
Only One Way Up

I have a lot to say so bear with me now. Only One Way Up is a story about Parker Jay Asher, better known as parker. Parker is an average teenage boy in a futuristic world where everyone has powers, Parker is an exception though, although he would be called superhuman in our world he would just be normal in his. But like all mc’s he won’t let that stop him after all he is fairly strong for a kid without abilities. Parker's main goal in life is to be strong, in order to fulfill his mom's wishes he strives to get stronger every day. Parker only has one chance to prove himself though, in order to finally move on to tertiary school he has to take an exam. This exam will decide whether he will fulfill his mom’s wishes or if he dies trying. Anything goes in this game we call life so lets make it count. There’s gonna be a good amount of things to say so that I can answer or clear up any questions that you guys might have. First thing i would like to point out is that I'm a student so if i weren't to post new chapters in over a few weeks then that means I’m just doing my thing in school, And if i were to take a break or had a very busy schedule (not that i am really busy) i would tell you guys about it in my latest chapter and would mention it on my socials. Something you all probably noticed is that my grammar sucks. So if anyone were to reach out to me and would like to help me read over/edit my book then i would be glad and would explain further details if we were to get in contact. That should sum everything up, oh and one last thing thank you all for reading my book later. Socials (twitter is the only social for now) My twitter: I’m a bum @JN77510440

imabum · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

How Dare You


"Get the fuck back here you little shits."


"Damn he's still chasing after us."


"wow this guy is persistent, oh yeah mark can you still keep up with me."


"Just barely, damn I need a break."


"So you're tired out, I can give you a left if you'd like."


"On your back, yeah no tha-"


"Behind you."




"Alright then just calm down. And up we go."


"Why're you carrying me like some damn maiden in distress."


"Three words, look behind you."


"What do you mean behind me."


"Oh, have you forgotten about me already."


"Parker go faster man, hurry it UP."


"Alright then but don't complain about it later, Swift feet."


"Ahhh, why are you going so fast."


"(how did it come to this...)"


"(Dammit i'm starting to lose sight of them) get back here you bums... (fuck, I ended up losing sight of them in the end. They've escaped for now but I'm gonna find them no matter what)"


"They ran away like a bunch of cowards, reminds me of a certain someone."


"Retreating is a very tactical strategy, unlike you who fights with emotion putting everyone at risk I fight with strategy and try to come up with an outcome best suited for everyone."


"I don't fight with emotion, where did you even get that."


"Two years ago, we were planning on capturing a syndicate member and then you dragged out the mission, all because you wanted to fight the enemy head on instead of going according to the plan. Seriously if levner had not been on standby things would've gotten a lot worse."


"Well how the hell was I supposed to know that they were about to launch an antimatter bomb, that wasn't even in the information the scouts had gotten for us. And besides who wouldn't want to pay them back for all of the atrocities they've done, I know damn well that even you were holding yourself back at the time."


"First of all they're the syndicate, THE SYNDICATE. Of course they would have something like that up their sleeves. And yeah I was holding myself back at the time, you don't know what it's like to lose comrades ... To lose comrades out of irrational decisions you've made in the heat of the moment."


"(welp I probably shouldn't have said that) all right all right i get what you mean by that,   (damn I don't like the mood) ima be right back."


"(she left, i wouldn't be surprised if she didn't come. Not like I care about that)"


"Ok i'm back now."


"(The fuck) where'd you head off to."


"Oh I went to go grab snacks, here have some."


"Yeah no thank you."


"Look I know I might've made you remember some old memories that you wish would stay forgotten, and I actually feel bad about doing that so here, accept these snacks as an apology for me bringing that up."


"Well when you put it like that i guess i can't decline the offer. (one of the many qualities i like about her, the fact that she tries to make up for all of the shenanigans she does)"


"Eww that's disgusting."


"What, what happened … oh."


"Dude did you really have to barf."


"Hey I couldn't help it, you were going too fast. And even then at least none got on you"


"Yeah that's true, but come on man did you really have to."


"You act like I could've controlled it (aww my breakfast)."

"Controlled what exactl- eww why is there vomit on the floor."

"Heh so much for your big entrance jane."


"Oh shut up lucia. Ahem anyways we're here to beat you guys up, you got a problem with that."


"Oh yeah parker what was that swift feet skill you used back there."


"Oh that, well to explain it in simple terms it's just a skill that I've acquired over time while training with anne, I had to find a way to keep up with her and ended up finding one."


"So I'm guessing that anne's you're trainer, well that's pretty cool you've managed to make up a move all on your own, I'm pretty impressed."


"Oh do you want to hear the phrase i use when i'm abo-"


"No, I have a slight feeling that it might end up being cringy."


"What, you haven't even heard it yet. How can you be so sure."


"It's a gut feeling you could say."


"(they're ignoring us ... they're ignoring us)


"Looks like someones ticked off heheh."


"I'm not (i'm gonna teach them a thing or two about ignoring me) AHEM."


"Come on it's not that bad, just listen to it."


"So you admitted that it was bad, well looks like I was right to say no in the first pla-"


"HELLO. Aren't you guys forgetting something."




"................. anyways, like i said before."


"(I'm done with this they're going down) blazing hands."


"Come on man couldn't you have at least let us finish our chat."


"Finish my ass, eat fire shit face."


"What ass, it's nothing but flat."


"Uhhh markus."


"Ahahahah, that's so funny. Jane, are you hurt ahahah."


"What are you laughing about. Hmm the more i look at you the more it seems you haven't seen the light of day in years."


"Hey jane, can we kill this guy."


"I was already planning on doing so."


"Parker, watch out here comes the flatty and the shut in. oh no what will they do."



"(I can kinda start to see why people hated him back in the day)"


"Eat fire shithead."


"Way too slow man, those attacks ain't ever gonna hit me (huh, vines)"


"You won't be escaping this time, hit him with everything you've got jane, oh and make it hurt real bad."


"Oh it'll hurt alright, now c'mere you little shit FLAMING JET PUNCH."


"Easy now, easy now, I can't be letting you do that to my partner now."


"Thanks for the help man. I appreciate it, focus on her and I'll focus on this thing."


"Sure thing man."


"Ahh you're such an ass, Dense forest."


"You know I find it very ironic that someone who's a plant user doesn't like to be in the sun."


"You're so annoying just shut up already and die, vine whip."


"Wow you're pretty feisty aren't you, and into a lot of weird things i can tell."


"No I'm not this is just a technique."


"You know, you look kinda cute when you're flustered like that. I wonder how you'll look when you smile."


"Cute, me, me, me cute, no one's really ever called me cute before."


"(Her grip untightened, now I can use this chance to escape. Although i kinda feel bad for leading her on, oh i know i'll just apologize later) well sorry about this i gotta go now bye."


"Wait you tricked me, HOW DARE YOU."


"(I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I"M REALLY SORRY)