
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 91: "Hubby...I'm full.",

Seeing that they left Karan sighed in relief.

"Stupid.", Anan commented and walked in.

Seeing his woman on the bed he walked and sat on the edge as he covered her with the quilt.

"I'm sorry...but if he knows he will drag me home right away...they really hated you because of me...!", Adi explained as she felt guilty.

"Adi are you making me hate me for being a coward in the past...?", His voice made her speechless.

"Hey...that is not what I meant...!", She quickly explained.

Anan let out a laugh.

"Alright, I'm just saying. It's okay I can wait and bear them after all it was me who didn't make the right choice back then.", He spoke as he kissed her forehead.

"Okay, when are we leaving...?", She didn't wanna stay in the hospital anymore and she also have things to prepare for the upcoming event.

"Doctor said you can't get discharged.", He smiled and replied.

"But...the fashion week...and my Grandma's birthday...", She was to say something.

"Anvi this is not the end and I don't want to get stressed...You can just stay behind scenes and let Wen take revenge for you this time.", He spoke without any chance to reject.

Adi wanted to argue but seeing him so concerned...

"Alright...I will do as you say.", She smiled nothing is important for her more than his words.

Karan who was seeing the scene ahead of him felt unknown jealousy inside him...she was his twin yet they were separated before he could properly dote on her. He felt immense jealous seeing her not solely being her sister but also someone's wife. He hated the fact that she was getting doted by someone other than him. He sighed helplessly and walked inside.

"I'm leaving...take care. Don't let someone hurt you, little one.", He spoke as he patted her head.

"Bobo...I promise I will be careful.", She smiled and replied.

"Okay, I'm leaving...Wen is alone.", He nodded as Anan nodded in return.


Vastav's Mansion.

"Ajay life seems like a dream...now that Anvi finally came back...but I seem to be so distant with her...no matter how hard I try to make up all these 12 years of loneliness she suffered I can't seem to do that. Maybe our gap was too long...my Little one grew up without even me doting in her.", Varun spoke as he stared at the dreamy sky.

"Bro-in-law...Some days it's tough...Anvi loves you more than you could ever imagine...!", Beside Ajay comforted him.

"I used to be so possessive of her...now I can't seem to properly talk to her...at that time I couldn't bear to ever marry her when I saw her falling head over heels for that Mishra's boy...I just feel I could never accept her marrying someone leaving my side...now I can't even dare to question her choices. I just feel I'm failing as a father.", Varun sighed.

"Anan is married and there is no chance Anvi will get married to him even if he was not married. Even if he's efficient, smart, handsome, eligible, or extraordinary...he can't change the fact that after he left Anvi almost lost her senses. He was not meant for her from start and I can't bear to leave her life to him.", Ajay spoke in all seriousness.

"If someone hears they might think you are her father.", Varun smiled.

"She is my goddaughter after all...bro-in-law...what do you think about Anan...?", Ajay questioned.

"Although the champ is good like you said he did once hurt Anvi...although we can't blame him...but I can't feel relief to leave my little one to him and if father knows we are having this talk might scold us for such thoughts...anyway he's married and let's just skip this thought.", Varun smiled and spoke.


"Boss the flight is in the evening...are you going to the mansion there or towards Mr.Ram's apartment...?", Eric questioned.

Let's go to the mansion and then to him.", Jason spoke as he passed the file to him

"Alright Boss.", He nodded and left the room.

He stood up and walked towards the large glass windows to take a peek at the sun that hiding behind clouds.

"Anvi...do you still look the same like you look 12 years ago...? Or did you grow up into a more beautiful person...? This time...Not only dealing with that DREAM entertainment...I guess I'll have to trick Ram to know where you are.", A smile appeared on his lips as he reminisced about the little girl who fiercely stared at him like a scary cat...he liked her braveness...liked her calmness...liked her gorgeous face...what would he do...after all she was his first love.


"One more spoon.", Anan urged.

"I'm gonna puke...not even a bit...no.", She replied.

"Adi...please you barely ate anything.", Anan spoke.

"Hubby...I'm full.", She pouted.

Listening to her calling him 'hubby' he already gave in.

"Okay let me clean you up.", He spoke as he placed the bowl aside and went to bring a towel and hot water.

