
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 89: "Wait...you have her photo...?",


"Drive to Vastav Mansion.", Karan's cold voice was heard.

Karan pulled out the laptop and started to punch some codes...Aarav who was beside clearly know what his father was doing as a smile left his little lips.

Wen who doesn't know much about this stuff just stared at the view. Wen didn't dare to speak as the car silently reached the Mansion.

"Bye daddy...bye mommy I will meet you guys in 2 days.", Sunny spoke as Karan frowned.

"Saturday is after 3 days.", His voice clearly showed his anger.

"Mr.Karan I'm the model for my Mom's clothing...So see you both on FRIDAY...CEO Karan and Designer Wen.", The little boy walked out as he rushed towards Lilly who was waiting for him with Aunt Jane.

"We will go back then, Grandma.", Wen spoke as she entered the car.

Drake drove them both to their apartment and left to his house on his bike placing the car in the garage.


Wen entered the lift to see the man beside her smiling...which is indeed a rare sight.

"Why are you so happy that you laugh like a fool now...?", She questioned as she stared at him.

He didn't reply first but pulled her into his arms as the door of the elevator closed.

"We...We are in the elevator...", Wen was startled by his actions. Few strands of her beautiful hair fell onto her face making her look extremely tempting.

He caught her tiny waist in one hand and brought his other hand towards her face...as he tucked her hair strands behind her ear.

She blushed as she could feel his heartbeat that's raising without pause.

Just before he could lean forwards and do something the elevator door opened wide as she came back into her sense...then she pushed him and entered the penthouse.

Karan smiled and followed her behind.

As soon as they entered the room...Wen rushed towards the study and pulled out a pile of designs.

Karan who was anticipating something was now making an ugly face.

"Go and get busy Mr.Husband I have so much work to do.", She smiled as she concentrated on her work again.

Karan's heart skipped a beat as his lips raised when he called heard her calling HUSBAND.

He turned around and walked towards the kitchen to please his WIFE.

But the moment he entered the bedroom to change his clothes...an incoming call came. He frowned and answered it after a moment.

"Brat I wanna see my little one.", Ajay's voice was demanding.

"Uncle can you not se...", Before Karan could find an excuse.

"Okay, do you want me to call your dad and grandpa...?", His threat was on point...giving Karan a headache.

"She...She is in hospital...nothing to worry a small wound.", He spoke as his heart was thumping at the peak.

The other doesn't seem to respond for a while...but after a moment of silence...

"Adress.", His voice was clear and terrific.

"Your...hospital main branch.", Karan spoke making Ajay speechless.

"I will deal with you later.", The call ended just like that giving him a headache.


"Boss there is nothing special about Ms.Aditi...she was an orphan and joined MEDIA SCORE a year before...her skills are excellent as she was recently appointed as the last member of TEAM HOPE and also is now representative of MEDIA SCORE in DREAM. She doesn't have any background.", Eric spoke after breaking his head for whole 2 weeks.

"So...you say she's just an orphan who entered the top position...?", Jason spoke as he lazily leaned on the chair.

"That seems to be the case, sir.", Eric spoke.

"Book a flight...I will attend the Fashion week of FOR YOU.", Jason spoke as he shifted his eyes back to the file.

"Right away sir.", When Eric was to leave.

"Wait...you have her photo...?", Jason suddenly spoke.

"No...Sir...Media Score maintains employee's personal safety so it's not easy to get a piece of information...after 2 weeks of struggle we could get this information.", Eric apologetically spoke.

"You may go.", Jason spoke as the room occupied the silence.


"Madam's wound was deep but she'll be fine after the stitches are removed and there won't be any scar.", The female doctor spoke.

"Thank you.", Adi smiled and replied.

At that moment.

The door opened wide as Karan was standing at the entrance as he was trying to breathe for some air.

"Un...Uncle is co...coming.", He panted as he spoke.

Anan frowned as he knew that he has to act like a stranger now.

"Anan act like you are with me...and Doctor don't you dare say this all to the people who will arrive in a moment.", Karan spoke as the doctor nodded her head.

After a few minutes, a car stopped in front of the hospital making the chief rush in hurry.

The car door was opened as Deeksha and Ajay walked out.

"Mr.President it's an honor to see you here.", The chief spoke.

"I'm here to visit someone...don't mind my presence. Ask all the top doctors to follow me.", Ajay spoke as he walked with Deeksha's hand in his.

Top floor.

VVIP ward.

The Elevator door opened wide as Ajay saw Karan and Anan speaking to each other.

Ajay frowned at the sight of Anan. Karan saw his uncle and rushed towards him.

"What is he doing here...?", Ajay's voice had a clear coldness.

"Oh we were having a meeting...when he got to know I was too nervous to drive so he drove me here.", Karan gave some lame excuse.

"Whatever take us to her.", Deeksha spoke at this moment.


Both along with Karan entered the room as they saw Adi smiling and laughing with the female doctor.

Both walked in and a group of doctors from the elevator rushed towards the room.

Rishi walked towards Anan at that moment who was staring at the full moon at the end of Balcony.

"Boss, someone investigated Madam.", Rishi's voice was clear making Anan stare at him.

"We blocked most of the information but we suspect the other party knows Madam...", Before he could complete.

"Adi cleared at the traces...even if he gets hold of her information the other party can't do anything.", Anan's cold voice shut Rishi's words.

"But we are not sure how much of expert Madam is...so...", When Rishi was to complete.

Anan scoffed.

"She is better than Karan. Now do you think your Madam is an expert...?", Anan's voice gave Rishi a big blow.

Karan was second in command in destiny, the top AI organization in the world. Hearing Anan's words he was stupified.

"Got it, boss.", Rishi retreated.

Anan stared at the full moon as he was lost in his thoughts.

Author's special:

Sorry for the delay...had so much work and couldn't upload on time. Hope for love.
