
Only One Way Up

I have a lot to say so bear with me now. Only One Way Up is a story about Parker Jay Asher, better known as parker. Parker is an average teenage boy in a futuristic world where everyone has powers, Parker is an exception though, although he would be called superhuman in our world he would just be normal in his. But like all mc’s he won’t let that stop him after all he is fairly strong for a kid without abilities. Parker's main goal in life is to be strong, in order to fulfill his mom's wishes he strives to get stronger every day. Parker only has one chance to prove himself though, in order to finally move on to tertiary school he has to take an exam. This exam will decide whether he will fulfill his mom’s wishes or if he dies trying. Anything goes in this game we call life so lets make it count. There’s gonna be a good amount of things to say so that I can answer or clear up any questions that you guys might have. First thing i would like to point out is that I'm a student so if i weren't to post new chapters in over a few weeks then that means I’m just doing my thing in school, And if i were to take a break or had a very busy schedule (not that i am really busy) i would tell you guys about it in my latest chapter and would mention it on my socials. Something you all probably noticed is that my grammar sucks. So if anyone were to reach out to me and would like to help me read over/edit my book then i would be glad and would explain further details if we were to get in contact. That should sum everything up, oh and one last thing thank you all for reading my book later. Socials (twitter is the only social for now) My twitter: I’m a bum @JN77510440

imabum · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Easier Said Than Done But Ohwell, It Can't Be Helped, Can It.


"(damn, I can't believe I actually agreed to this plan. I feel like such an ass meanwhile markus is over there with a shit eating grin, wait now that I look at her how aren't her clothes burning? well it wouldn't hurt to ask) wait jane before we fight how are your clothes not burning up?"


"It's because these clothes are made with fire resistant materials, I'm not gonna let some stranger see my goods mid-fight."


"Ahahahaha, goods huh? It's not like there's much to see anyways."


"Ahhhhhh, you're pissing me off, full flame burst."


"(swift feet) you're fighting me."


"Oh is that so."


"(I feel horrible for this) Obviously it is flatty."


"(ahhhh the both of them are pissing me off) fire fist burst."


"(although I feel horrible for being such an ass the plan is kinda working, I've noticed her moves are getting fueled more by raw emotion instead of her calm and cool thinking from before, this'll end up making her more stronger but at the same time more wide open)"


"Stop fucking dodging, let me beat you up."


"Yeah no."


"(looks like everything's going according to plan, now all i have to do is-)"


"Don't think you're off the hook yet, I still have some unfinished business with you."


"(I may very well regret this, and I may not. But chances are I'm gonna regret this, alright here goes) talk about cringy, you're using lines from an old tv series or movie just  to intimidate me. You really are just a shut in aren't you."


"I'm not a shut in dammit, vine net."


"(dammit I knew I would end up regretting it)"


"Stop running away dammit, let me trap you so that I can beat you senseless!"


"(dammit i'm just adding onto the fire now) Get away from me you no life couch potato."


"Ahhhhh, I ain't gonna let you get away from me boy! roots."


"(I seriously regret this)"


"Parker's teammate is seriously having a hard time right now."


"Yeah I can tell, imagine her running after you with that scary looking face, she's basically got intent to kill written all over her."


"Yeah as a kid that would be traumatizing."


"Yeah it definitely would. honestly she looked completely fine in their first skirmish, although it was far from a smile it was still better than that devilish face. What in the hell could've possibly made her this mad."


"My question exactly, wait if I remember correctly shouldn't the device on their wrists allow us to listen to them."


"Can it do that?"


"Well I think so."


"(I wonder if its voice activated, screw it, lets try) hey system let us hear the dialogue going on between team 1 and 37."


"Do you think that'll work?"


"Well I hope so."


"You are now hearing the dialogue between team one and team 37."


"Stop chasing me you bum."


"What a funny thing to say, while knowing full well that predators don't let go of their prey that easily."


"This is the exact reason as to why you don't have any friends."


"Keep on saying that, I dare you to keep on saying that!"


"(everything is going good here, all I need now is for parker to hold his end of the deal and get jane to go bat shit crazy. please parker don't fail me now, I don't think I can fend lucia off for much longer)"


"get back here you little shit, rocket blast!"


"(honestly this girl has some serious anger issues, the fact that I've made her this mad in such a short amount of time is just mind blowing to me. She's practically destroying everything in her way) you know even with aerodynamics on your side you still won't be able to catch me."


"Was that supposed to make me mad?"


"Do you not know what I mean by that? (I'm really sorry about this, please forgive me in the future jane) That's honestly really sad, along with being flat you're also dumb, I mean who knew that you would get such a terrible roll in the gene pool."


"(he just doesn't know when to shut up, he just doesn't know when to SHUT UP) wipe that shit eating grin off your FACE!!! Full Flame Burst!"


"(damn that move really caught me off guard, along with that I can still even feel it's heat from all the way over here. So by the looks of it I just need to annoy her a little more in order for her to completely lose it, damn I feel so fucked up about this but we need to end this as quickly as possible. I'm really sorry about what i'm about to say) I can explain it if you want."


"Stop wasting my time and fight me like a man!"


"Oh so you don't wanna know? Well that sucks, but I'm gonna say it anyways cause i feel like it."


"Just shut your damn trap already, Full Flame Fist!"


"Like I said earlier you're just too damn slow, even with a body shape that reduces air drag."


"What type of body would someone need to reduce air drag?"


"Well you know, a small and slender body, or in your case just by being a flatty. The fact that even without such features that cause drag you still can't even catch up with me, it's sad really."


"(......................) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."


"(well looks like I did my part, but at what cost)"


"I seriously despise this kid of yours."


"Well he's not wro-"


"What was that now?"


"Ahem although yes he's being a bit of an as-"


"Just a bit."


"Although yes he's being an ass parker doesn't rub off as the kind of kid that would do such a thing in the first place. He probably has something in mind while he's doing this, something that might lead to his advantage. That may very well be the reason as to why he's taken such an approach in the first place."


"Hmmmm, well with that aside aren't you just surprised that jane powered up that much."


"How do you switch in between moods that qui-"


"Pardon me."


"(I should just play along) yeah it was a bit surprising to be honest, the fact that that much power just came swelling out from her really just surprised me."


"I know right. she's got potential, and a lot of it at that, she'll become a strong warrior someday."


"Yeah she really will."


"(finally he did it, i'm so relieved. So now that he's done it i think its about time we start to wrap things up) hey you oversized garden weed, try to catch me if you can."


"How can I catch you if you keep on running away like a little bitch!"


"(I'm so happy that this'll be over soon) that scary face of yours is the reason you don't have any friends."


"My face? What does my face have to do with any of this, tell me what my face has to do with ANY OF THIS!!!"


"(How did it come to this and why did it come to this… oh right, this is my fault)"


"Looks like you're finally taking this seriously, that's exactly what I like to see. (its not, its not)"


"I'm gonna burn your ass off, eat this FULL FLAME HEAT BURST- (huh?)"


"PARKER! Lookout."




"What the hell?"


"Heh looks like we both succeeded hah."


"From the looks of that move you seriously must've had a hard time."


"Oh you bet your ass i did, it was the scariest moment of my life."


"Yeah I can tell, well anyways now that we've done the first part of our plan why don't we move onto the second part of it."


"Oh and what's that?"


"it's simple really, we just have to take down these monsters."


"Easier said than done, but oh well it can't be helped can it."