
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 9: "Are you fine..?"

They reached "THE VILLAS."

As soon as they were near their villa, he asked Rishi to leave.

"Are you sure about entering?", He spoke.

She nodded her head. She didn't know what happened to her, it was her first time speaking with a man like this. With him, she felt assured.

As soon as she entered the villa. She saw all things are well organised, and it looked like a place where a couple stayed.

"I never had a relationship before. You are the first women to enter this villa too. Ahh... the Maid doesn't count as women, she is almost 50." He spoke as he brought 2 cups of water. He understood her by her looks.

Aditi laughed as soon as she heard his explanation.

"Then are all these women things are for me?", She spoke as she was expecting something.

"I just returned from abroad. So this house is prepared by Grandmother and Grandfather.", He spoke as he sat on the sofa.

"Chai... Chairman and Chairwoman...?", She doubted her ears.

"Don't fluster. They know you from start.", He spoke as he switched on the TV.

"You mean... they... they know me?", She asked as she sat on the sofa.

"They are your stalkers to put it simply.", He spoke as he turned towards her.

"Oh... What?", She was flustered.

"Haha... you will understand once you see them. Watch the TV let me cook something for you.", He spoke as he stood up from his seat.

"You... Can you cook?", She spoke, seeing him doubtfully.

"I've been cooking for almost 15 years now.", He spoke as he walked into the kitchen.

She then sat on the sofa. She thought it was all a dream. Is she really going to leave her future in his arms? She questioned her. But she doesn't want this to end, even if it's a dream.

"What are you dreaming?", He spoke as she saw her in a daze.

"Nothing my imagination of you doesn't match with the present you.", She spoke.

"What kind of imagination?", He spoke as he signalled her to come towards him.

"You seem like a normal husband and don't seem like the heir people gossiped.", She replied with a cute smile on her face.

"I heard rumours saying you are rude and hard to connect with but you seem... you are strangely comfortable.", She continued as she bit her lips.

Anan stopped chopping the vegetables. He walked towards her and she was stuck to the wall, he leaned towards her...

"You were into your phone all the way here. Were you busy digging about me?", He gave a mysterious smile.

"Let me help... Hmm?", she offered to help as she tried to escape from his blocked arms and change the topic.

He stopped her as he held her hand and whispered.

"Don't bother, aunty has already done with making chapattis all I have to cook is curry.", He asked her to relax.

"She is the one my grandma sent... she stays in the nearby guest house.", Anan explained.

A sudden thunder with rain broke their conversation as soon as she heard the thunder she sat down and folded herself like a rolled sheet and hide in her legs.

Seeing her like that, he quickly approached her.

"You okay?", he spoke worriedly.

She didn't answer, instead shivered. When he wanted to bring her some water a hand-pulled him.

"Don't go... don't leave me alone. I'm sorry... please don't leave me..". She started crying.

"I'm here... I'm here...". He hugged her.

She was still afraid as she continued to cry...

"Don't leave me... please, I'll be better..." she gripped him.

He then released her from his arms and saw her eyes closed tightly. She was afraid. She was afraid of getting abounded. He didn't know why his heart got a unique pain which he never experienced. He then did something which made her eyes widen.

He pressed his lips on her's... it was their first kiss...

She stopped crying... as she was trying to figure out the situation; the rain stopped. The moment he opened his eyes, her eyes were close shut and were blushing. He then smiled at her embarrassed face.

"Why are you so nervous... Do you expect me to stay quiet when you hugged me with your own will...?", he whispered in her ear. She couldn't stop blushing as she pushed him and walked towards the sofa.

He smiled at her actions as he returned to his work.

Aditi saw her phone when she realised she has missed calls from Wendy and Rohit. Anan brought a glass of water and handed it to her. He could see her annoyed face.

"Why do you look so unpleased?", He spoke as he sat on the sofa beside her.

She didn't hesitate, instead, she handed her phone to him. Before, he could say something.

"A woman left me in the middle of a night street on a rainy night... I cried ,tried to find her again and again in that darkness ,but failed to find her... and after some hours I was half-dead. I could barely see a Person who took me to a nearby orphanage... that's how I got abounded." She spoke as she gave a smile which made his heart hurt again.

He moved towards her and hugged her...

