
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 8: "Are you sure?"

Aditi pulled herself back as she stood from her seat and took the business card hesitantly. As she had a schedule, she left the café. Later she asked Sandy to return as she was waiting for Wendy at a Restaurant.

XX Restaurant.

"Come fast, I'm hungry.", Aditi spoke as she was starving.

"Give me 5 min. I'm in the parking lot.", Wendy spoke as she was parking her car.

"Okay.", she plays with her phone.

after a few minutes... Aditi's eyes widened as she put the phone down.

She heard a familiar voice.

"Aditi....!!", Someone spoke from behind.

As soon as she turned back, she saw Riya in a Blue one piece.

"Aditi it's you. Oh my god! Aditi I'm sorry. I never thought a prank would hurt you so much. I tried to stop him, but he just wanted to win the bet. Aditi believe me, it was Rohit who asked me to date him. He said you are just another S**t..." Before she could speak anything, a slap was thrown across her face. It was Wendy who rushed towards them as soon as she saw Riya speaking with Aditi.

Just then Rohit who was walking towards them saw Riya getting hit. He fastened his pace.

"How dare you call her with that name? Are you even human? If I see you around next time I promise I'll kill you?", Wendy spoke.

"Are you nut Wendy?", A voice came.

"Now you are trying to take the revenge? Aditi, when did you change so much? How cunning of you to make Wendy hit her.", Rohit spoke.

"Did you change or did I fail you recognise your true self?", Aditi spoke as she couldn't believe what she heard right now.

"Don't act innocent Aditi. Riya already said how you bullied her all this while and how she always became a slave for you.", Rohit spoke.

"Wahh... Did you even..." Wendy wanted to say something, but a handheld her tightly. It was Aditi who was in tears.

"You're fine?", Wendy gripped her.

"Let's leave. Seeing them makes me suffocate.", Aditi spoke. She didn't defend herself. This time she was sure the broken pieces fell apart and there's not even a bit of chance to bring them back.

"If I see you guys again. I swear I'll kill you.", Wendy warned them as they walked out.

Rohit felt his heart in pain seeing Aditi's tears, but he controlled himself.

"What happened, why did Wendy hit you?", Rohit frowned as he saw Riya's pitiful face.

"I'm not sure.", She spoke as she hugged him tightly.

"It's okay, let's go back.", Rohit left with Riya.

Inside the Car.

"Why did you stop me? I would have made her pay for what she said and all the lies she been telling.", Wendy spoke.

"They are not worth it. Leave me in the front.", She spoke as she realised she reached her building.

She entered her apartment as she realised she had nothing. She took a bread piece from the fridge and had some. Soon she fell into deep thought.

She then unlocked her phone and dialled a number.

Another side.

Anan was just done with meeting as he was resting in the car which is heading towards Mishra Mansion. Meera [Anan's mom] who asked him to return so they could see him.

He just laid back as his phone vibrated. It was his personal phone. It was rare to receive a call as the number is very confidential.

He took his phone out as he saw an unexpected number. He answered the call.

"This is Aditi.", A voice came out.

"I know.", He replied shortly. Aditi was startled but soon gathered her thoughts back.

"Can we meet tomorrow?", she spoke in a slow and raspy voice.

"Okay. Same place, same time.", He hung up the call.

She didn't think much; she didn't feel like she got ignored because they were never close to start with. She then walked towards washroom to have a hot water bath.

Inside the car.

"Rishi try to investigate what happened to Aditi recently.", Anan thought there was still something he is not aware of. She clearly wanted to reject him in this afternoon, but suddenly she called this late and asking for a meetup something must have happened.

"Yes Boss.", Rishi replied.

They reached Mishra's Mansion in other 20 minutes.

He got out of the car. As soon as he entered the Mansion, he saw his Grandfather and Grandmother fighting over something.

"Elder Master, Elder Madam... Young Master is back.", Bala spoke.

Bala stayed in Mishra Mansion from the last year after his wife's death because of a car accident.

"Good.", Suhani stopped fighting as she ignored the Old Man beside her and walked towards the direction of Anan.

"Good, that you are back." She continued, and she stared at the entrance as she couldn't find the one she wanted, her face went pale.

"Weren't you happy a moment back that I was back? Why is your expression like this now?", Anan spoke as he saw her expression.

"Where is my Granddaughter in law? I waited patiently for 6months now.", She spoke as it disappointed her.

"Mrs. Rajesh Mishra, The great legendary Singer. I just came back, give me some time.", Anan spoke as he walked towards the sofa.

Bhargav and Meera walked downstairs.

"Mother, Father... "FOR YOU" won the competition at the international platform. Mine and Henna's design created news." Meera spoke as she just received the call from her assistant. "FOR YOU" is a fashion brand which is a legendary brand in the fashion industry. Every design [Dress, handbags, cosmetics, accessories' etc.,] creates a heap of sales. Many companies tried to work with "FOR YOU" but Mukesh Vastav the Chairman of FOR YOU only agreed to partner with "MODEL SCORE" as they knew him as another legend in the business world. Rajesh Mishra and Mukesh were good friends too.

Henna Vastav {Daughter in law of Mukesh Vastav} is a good friend of Meera as they both were talented designers as they create the designs together. Their Master is a legendary person in the fashion world Lilly Vastav {Wife of Mukesh Vastav}. Bhargav was not much interested in managing the business as he and his friend Varun Vastav {Son of Mukesh Vastav} learned art and were good friends they became world-renowned artists.

