop fucking stalling already and just get to it? I've been anticipating this moment ever since their first brawl. Just get it going already!!"


"So you've been anticipating this moment huh, that's honestly sad."


"What do you mean by sad?"


"You were anticipating that they would've put up a good fight right?"


"I mean of course, who wouldn't think that?"


"People with brains you dumbass, sometimes fighters can usually tell the outcome of a battle just through instincts and intuition alone, and they have done the same."


"Ok and what are you trying to say?"


"They already knew from the get go that this would be a battle they wouldn't win, so chances are that they already accepted that fact and are going through with it anyways, so that the others can take advantage of the situation and escape."


"So what you're basically telling me is that they're willing to get their asses kicked?"


"(uhh why'd you have to say it like that?) I guess you could call it that, but that still doesn't change the fact that they've garnered up enough resolve to even make this type of decision. You gotta at least give them props for that, even if it'll be they're final act."


"Well aren't you pessimistic?"


"Pessimistic or not it's still the truth, they honestly have no chance of winning."


"Well even then it'll still be entertaining to watch."


"Well, aren't you heartless?"


"Well I obviously don't want to see them get beat up and stuff, no even that would be messed up of me. Although there is one thing I want to see."


"Oh and what would that be?"


"You losing our bet."


"(fuck, I completely forgot about that)"


"Come and catch us, you big oaf."


"behind you dumbass, damn right in the face too, you alright?"


"I won't lie, that was a pretty good punch, but it's not good enough! Intrusion."


"Again with this annoying ass move."


"Follow hi-"


"Pay attention to your blind spots you bum, It'll save you from being kicked square in the face next time."


"You know they're surprisingly doing better than you thought they would."


"It always tends to be that way doesn't it."


"Why are you always so secretive for?"


"Secretive? In what regards?"


"Well you know, when I say something you think to be stupid you always tend to mumble to yourself about it, then when I ask for your opinion on it you always tend to give an in dept analysis. It's like you want me to ask you about it hahaha."


"What are you talking about, I don't do that."


"(Stage one denial) look you can try to deny it all you want but it's the truth, you're really like that. What are you embarrassed now that I caught you in the act?"


"No, not in the slightest."


"Alright you big pouty baby just get on and tell me about what you think."


"(wasn't I called an oldman not too long ago) well what I meant by it was that it always looks like that, it always looks like the underdogs are in the lead but in reality he's just making them think that way, he's not losing in any way shape or form, in fact he's really winning. Cause in just a matter of seconds when he gets bored he can change the way the fights going."


"So what made you come to this conclusion?"


"(annoying bum) well he just reminds me of myself back in the day. I remember I used to do the same thing he's doing, I used to make it look like my opponent was winning at first, then when nobody expected it I would crush them in a matter of seconds and make them despair, I would make them realize the gap between us. I'm getting those types of vibes from him as well, there's no doubt in my mind that he's not doing that."


"Wow you really used to be a sadistic fuck huh?"


"I won't deny that, I really used to be messed up back then, but that's not important right now. I just wonder if they'll be ok."


"So yall really just gonna keep on running like that? What happened to taking me on!"


"Running away is a decent strategy alright, never make fun of the art of running away!"


"(this isn't as fun as I thought it would be, if anything it's more annoying. It's not like they'll stop running away too so I'll just finish this up and get this over with) it was fun while it lasted but I've had my fun, so this is goodbye, magnitude 1 QUAKE."


"(The hell? An attack of this level, even when I was his age I wasn't even able to do such a feat)"


"Shit, markus watch out- (fuck my leg's starting to cramp up)"


"Thanks for the sa- shit you alright man?"


"My leg is starting to cramp up, I can't really go any further."


"I'll carry you."


"No he'll be able to catch up in no time."


"Wow you guys actually survived that attack, that's honestly really commendable, good job, good job. but sadly it looks like this is all you can manage."


"Look man you have to go, get enough points so that we can both pass man."


"Do you seriously think I'm going to leave you here, I can't, I just can't. Even if I know that's the better decision I just can't bring myself to go with it."


"Wow look at you being all sentimental and stuff, it's about to bring me to tears-"


"Oh shut u-"


"Wow one punch was enough to shut you up, I didn't even have to use stone fist's at all, just a regular one. Wow you really are weak, so what were you saying?"


"I- I said shut u-"


"What was it again? I'm sorry I can't hear you?"


"I- I-"


"Come on, come on, come on! speak up why don't you, I can't hear a thing you're saying."


"Stop, stop! Don't you think that's enough."


"Hmm I wonder why he Isn't being pulled out of the test yet, didn't I beat him up hard enough already?"


"I- I can st- still fight."


"So he's resisting it huh, all jokes aside this is an incredible feat. and i'm guessing he's putting up with all of this for you, isn't that right, parker?"


"(he's- he's doing this for me?)"


"The fact that he did this in order to give you a better chance at winning is honestly insane, but it's not like it matter's, afterall you're next after I finish him off."


"Wait man, stop this! This isn't right, this isn't right! Even if we're put up against each other this still isn't right, stop beating him like that!"


"Well it's not my fault that he's the one resisting it, afterall I still have to knock him out in order to get the points. but even then you're still right, I shouldn't just keep on beating him senseless like this, guess I'll just have to end it. Well it was fun while it lasted but you can't continue in this condition, so goodbye, STONE-"


"You'll just end up hurting him even more, stop, STOP!"



Thousands of miles away....

"So levner how is the mission going on your end-"


"(well, well, what's this?) hmm speak of the devil, it looks to be going just fine, well I'll be going now."

"Ughh, did he have to make such a big shock wave on his way out."