
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 88: "That damn Wendy...",

Principal's Office.

The principal entered the room as he looked at the cold man on the sofa who was emitting a distant vibe as he was carrying another distant human in his lap...he could only beg the beauty that was seated beside the father and son...Principal eyes met with Wen as he practically begged her to calm the cold atmosphere.

"Sir...Madam...I wonder what happen...?", His voice was low and nervous.

"I seem to wonder how it is to change the principal for this school...?", His voice was clear and loud enough for the teacher and family of three who entered the room.

"No...No...Please give me a chance and let me know what happened sir.", His forehead started to sweat.

"You mean...you want me to explain...?", His cold voice made him speechless again.

"No...No...I wouldn't dare. I will look for the responsible person for now.", When he was to walk towards the door again he saw the pale expression of the Teacher, the arrogant looks of two parents, and a child who looked like she just cried.

The parents couldn't see the man who was seated in the seat...but he did look like a rich man from his tone and dressing.

Still, they didn't care because they were rich too. They wanna fight sure.

"Hmph...seems like Mr.Principal is lacking manners. Are you not sure my husband is Vice president of EPIC.", The lady's voice was clear enough for Karan to hear.

Karan's smile was dangerous at the moment. He picked his phone and dialed a number. The call went in.

"I want you at Little sunshine school branch Y in 10 minutes.", Karan's voice was heard.

The principal was shivering inside.

"Dear parents...how about we settle it calmly.", The teacher spoke this time to calm the situation.

"What status does a bastard child and a lover of Single mom have in front of legitimate parents...? She seems young and beautiful no wonder she got some rich heir...", The woman spoke again.

This time Wen gave a look at Karan.

"Just don't kill her.", Was the word that left his mouth.

She stood up and she slowly walked towards the parents. Seeing that the woman also walked forward.

Wen looked elegant as she looked like a teenage girl...but the woman looked extra luxurious which made people puke at her show off.

Wen's lips twitched as she slapped the woman with a loud bang. Then she walked back towards her son and husband pair.

"You...How dare you...?", The woman's eyes widened as she couldn't comprehend what just happened. As the pain hit her nerves...she rushed inside just to freeze as she saw the son and father pair.

'They looked a bit like...then is he his real...wait isn't he...Mas...Master Karan...?', Her eyes widened in shock.

"Now do you dare to call my son the word you've been calling a while ago...?", Wen's words brought chills down her spine.

'She...she wouldn't dare.'

Seeing the pale expression of his wife the husband also walked in to see Karan looking at him lazily.

"Have a seat. Mr.VP of EPIC.", Karan lazily spoke. Making him widen his eyes...he didn't clearly see the man in front...who would have imagined the eligible bachelor has a child of 6 years.

That wasn't important...his wife offended and called his son....shit what should he do now...?', His knees gave in as he was cursing his wife inwardly.

"Mr.Ka..ran we...we didn't know you hav..have a...", When the V.P opened his mouth.

"You should have done your research before you call someone's child named Mr.VP.", His smile of his was Dangerous as he made the VP fear to bones.

"We are extremely sorry...We are sorry for..." When he was to say.

"Keep your excuses and apologies...I don't speak with trash...", He spoke as he closed his eyes.

Wen calmly saw the man beside her...his aura was too dazzling that no one dared to offend him. Unknowingly her lips turned upwards.

No one knew at this moment...The little guy in his arms was filled with the new feeling called Fatherly love.

'It isn't bad...!', Aarav thought as his lips went upwards.

"Little master we are sorry to call you words...Can you...", Before the VP could finish his sentence.

"What does Uncle mean he's sorry...? I don't see your sincerity though...!", Aarav's voice made the man speechless as Karan's lips turned upwards.

'Here we go...he's back.', Was the sentence that ran in Karan's mind.

"Little Master...", Before the man could speak further.

"Uncle...you seem to not be aware of the situation...Your wife called me bastard's child...doesn't that mean she called my dad a bastard...daddy do you have another name called such...?", Aarav innocently spoke.

Hearing Wen control her laugh to the hardest she can.

'This brat.', Karan stared at the little guy in his lap.

"What do you think VP do I have such a name...?", Karan passed the question nonchalantly towards the V.P.

"No...No...My wife was foolish and didn't know her limit...who would dare to insult you like that...?", His forehead was covered with sweat as his voice trembled.

"But Uncle didn't your wife insult my dad a while ago...?", He innocently spoke.

Wen gave up as she buried her face in his man's chest.

"See my mom is also upset.", Sunny spoke making everyone in the room speechless.

Just then the room opened wide again as Ram rushed in while Drake walked in front.

Seeing Ram the heir of EPIC the VP knew his fate as he glared at the woman beside him. The woman didn't even dare to look into her husband's eyes anymore.

"Boss...I...", Before the man say another word.

"Deal with him.", Karan spoke as he lifted Aarav in his arms and held Wen's hand in another.

"Principal needs to be changed and school needs some changes too.", Karan spoke to Drake as he walked out.

"Yes Boss.", Drake replied leaving the principal at the loss for words.

"Send me your resignation by evening. I won't repeat my words.", Ram spoke as he didn't even bother to turn back to look at him.

"This is all because of you...Mother and daughter what a curse...", The man released her daughter in disgust as the little girl missed hitting the ground as her mother held her.

The man scoffed and left the room as he cursed his bad luck. The woman couldn't help but shiver as tears ran down her cheek.


"Who hit you...?", Lia held her sister's face and questioned worriedly.

"Dad...you...you have to avenge me...that Wendy hit me...I'm bleeding.", Priya spoke in her miserable state.

"Don't worry don't you guys have a competition to compete...then you can take your revenge.", Lia reminded her.

"I will. Thank you sis.", Riya's eyes shined.

"Careful...and I heard that Mr.Anan will be there. Riya put some ice on the wound.", Her dad spoke as he walked towards his study.

Riya nudged her sister's shoulders as she spoke...

"Sis...I'm 90% sure he is attending the ceremony for you only.", Riya spoke as Lia blushed.

"Shut up with the teasing...come I'll apply the ointment.", Lia spoke as she blushed.

"That damn Wendy...", She could help but hiss as she cursed Wendy.