
A Taste Of Agony.

Dracel it called again,

Who are you she asked gently

Over here she heard,

She turned to her side and saw a walk way, where are you she asked as she followed the voice,

Over here she heard the sweet voice again, the voice kept directing till she was out of the pit.

There was no way out of the pit, she said looking confused as she was out to the opening, the only way out was to climb out, how did I get out.

Dracel, she heard the voice again,

Who are you she asked,

Someone who cares about you it said,

She chuckled, do you care or you brought me out to be killed,

I would never do such it said, she could sense the bitterness in the voice, im sorry you have to go through all these, im very sorry, its voice had a hint of sorrow in it,

She chuckled lightly, there's no need to be sorry if you don't want me to see you, or are you scared of a vampire?

Whoever is behind that voice should be meaning everything it says, her darkness spoke,

Someone will be here to pick you soon, just hold on for me, ill come for you soon it said.

Again she laughed, this time she was amused, who are you, and do I look like I need your help she said laughing. While she was laughing she saw a couple staring at her as they moved pass with their donkey, they were looking at her in a way she don't understand.

They're thinking you're mad, her darkness said,

Probably I may be, she said loudly, again the couple looked at her in shock, they were murmuring as they left sight.

She scoffed as she started walking.

Waiting for me young lady, a familiar voice said.

You're so good at hiding your scent that I can't dictate if you're human or inanimate,

That's why I'm called a wizard he said laughing

She stopped to look at him,

Now you've successfully ruined my childhood and my little joyful teenage life, what else do you have to destroy or is this the final touch before I die she said

He frowned at her statement and looked at her for some time before speaking,

what do you mean,

Don't act like you didn't hear me clearly, you've been a disturbance to my life for years now, always in my nightmares, took my innocent doll when I was not up to ten, been my greatest fear and worst of all stopping me from taking my miserable life and saving me from people who would have laid me to sleep for eternity...she breathed down, what do you want now.....have you decided to kill me, in what way, what method, will it be brutal....just make it fast she said.

Like he was disgusted by her rantings he avoided her gaze and waved his hand in the air, since you want to die follow me he said.

He created a teleporting hole and walked inside, Dracel stayed back looking at the porthole,

Are you now scared to die, he said laughing from inside.

Ignoring her grumbling darkness she walked into the porthole. Immediately she stepped in she appeared in another area entirely, free of humans, shaded with alot of trees, at the middle of the tree's stood a little house with light shining from the inside.

Come inside he said,

She followed him inside the house, everywhere was well polished and furnished, a comfortable bed at a corner. At a corner stood a little library and a reading table, on the reading table was a little teddy that looked familiar to her, she walked to the reading table and picked up the worn out teddy and held it to her chest,

Little Tara, she whispered,

She turned to look at the wizard,

Is this how you want to sentence me to death she asked calmly,

If only I could he said, I was asked to provide you comfort and shield you from those blood suckers who were chasing you. I'm forgetting you're one he murmured.

Why did you snatched her from me she asked,

Do I have to apologize for that?...whatever you're thinking, I just thought you played too much he said rolling his eyes,

Why did you ruin my childhood she said calmly,

I feel abused when you accuse me that way he said annoyingly

She furrowed her brows looking at him, abused? She repeated almost laughing.

I was only doing my Job young lady by watching you till you realize who you're, I never ruined your life, I only took your doll....spare me these accusations he complained bitterly.

I'm accusing  you? After I saw you my life never remained the same, you kept scaring me in my dreams, I wasn't myself after some months, always feeling the urge to bite, couldn't eat for 7 years now, I got my mum worried, took medications that made me feel I'll die, got choked in the name of burning incence, couldn't play with other kids because I hurt a kid with my teeth, I even abstained from my siblings some times, almost bite my mum twice, blacked out in the bush because I was running mad, had no friend cos they labeled me an outcast, became an envy of everyone all thanks to you, almost committed suicide many times, made an attempt of suicide but death ran away, was named the pale one because I'm looking so white like snow.....she was already in tears but no tear could fall.

Even my tears won't fall because they are scared of me.....I can't sleep, don't feel sleepy at all....I turned into a cannibal, I don't know who I am. ....what have I done to receive all these treatment.....why am I cursed.....she finally said falling on both knees and grabbing on her teddy close to her heart.

With no words to console the broken girl, his mouth was wide open with no words coming out, finally he found his speech.

