

   Where am I

What's this place.....

Who am I, what's going on .....

Creak,  creak, a breaking sound opted in the silence

What's with that sound....

The sound continued and little lights began seeping in from the outside.

I'm I buried....Is this how the afterlife looks like...

More lights came in from the cracks and it shone brightly, one that could blind an eye

The.....sky...is cracking....

  The lights became brighter and brighter until it shined on every part of her, she could only close her eyes to avoid much exposure to her pupils.

  Slowly she opened her eyes, all she could see was white, she couldn't tell her location from her point of veiw.

Heaven, she said slowly.

She got up from her lying position and looked down herself, she was all covered in white, her skin color was same as the clothing.

What happened to me? She asked rhetorically

Looking at her sides she became aware of her surroundings, the whole place was looking splendid, a sight she has never seen before, she looked down, the ground was foggy and her lying place seem to be foggy too. She stepped down and her foot balanced on a solid ground.

What is this place, she thought. Suddenly she turned to her side, she was not alone, someone was looking at her from a distance, she seemed bewildered by her her presence.

Who....who are you?


What's that noise?

Seem like everything is going to fall apart!

Look the ground is shaking, there's  a crack within the 'prohibido'!


What's all those noise about?

Its already happening my lord, she has been reborn.

He sprang up to his feet, finally the awaiting doom was unveiled

Quick send a message to the nine realms that he has been released.

My lord, he said bowing, what about her, they would harm her along with him.

What needs to be done has to be, I can't risk anything because of emotions now leave!

Here's an access grant to the gates he said with his right hand moving to Ariel, tell Arioch that I need to see him urgently.

Yes my lord.

He disappeared into thin air, Charon followed suit but to another direction, he stood at front of the chaos, his eyes glowed brightly as he looked at the enormous crack on the barrier.

Stand your ground and strengthen your guard! Whoever perish today perish in honour! He shouted.

That's why I'll be by your side brother, a man with long brown hair landed by his side, he had brown eyes that looked like a bottomless wonder when you stare into it, his features were fascinating too.

Brother, Charon said with a smile, you never cease to come at the right time.

Because that's what I'm made of he said smiling.

The duo flew up to the barrier, dark energy sipped out of the broken cracks. They both channeled their energy into their hands and swords appeared.

A deadly laughter that sent chills down one's spine sounded from within the barrier, the atmosphere around it changed greatly, they slashed at the dark energy that was surrounding the barrier and thunder striked down on them making them to be at a defensive side.

You can't stop me this time, try harder, the voice laughed from the barrier.


She walked weakly to the confused girl, her eyes and emotion could speak of how glad but scared she was to see her.

Memories flashed within her when the lady's hand touched her face.


You can't harm her!

But she can harm you!

She has done nothing and you know that

The walls are breaking Esme, send her to the human realm!




Then she came back to herself when her hand left her face. She dodged another touch from the woman immediately she wanted to touch her again.


The name echoed in her head after the woman called her. Like a opened channel different scene she couldn't recount of flooded her head all at once, some filled with pain and some were happiness.

Dracel! The lady exclaimed as she held the falling girl.

I....i...see your memories, Dracel said as she was caught in the ladies arms. Who....are you she asked again, slowly her eyes closed as she couldn't feel any energy within her.



She opened her eyes and saw her self in a pool, not any pool but a pool of blood swirling round her, slowly it began drying up.

Where do they go, she asked with a confused look.

She raised her head to meet the same woman she saw before.

Why...does this pool smell nice, and why don't I feel enough?

I....I don't know the woman said with a confused look.

Have I seen you before? She asked as she looked closely at the lady.

Same dark thick hair, same dark eyes, same pitiful look, have I seen you before?

Do....do you....remember me? She asked with a hopeful look.


Im...im... your...

I'm feeling weak, she announced as she couldn't feel herself

Dracel stay with me, Esme said grabbing her.

The pool was empty, like every single bit of blood was never there, her whole body absorbed them all not leaving a drop.

Stay with me! Esme shouted again.

I.....i....feel.....she said with drowsy eyes and went silent.


Lights sprang up from the barrier and it shattered into pieces sending everyone back.

A foot stepped out of the foggy arena, the figure stood straight with head facing the sky, he breath in deeply opening his hands widely to the atmosphere.

So refreshing, how long has it been.

Don't think you're finally free abchanchu, this is the beginning of your doom, Arioch spoke.

He laughed mockingly at the statement.

What more would you do to stop me if you can't stop fate. No matter how you try you can't change anything, its my time he said looking down at everyone who stood there.

You only belong to the hades, a voice sounded from afar, a woman flew down from the skies and stood among Charon and Arioch.

The others turned to look at her, she had an elegant shape, a good looking face but its beauty was no room for weakness, she was cold and lacked emotions.

Lady Biltibat, why are you alone?

Don't judge too fast Charon, a seductive looking lady said walking into their midst, I Nimue had accompanied her.

Since you're all here, why don't I exercise my whole silent resentment on you, Abchanchu spoke up.


She's awake! My lady....

A gasp escaped the mouth of the maid who spoke up, she fell to the ground slowly and became lifeless.

Dracel... Esme called in shock.

Dracel looked at her hands as It trembled, she had just sensed energy around her, she quickly held the hand that energy sipped from and it happened to be a human transformed vampire.

What.... what did I just do, she asked with trembling hands.

You're fine, Esme said holding her trembling hands.

I feel thirsty, I don't feel ok, I feel like I'm been drained everytime I open my eyes....I feel like...

Its alright Dracel, Esme said grabbing her in her arms, you'll be ok, you'll be fine.

Whats going on, Dracel said pulling from her mother's hug.


There's a huge battle...and this same man ...that man in my memories....he's  beckoning on me.

Dracel, Dracel stay with me, Esme shouted grabbing her tightly. She knew that she was been hypnotized at that point, she was trying her possible best to hold her down.

Why.....why...is he calling on me? She asked again.


She has been reborn? Biltibat asked as she swung her sword at Abchanchu

Yes, and he's drawing powers from her, as far as she's alive, we will continue this cycle.

Don't tell me this one is so precious?

I don't mind ending it all if it involves her, Charon said with no emotions in his eyes.

They kept fighting against abchanchu and with every blow given to him, he seem to power up. Suddenly a rope dropped from the sky and held him in place, he struggled and tried to break free but lady Nimue was quick in action as she had produced a caging bracelet and channeled it into his hands.

This should keep him still, if only cutting his head was a solution to everything, she said in disgust.

A barrier won't keep him still, we should take him to the realm of tribulations, Biltibat spoke up.

And your daughter won't be left out of his misfortune, you know how hard it would be to capture him if he had already regained himself fully, I don't have to remind you of centuries ago.

Charon's face had a gloomy expression after her speech, he watched as the shape shifting vampire demon was taken away through the sky, the demon gave him a grin which made him boil.

My lord, Ariel said appearing at once.

What was their reply?

You'll have to report to the council, the case looks more critical than it is.


Stay still, stay calm, she said patting her back, Esme had pulled her into an unbreakable hug until her eyes became clear.

Mum, she called softly, why don't I feel ok.

Her eyes widened in shock at her question.

sorry for keeping you waiting, I'll be releasing more chapters today

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