
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
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141 Chs

Chapter 90: "So no one hurt you...?",

Ajay and Deeksha walked towards the bed as Adi smiled at them warmly.

"Little one...who dared to touch you...?", Ajay's voice was shivering as he saw her wound.

"Uncle, I'm fine.", She warmly smiled. Just then the group of Doctors entered the room.

"Nonsense...Cheif pass me the stethoscope.", He demanded as he wanted to personally examine her.

Anvi wanted to say something...but then...

"Let him do it personally so he will feel at ease...don't you know your clingy Doctor Uncle.", Deeksha spoke as she patted Aditi's head.

Adi smiled and let him do all the check up he wanted...but when he saw the wound it looked deep...his brows frowned.

"She is allergic to anesthesia...how did you treat her...?", He frowned as he stared at the female doctor.

"Pre...President we used external numbing jell to ease the pain.", The female doctor spoke.

"Who gave you the idea...?", His cold voice resounded in the room again. The doctors in the room exchanged glances as they stared at the female doctor.

"It...was...her...brother's friend idea.", She spoke keeping the before warning of Karan in mind. Karan sighed in relief.

"That brat he at least knows something. Pass me the reports. ", Ajay scoffed as he took the reports and started to examine them.

Deeksha and Adi exchanged glances as both smiled at the man who was seriously going through the reports.

"Little one...the wound won't leave a scar, but it will still hurt. How about coming to our house...? after seeing you hurt like this I can't let you stay out anymore. I will tear that person who hurt you and also If your father knows that you got hurt like this he will turn the city up and down and hunt for the person who caused you this...and I don't even wanna speak about your grandpa he will directly kill that person.", Ajay spoke controlling her anger.

"We will end all this drama...let's reveal the truth...I can't even imagine what more could have happened....", He didn't speak anymore.

"Uncle...then the people in my company have to walk through stairs...and I have to climb 35 floors daily.", She spoke making everyone speechless.

"What do you mean...?", Ajay didn't get what she meant...but Anan who stood at the entrance clearly knows what's going on in her mind.

His little wife started to tame her the dangerous Uncle of hers'.

" No one hurt me...I was slipped and hurt by the elevator door model...so now that you will smash it...the poor me and my employees will have to walk all the way up.", She spoke like an innocent lamb.

"So no one hurt you...?", He questioned as his eyes showed relief.

"Who will dare...? and don't you know my skills that were thought by you and Aunt...I can throw a grown man without any struggle...it's just I was careless...I promise this is the first and last.", She spoke quickly that Ajay and Deeksha didn't even know whether they should Laugh or feel sad.

"Alright, little pleaser...have some sleep...I will send you my corn soup.", Deeksha spoke as she patted her head. Ajay also let out a smile.

"Aunt you've promised no takebacks...I actually craved for the soup you made always...", Adi spoke as she really missed her Aunt's soup.

"I promise you...We will leave if more people are to see us here...it can lead to some big problem...so I will send the soup to Karan.", Deeksha spoke as she kissed her forehead.

"You guys go...I'm really fine...I will be alright.", She smiled as she nudged them to go.

"Little one take care...I will let this go this time...next time something like this happens then I'm sorry you have to follow me back home.", Ajay spoke as he stood up.

"I promise I will take care.", She cheekily smiled.

Both sighed in relief as they walked out followed by a group of Doctors. Ajay's eyes fell on Karan who was standing near the door.

"Brat if something like this repeats again I will just tear you apart.", Ajay viciously spoke.

"Sorry Uncle...I will keep an eye on her...", Karan spoke as he didn't dare to offend his scary obsessive Uncle.

"You better...", Ajay spoke. Then he took a quick glance at Anan but soon he turned towards the other side and walked towards the elevator.

Deeksha acknowledged the bow Anan just gave as she patted his shoulder and followed Ajay.

Author's special:

Author: Hello Ms.Deeksha.Long time no see.

Deeksha: Hello Haru, long time no see.

Author: Can I ask you about the person you spoke about in the car...? Who is she...? It's just Mr.Ajay mentioned her as Ms.Henna's twin...but why aren't they together when they are twins...? And don't they look identical...?

Deeksha: Haha...they are not identical...Henna is beautiful but my other sister-in-law took her mom's deadly beautiful features...should I say that is the doom...?

Author: What do you mean by doom...?

Deeksha: Nothing.

Author: Oh. Can I know about Mr.Ajay's parents and where they are now...?

Deeksha: They passed away along with his sister. He was heartbroken at that time. Too much happened that it still haunts us to the date.

Author: What was the occupation of Mr.Ajay's father...?

Deeksha: He was a scientist.

Author: Thank you it was nice meeting you again. Hope to see you soon.

Deeksha: I would love to.