He wiped her clean and tucked her into bed. When he was to walk towards the bed that's a bit far from hers...she held his hand.

"Sleep with me.", She spoke.

The bed was big and can easily fit two people so she wanted him to sleep beside him.

"Be good you'll get hurt.", He smiled and pinched her cheek.

"But without you by my side, I can't be able to sleep...I'm so used to you...I can't sleep if I'm not in your arms.", She in all seriousness as he stared at him.

Hearing her words he was speechless...does his idiot wife of his knew what she was doing to him...? Making such confessions does she want him to suffer all night.

"Wifey believe me after you've recovered from your wound...you will not be able to get up from the bed for two whole weeks.", He spoke as he entered the bed with her.

"Shameless.", She blushed as she entered his arms. He carefully rounded his arm around her as he kissed her forehead.

"Believe me I'm the one who's being reserved despite you seducing me.", He spoke in her ears as he kissed her earlobe.

She giggled as she kissed his adam apple.

"Adi behave...I can't promise to stay calm if you tease me again.", He teased her.

She no longer tried to do anything funny as she fell asleep in his arms...he smiled as he caressed the little woman in his arms as he drifted into the deep sleep.

Author special:

Aarav: Haru...you've been ignoring me...!

Author: No...how dare of me to do that...I wouldn't do such a thing.

Aarav: No need for such excuses...my fans are demanding a glimpse of me and my Megha.

Author: You are a big bad bully.

Aarav: Are you doing it or not...?

Author: Right away.


"So what's your point...?", Megha questioned lazily.

"I...I...Like...I like you Megha.", The guy spoke.

Megha was calm this was no new news for her.

"I have a boyfriend.", She smiled and politely rejected him.

"Don't joke...who will like a poor girl like you...I was listening to your conversation and could bear to stay silent. Zerus why do you like a girl who doesn't even have any background...?", Scoffed the girl who looked stylish and arrogant.

Megha just ignored both and when she was to walk away...The girl held her back.

"How dare you leave while I'm speaking...One word from me can kick you out of this college.", That girl spoke arrogantly.

"Sure try...", A voice spoke making the trio turn their face towards the voice.

Megha held her head...what to do...? She was being generous and trying to help these two people...now that he saw them insult her she was sure what would happen.

Aarav walked towards her as he wrapped his hands around her waist. That girl was dumbstruck by his handsome face...he was so handsome that her heart skipped a beat...but seeing his hand on Megha's waist her eyes burned with jealousy.

"I'm fine...let's go.", Megha tried to calm him...she was not sure how much he heard if he knows that his guy proposed to her...she was sure he would be beaten up to pump.

"You...give it a try. I will see who's that daring.", He spoke as he stared at the boy beside him. He could sense the jealousy in his eyes.

He then pulled Megha a little closer and turned her to face him...then held her waist with one and her neck with another...as he pressed his icy lips on hers making her eyes widen.

The boy and girl in front of them were shocked beyond words...was he really her boyfriend...?

Then parting with her lips he pulled her towards the car leaving the two people in shock and confusion.


He buckled her seat belt and started the car. She was seated pouted as she seriously stared at him.

"Sunny...they are my classmates...!", She irritatingly spoke.

"Okay now speak truthfully when did you know that they are your classmates...?", He questioned as he stopped the car.

"Today..? A few minutes back...?", She spoke making him speechless.

Megha has always been like this she never cared about what people thought she was true to her soul...that's what made Aarav crazy for her.

"I guess it's okay...but how could you kiss me like that...what if someone takes a picture and post it on the college forum...?", She was still a bit embarrassed.

"Then what to do...? See that guy stalking you even after you rejected him...?", He questioned as his hand was leaned on the steering.

'Shit he saw.'

She smiled in guilty.

"Why...? Do you still think I did something wrong...?", He questioned as he leaned towards her.

"Who...Who said my baby is wrong...? Who's that daring huh..? Who's that idiot that's spouting nonsense...bring him to me...I will beat his shit out of him.", She quickly started to act.

"Little fool.", He smiled as he kissed her lower lips making her shiver.

"I love you...", She smiled as she pressed her lips on his cheek.

"I love you more.", He patted her head and started the car.

Until next time.