"I'm not sure... I was never in love and was never interested in it too... but the moment I saw you. I thought it is not a bad idea to get married. So I hope you can give us some time of yours so we can understand each other better." He spoke, which made her heart flutter.

She loved this feeling. Someone trying to understanding her. She then smiled and nodded. He then stood and when he was about to go back to the kitchen...

"Call back Wendy and the other...". When he gave a pause, she got what he was about to say.

"I'm married and it's not good to call a strange guy.". Seeing his rare smile, she smiled and dialled Wendy back.

Near Aditi's apartment.

"Can you be more shameless than this...?", Wendy spoke.

"Don't you get it... Aditi is afraid of the rain and thunders.", Rohit spoke as he sounded a bit worried.

"I bet she hates to see you more than that rain and thunder now... stop your idiotic actions and get out right now...", Wendy lost her cool seeing him acting like he cared about Aditi.

When Rohit wanted to say something he heard a ring. Wendy saw the ID on her phone and answered the call.

"Hey, where are you... are you fine...?", Wendy spoke as she couldn't bother about the person before her.

"I'm fine. I... I was out for office work. I'll talk to you later.", She lied as she was aware of Wendy. If she was to say she was married, she was afraid Wendy will kill her at that moment. So she wanted to explain her personally.

"Good, then you have people around you... Thank god, I was afraid and rushed to your house.", She spoke.

"hm.. I have...". She stared at the man who's preparing dinner for her.

"I'm sorry I should have called you... don't worry and go back. I have something important to tell tomorrow.", Aditi spoke.

"Okay then bye.", She hung the call and gave a look to Rohit.

"This is the last time I warn you... don't even dare to get close to her again. Do you think it's a fashion to hurt someone and care the next moment?", When she was about to leave.

"Wait,tell me where is she. If not for you... she doesn't have anyone. Where did she go? Aren't you aware that she is afraid of thunder and lightning?", Rohit shouted at her.

"Just shut that mouth of yours. What is she to you? A toy? How dare you play with her and now show her concern. Did she ever say that she wanted you or your damn money? Ahh? You are even aware of what scare she is carrying in her heart and still...? What a bet? Are you even a human? This is the last time I warn you. If I see you troubling her again. I'm ready to kill you and spend my life in jail.", She left after giving him a nice round of scolding.

He couldn't speak a word out. He had a dinner date with Riya, but on his way it rained. He turned his car towards Aditi's apartment. His mind is focused on Wendy's words, 'What is she to you?' his heart hurt so much that the phone ring from his pocket couldn't enter his ears. Riya who saw watching all this from far couldn't help but smash the phone in her hand.

'Why... why? Aditi I'll make you pay!' Riya thought to herself.

The Villas.

"Come and eat.", Rishi spoke.

Aditi walked towards the table and sat beside him.

"Why aren't you asking anything about him?", She spoke.

"Asking will only hurt you. I'm okay, tell me when you are ready. Actually, I investigated your background. Don't take me wrong, it's just I want to know more about you.", He spoke.

"I don't mind. He was a childhood friend. I'm not sure why he proposed to me 2 months back. I've never had an interest in love, but I thought it's not bad to have him as a partner. Then he left the country for some meeting and his assistant said he was back so I wanted to surprise him, but when I reached his house last week, I saw him being intimate with Riya in his bedroom. I thought he will not hurt me because he knew the fact I got abounded once but all he cared for is the bet he made with his friends so I felt he was so different from the person I used to know. We parted the ways. Nothing less or more."

"So was that your first kiss...?" He spoke. Aditi was dumb folded after all this conversation. All he cared was about a kiss.

"Hmm..." She replied, ignoring her thoughts.

He then turned towards her.

"I'm sorry I didn't know how to comfort you. So all my mind could think is to stop you shiver, so I kissed you... I'll be better." He spoke.

Aditi eyes started to tear up. She bent forward and landed her lips on his stiff lips. He widened his eyes in shock. She sat back like nothing happened...

"I'm not sure too, but I'll try my best to be your home." She suddenly spoke.

He smiled, and then they started their dinner.

"I'll do the dishes.", She spoke.

"No worries, the maid will take care of it. Go upstairs and have some rest. I have some documents to deal with." He spoke.

"Then let me also come with you. I have to send a mail."

"Okay then." They walked as Anan took her hand in his.