
Only My Girl

This is my life. Very flat and empty, until Pelita illuminates my life. Pelita is, "Pelita Nafisa". One of the millions of women with mysterious characteristics, one of the many women who can make my feelings interested in her, and one of hundreds of women on campus, who are not interested in my good looks. I'm Devana Clano, stupid but handsome students and also rich, said the love war will begin soon after this. Pelita, wait for me. I will definitely win your heart, even though you don't love me. I will make you the first, even though you make my last mention. I will make you one, even though I became one of them for you. Wait and then just get it until it arrived. I will keep trying to fight for you until I get your heart. Until that time arrived, I would continue to hope for Goddess of Luck who sided with my side. Whatever happens, I will continue to pay attention to you, until you melt your cold heart. I hope I'm lucky, and hope you love me back.

AurasylaXliniara · Urban
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37 Chs

What's wrong with me liking him?

—Dino Agfralien


Deva returned to his private home with a flat face, but with his mind drifting about thinking of the future of Dino and Lewis.

As though she was aware of Deva's presence, Vina rushed go to him to ask him something.

Vina stretched out his hand to stop Deva from walking, "What's wrong? What did you just do, Dev?". Ask Vina with a head tilt.

Deva looked at vina very closely and then unkemged her hair.

Deva smiled, "Nothing happened Vina.. I was just yelling at Lewis and Vino to stop fighting over a book, but it doesn't really matter." Answer Deva by lying to Vina.

'Adter all, Vina's memory is not fully recovered, for now I have to hide Dino and Lewis relationship first.' Deva said in his heart.

Vina looked at Deva with a bit of eyebrows down, he only feared if Deva were lying to her by saying that Vino and Lewis were okay.

"Vina is funny.." Deva muttered that Vina did not hear. Even though they were so close, Vina seemed to focus on looking Deva in the face that he daydreamed about her now.

Deva sighed for a moment, then pulled Vina's nose out sharply.

Vina, who still looked at Deva with her reverie, began to panic and was shocked at the same time to learn that she could not breathe properly.

Vina's face reddened, "Devwa... Howv doesw it breathehw? (Deva... How does it breathe?)". Asked Vina innocently and still hadn't noticed that her nose was pulled by Deva.

She chuckled softly at the sight of her girlfriend as naive and easily lost focus in a moment of panic.

Vina kept trying to breathe through her mouth until she exhausted herself and nearly fainted, but luckily Deva captured Vina's tiny body.

"Vina, Vina... I really can't wrap my mind around your nonsense!Hahahahahahahaha." Deva laughed at Vina with his deep satisfaction, then pulled Vina's body back to stand before him.

"Vina.. Breathe properly, you may not and never forget how to breathe. Who forgets how to breathe?" Ask Deva by poking at Vina's very red nose.

Vina still hasn't answered all Deva's words, he's still busy organizing his perfectly irregular breaths. Vina had a very sharp look at Deva, but Deva didn't see that glance. Vina plans to avenge her vengeance on Deva later, if Vina succeeds and if Vina fails, then her plan of revenge has failed.

Vina clenched her hand a little, 'Just wait!' His inner.

On the other side of the room, Sian took turns watching from the living seats. Sian actually wanted to join their conversation, but he preferred to analyze Deva and Vina's matches first.

"Hm.. Interesting. They seem to have opposites, but on the one side they seem very compatible." Said Sian that Deva and Vina could not hear. He continued to observe the careful interaction of the two different kinds, until his own master or Deva pranked Vina by pulling his nose.

"And it was like Young Master Deva was very happy to tease Miss Vina, who was so innocent. Hmm... The more interesting and I wanna watch it." Again and again in talking to himself, he's supposed to be helping Vina but.. Anyway, Sian preferred to be the audience of the free drama.

Before he satisfied watching the drama between Deva and Vina, he was interrupted by a phone call from his own cell phone. At first he ignored a phone call that was out of nowhere, but gradually the sound of the call turned into an automated voice mail.

An Operator said, ".. Mr. Sian, you have an voicemail from Mrs. Jennies which I will play in a minute. Please listen to him."

` Piip. piip ~

The voice mail was play by an automatic,

"Sian... who felt guilty for not answering his call from his employer, quickly flew to Deva's yard and quickly gave a report to Me.. i'll waiting until 7 P.M"

That's all the voice mail from Mrs. Jennies.

And Sian was very shocked by hearing what Mrs. Jennies says, 'Emergency, Mrs. Jennies will definitely cut my monthly salary!' Panic Sian in his heart.

