
Just Like Her Father

  Esme had been worried since yesternight, her daughter had not come to see her since they came back to the palace. She was suddenly sensing difference in her daughters attitude since she met her father.

"The more exposed she is to her power, the quicker she regains her lost memory".

She remembered clearly what Ariel had said to her.

At this point she couldn't help but worry and wait for the worst, because the future won't result to any good like she hopes for.

She gently pushed the door even though she could open it with flip of her hair, she gazed through the empty room but could not find her daughter.

Where could she have gone so early...where could she be, she thought.

She enjoyed walking instead of teleporting as she enjoyed little things the most. Having no idea where her child would have gone she decided to check on her father's room.

Are you looking for Dracel.

She stopped in her pace and breath down turning to look at the person.

Stop sneaking on people that way Ariel, every day....

Should not be a surprise day. They both said in unison.

Hmm I'm sorry my lady, he quickly apologized, umm...you're looking for the princess, he asked waiting for a reply.

Well, you know she has been with her father lately, he said knowing he won't even get a nod.

What have those two been up to? What are they doing now, she said hastening her step to meet them.

Unluckily they are not here....


They told me ..not to tell he said defending himself from her attacking questions.

Ariel, she called

I'm very sorry my lady but it's not me been punished this time, I love you as my queen but I can't sacrifice my head.

She sighed, the worried look on her face was obvious as she walked slowly disappointed.

I don't really think your worry is worth it right now, I mean she's with her father.... and they'll be having a good time training.

He suddenly closed his mouth with both hands as his eyes budged out realizing he had gave a tip of where they where.

Thank you, she said with a bold smile.

I...I didn't say that.

Then who said it, she asked with an amused look on her face.

I mean....don't tell him I told you, I can't bear another death threat pleeeeeeeeaaaaase.

Stop making me look bad she said laughing, you know I'm always good at keeping secrets.

I'm off he said disappearing immediately.

The smile on her face withered immediately he left. She couldn't walk there as she had not been out the palace for years.

Maybe I should wait, she thought, or maybe...I should just leave them.

She knew clearly that no matter how she try to cover the truth that it must surely surface oneday, so she had decided to letting things be.


You'll keep loosing if you keep holding back, he said blocking all her attacks with simple steps.

But you clearly....told me to control myself! She shouted in frustration as she tried using the sword to hit him but he would aimlessly block them.

You are only trying to control your anger not your energy.

But I'm restricted to use them! She shouted again frustrated.

If you don't want to teach me then let me be! She shouted dropping the heavy sword from her hand fuming angrily.

That's it, you'll never learn if you want to be this way, he said looking at her in dissatisfaction.

This whole thing is sick! I can't hold that sword its too heavy! I'm a girl! And a princess for that matter!

And who said princesses don't weild swords?

Not all princesses do, I've read them on fantasies, its my life and you're been too tough on me!

She touched her lip immediately.

Did I just say....read from fantasies...

I've never remembered opening books since i.... she immediately raised her head to see her father's piercing gaze.

Don't even tell me to forget about it, she cautioned immediately.

He was stunned at her immediate reaction.

You can even read my thoughts, how daring can you be.

Why are you and mom hiding my past from me, she asked ignoring his words.

And why would you think we would hide your past from you?

At least give me a hint, these memories that come and go and I can't put them in one piece is getting on my nerves.

He had a broad smile on his face, just like him, she was daring, impatient and was ready to crawl off her shell if she was been sealed.

Without caution a silver pointed edge flew to his chest  almost piercing him.

Are going to keep standing there smiling or you'll tell me something I need to know!

He touched the edge of the sword with his palm and it disappeared from her hand.

Don't you think you're overestimating yourself by point that at me.

Dracel was ready to explode in anger, the silent treatment were torturing and making her go mad.

You've won the match, tomorrow we'll continue he said.

Just like she expected he was walking away but like air she landed on his front and started lamenting.

Who do you think you're that you leave my questions unanswered, everytime you walk away and treat me like a ghost what sort of father are you! Are you sure you even bore me, you have no remorse, no sympathy not even a fake one to show for how you've hurt me badly.


You don't want to teach me, you punished me in the name of patience, even you don't have Patience to even lead your people, what sort of man are you!

Immediately she landed on her bed in her room, her door shut after that and she was left all by herself.

Arrrrrrrrghhhh! I hate you so much! She shouted stamping her foot on the innocent mattress.


That's  the cruelest way to treat one's child, Arioch said with legs crossed.

How long have you been waiting?

Actually I was peeping, I happen to come across you training.... you're been too tough on the young lady.

He sighed as he looked at his only friend.

Only I understand you the most brother, but don't you think she deserves a little explanation?

Her patience would count, she's more than what she thinks she carry. The better she understands now or it would be too disastrous if she knows after her memory comes back.

Arioch seeped his tea slowly causing an unpleasant noise from his cup.

Do you really have to carry these tea around when you don't need them.

It helps me relax...I can't imagine a day without my relaxing tea, he said closing his eyes.

You can be annoying as humans sometimes.

What! He shouted removing his mouth from the tea cup.

I can tolerate any other insult except from being called a human! Dont curse a blessed being like me with those creations.

You're so full of yourself, Charon said with a smile.

I took the assignment to check on her, I took it upon myself to see through her growth, she must not lead the wrong way.

Even if she doesn't, he won't let her be.

He dropped his cup of tea on the table.

He appeared to her? He asked in surprise.

I sensed his aura around her and I had to come through on time, though they are bonded together, I don't think she will lead the rough way.

Hmm she doesn't seem to be one who holds grudges or evil in her mind, a blessed on among us. Arioch said with a nod.

Only she can break the bond between the crossbreed and herself, he continued.

And that may lead to her death if she's unsuccessful or she'll collide with him if her willingness is not strong enough, Charon said with a frown.

Arioch had a surprise look on his face at his worry.

Don't look at me like that, I'm only worried that her mother won't talk me to death! He shouted defending himself.

Ok...ok Arioch said with a nod then sipped his tea.

Would you stop doing that! Charon said irritated.

Even the pettiest things get you irritated, how come the almighty Charon suddenly cares about a family?


We know, Arioch immediately said not allowing him to explain himself.

I'm out of here, Charon said getting up, he would never win an argument with Arioch.

Arioch knew him very well so he was not fazed by his sudden leaving. He continued sipping his tea slowy causing more noise till Charon was out of sight.