You...you're not cursed, you just failed to realize your personality on time....it was never her plan to make you go through all these, she wanted the best for you.

Who's she, she said lightly raising her head, gently, what does she want from me, was it she that sent you to ruin me.....

He was no good at sympathizing or been emotional, he breathed deeply and breath.

Your true form was hidden since your birth, so you can avoid all these race and hide you're doing now, you were not cursed, just a little spell to cover you from harm, and you can find peace among humans, but for your species and the amount of energy you have, the spell couldn't hold you till 18, and so it started manifesting before you met me, you were very tender when you had your first urge, I was just sent to monitor you so you don't kill anyone or reveal your true self.

He breathed down as he took a sit in a wooden chair, and he continued,

Your humanity slowly died because the spell was tampered on, your darkness made you see me as your greatest fear because I was your first fear since your birth, I can never tamper with your dreams he said.

Are you going to push that blame on me! Her darkness shouted from within,

She was no longer sobbing but listening,

Why didn't my parents tell me who I am?

He breathed down, not knowing how to answer the question he looked at her,

She had already heard it from his heart but wanted him to say it from his mouth.

Those are not your true parents, all your life has been a facade to give you a little sense of happiness for the fights you'll witness in the future.

She laughed in her misery, a confusing laugh, not knowing if she should laugh or smile,

So you're saying...all my life has been a lie....if you're not worse than who's Chasing  me why would you lock me up in this place.

I'm not locking you up, just giving you a little protection till all is fine

I don't need it! I'll rather die than live in misery deceiving myself im not human when I know I'm one!

I wish I could grant your wishes said, but she won't permit that....

Who's she? Is she your boss or your king, if she rules you she can't rule me, tell her I don't need her and I don't want  to know her!

He looked at her with no emotion on his face, you don't have to blame yourself for everything, you're just been a victim of a cruel circle he said turning to leave.

Whats your name?

Surprised he turned to her, why do you want to know

Dont you have a name? She asked

My name is Arthur he said confused,

I've you lost a friend before?


Have you ever gotten a friend she continued, I had one, one for the first time in my entire life, like everything would go smooth, it all came crashing down.

She looked him in the eyes

Have you ever betrayed a friend she asked with a pained expression, if you haven't I did.

She bit her lips as she swallowed hard,

I promised him ill never use my teeth on him again, but I ended up killing him with the same mouth I used in promising him. She paused and drifted her eyes to space,

I just wanted to keep him safe, but he was too weak to stay with me, he covered up for me,  but I thought I could give him another chance with a bite she said clutching her gown, I killed him! She cried, I used my cursed teeth to kill him.

Because of me she said looking at Arthur, his whole family, everyone he knew and loved died...his mom was killed in his very own eyes she cried, tell me why I'll have a will to live, don't I deserve the worst punishment in the world she said laying on the ground folding her knees and hugging her miserable self.

Confused, he knew what she felt, but he was not good at consoling, her words brought back memories, he had an experience like that, he could never forgive himself, he shaked the thoughts off his head and walked towards the exit.

If you don't see a reason to live, see a reason to revenge your friends death he said entering into the woods and disappeared.

Dracels whole body was shivering from much sorrow, much pain in her heart, she managed to get up looking at the barrier he had passed, he had sealed the place so no one would get her.

If I don't see a reason to live she thought, let me avenge Richard's death.....let me kill those who made me kill Richard, I don't mind been the devil I never wished to be she said shivering with anger.

Slowly her darkness started filling her, mixing with every part of her like it had never been able to, it mixed with every part of her broken soul, filling it with the thought of revenge.

Yes it said slowly and excited, let's become one now, let's take revenge it whispered.

I'll pull the heavens down for you she said, even if I have to kill everyone to appease you.


  Like the little girl had got him, he remembered how broken she was, too terrible for a girl of her age, if he ignores her, she might go mad and beyond control, how unfortunate she was he thought. He remembered her last question,

Have you ever betrayed a friend?

He sighed, not only has he betrayed a friend, he had done worse to his flesh and blood, but like they say, karma is every man's faith, he couldn't mourn at his plight.

I really deserve all im going through he thought, I really don't deserve no mercy, he sighed.

Thinking about the girl again, he felt great pity for her, whatever way she's gonna get through the whole stuff, it will be a miracle he thought.

What do we have here, a figure said jumping from a tree looking at him with a malicious smile.