Meanwhile, Deva was aware of Sian's departure after getting a phone call from her own Grandmother. He stopped flirting with Vina who constantly beat Deva's hand, then he held Vina's hand for a moment of silence.

"Huh! Let go!!!". Said Vina with his voice raised.

Deva shook her head, "No.. Because you're too ridiculous to flirt with me. Hahahahahaha."

"Hisss! Are you kidding me, Dev? Let me bite off these arms." Threatened Vina seriously by bringing Deva's hand closer to his mouth.

Deva spontaneously pulled back her hand that Vina had held tightly, also retreated a few steps back as a result of balance.

Deva winced incoherently, "You are so scary, honey. Why would I accept you as my girlfriend?". Asked Deva straight off him a hard jab at his waist.

"Aww ouchhhh!!! Vinaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!".

Which he shouted at his name was just a big, bloody laugh without even a hint of guilt.

"Ahahahahaha.. Suck on that! Wleee!". Said Vina by sticking out his tongue a sign she was taunting Deva.

Now deva looks at Vina with a sharp look and says, "You are invincible, I hate you." With the emphasis on the whole sentence.

Vina was surprised not to believe what Deva had just said.

"You.. -"

Deva cut off Vina's words, "I hate you, No. Maybe I don't hate you, I just hate your silly behavior." It was clear that Deva had now turned he's eyes to his cell phone screen.

"Eh?". Vina was confused by Deva's words earlier. Vina's reason for not feeling any foolishness in her body, yet hearing Deva hating her foolishness.. It cut her heart a little.

For several minutes they remained silent with each other in mind and focused gaze on different things. Deva returned the message her classmates had sent, while Vina bowed her head by playing with her tiny finger.

'like I said it was a long shot, huh?' Ask Deva to himself.

And in the end..

Deva put a phone in the pocket of her school uniform, then looked at Vina with a little refrained laughter.

He didn't hold back from laughing, but he was thinking of a way to make the surroundings less awkward. And it's not like the weather outside supported Deva standing back to the entrance for long.

Just look at Deva today, her face has been flushed especially with the nose part, his nose is very red and will probably sneeze out at any moment. Deva couldn't stand the wind blowing in his private home.

'It's like I'm walking into a freezer, you idiot.' Deva to himself.

Deva calls a cool Vina fingering her own, "Vina.. I was kidding about that shit I was talking about, can we go inside and get warm first? I'm freezing my ass off standing here for like 15 minutes." Said Deva looked pleading.

Vina just nodded her head to reply, no matter what.. She still hasn't forgotten Deva's words.

And without waiting for anything else, Deva walked into his own house without inviting Vina to follow him too. He still has not found a suitable apology for him to pass on Vina.

'Whether I want to or not, I should apologize to her. I knew I was evil and worse when I said something bad like that to Vina, when she was just trying to figure out the answer to the previous question.' Deva thought in his heart, remembering that he was very evil when he answered Vina's question with a lie within him.

Without even being told, Vina would immediately follow Deva behind him without a sound.

"Deva is very annoyinng! Bossy, but not disagreeable. Huhh~ I never thought he's be this annoying after we dated.' Vina complains to herself.


From outside house you can see Dino and Lewis eavesdropping on Deva and Vina at the main door. At first Dino was trying to get a hold of Deva and Vina, who seemed to be joking, but as he walked up to them, everything went terribly awkward.

Dino wanted to scold Deva for saying bad things to Vina, but Lewis got in the way and instead told him to listen. He had no problem eavesdropping on Deva and Vina, but the problem was where Lewis had chosen to eavesdrop.

Yea.. Dino and Lewis are now facing each other at a very thin distance between them. If anyone else is watching, they'll be sure to think Lewis is flirting with Dino in front of Deva house.

"Ahh jerks". Dino again and again took a firm breath, holding back the red spray that had graced his handsome face. Dino begins to feel uneasy between his stomachs, as if sprinkled with millions of butterflies in his stomach.

"Gahh, it was very annoyed.." Murmured Dino in exasperated and didn't get any response from Lewis. Lewis heard him, but he did not understand what was upsetting Dino.

'And this uncle is insensitive at all, Tsk. It was annoying, but I shouldn't have gone along with it!'. Dino was upset in his heart and before he knew it, his face was all red to his ears, but that Lewis did not see clearly because Dino lowered his gaze.

"Master, are you..."

Sorry to keep you guys waiting !

AurasylaXliniaracreators' thoughts