Varun and Henna loved each other and the elders' were happy too. Same goes with Bhargav and Meera too.

"That's great.", Suhani face lit up as she heard the news.

"I can't believe weren't you just fighting with me and then you've got upset with you grandchild and now you are happy for your daughter-in-law. Dear Wifey, don't you love me anymore?", Elder Mishra spoke as he couldn't take the fact that he's being ignored by his wife. Practically he was Jealous.

"Old Man stop being a kid.", She complained.

"Me? A kid? Aren't you fighting with me just because I ate some part of your cake piece.", He spoke as he was more serious than ever before.

The rest sighed as they saw the Old couple fighting over a cake piece.

"Son, you are back. Come, let's have dinner.", Meera walked towards the dining table and rest followed too.

"Congrats dear.", Elder Mishra spoke as he sat on his seat.

"Idiot Congratulate your Mom.", Elder Mishra continued as he saw Anan eating with no reaction.

"Don't scold him Old Man, it's your fault. He stayed in states since he was born. We can't blame my daughter-in-law too because she faced problems after birth as she stayed on the bed for 2 years and later she was busy and I accompanied him most of the time. He rarely came here, and he was not in much contact with Vastav's too.", Suhani couldn't help but complain. She was one who accompanied Anan in his childhood. Meera used to visit Anan thrice in a year. Meera always felt bad. Her heart ached for Anan, who never complained.

"I'm okay, Grandma. Mother congratulations; send my wishes to your friend, too. I heard about Vastav's.", He spoke. Anan didn't speak much, but comparing to his personality, it was rare for him to compliment someone.

Meera felt happy and was sad too. She regretted not being with him in his childhood. Suhani wanted Meera to not let go of her dream, so she took care of Anan instead of Meera. Unfortunately, Meera couldn't stay in states as her Master is in India and Anan couldn't come here because he took some medication as he was an early-born child. As he aged he became more and more mature. He learned martial arts and many skills and was outstanding in his studies too.

"Okay, let's eat before dishes get cool.", Bhargav spoke as he changed the topic as he saw his dear wife's face. He knew more than anyone how much she risked herself to give birth to the son of his, and she also took several surgeries to be alive now. After seeing her pain, he didn't allow her to give birth to another child.

Later, after Anan played a round of chess with Elder Mishra and returned to THE VILLAS.

He walked towards washroom and after a while, he dragged himself into the study as he had to report in the company next week.

Next Morning.

Aditi started her car and reached office in a short while.

Inside her cabin.

"Good Morning Manager.", Sandy spoke. Aditi saw her carrying the bouquet of roses.

"Return it and come to my cabin.", Aditi spoke as she turned her head towards the document she was about to sign.

Sandy returned the flowers, and she entered the cabin with a table having Aditi's schedule.

"Manager rumours spreading that Ms. Preeta [Production Manager] is returning in the afternoon. She secured the deal.", Sandy spoke. It's a known fact in the company that Preeta hated Aditi as Aditi became a Planning Manager in a short period while she had to work hard for 3 complete years.

"Good, that she secured the deal. You don't have to worry about anything and clear my afternoon schedule. I'll be taking leave. You can go home earlier too.", Aditi spoke. Thanks to her workaholic personality, she completed all her work and secured all her deals in a 3 days' time instead of an entire week. So literally she was not that busy as usually, she was.


"Good morning, Boss.", Rishi spoke.

"The thing you asked yesterday...", Rishi made pauses in his words.

Seeing that his Boss face displeased. He couldn't do that anymore.

"Mr. Rohit, Ms. Riya used to be good friends of Ms. Aditi. Ms. Wendy met her during a fashion course and soon she also became Ms. Aditi's good friend while Ms. Wendy never liked Mr. Rohit and Ms. Riya. From the sources it is said that Mr. Rohit asked Ms. Aditi to be his girlfriend.Even though she agreed, in less than two months i.e., last week she found out that Mr. Rohit was cheating on her by having an affair with Ms. Riya and he asked Ms. Aditi to be his girlfriend because of a silly bet he made his friends...", Rishi paused his words as he saw his Boss face getting dark.

"Continue.", Anan spoke as he sipped his coffee.

"Soon then the day before Ms. Aditi and Ms. Wendy confronted the couple. Ms. Aditi was calm, but Ms. Wendy couldn't control her anger as she poured coffee and a latte on the both Riya and Rohit faces and then gave them several scoldings whenever they crossed paths. There was also an encounter Yesterday, and Ms. Aditi got insulted and Ms. Wendy stood up for her, but when she was about to teach them a lesson Ms. Aditi dragged her home." Rishi analysed everything completely. Rishi wondered if that Rohit was a blind person to hurt a beautiful girl like Ms Aditi and choose that Riya instead.

"Okay, we can leave now. It's time to visit one of the Board Members'.", Anan spoke as he walked upstairs to get dressed up.

It was 11.30 am.

Aditi took the afternoon off as she walked to the parking lot alone.

She reached the café. As she walked in she saw that the café was empty except for a handsome person speaking with one shareholder of "MODEL SCORE." who could it can be other than Anan, the young master of MODEL SCORE.

As she was a regular there, she had a specific seat where she always seats when she goes there. She walked towards the end where it is peaceful and ordered her favourite coffee latte. Anan saw her entering, and he saw her moving to the place which has beautiful scenery.

She opened her tablet and saw her work files. After another 30 minutes she saw Anan shaking his hands with that Shareholder who is elder in age and Rishi walked him out. seeing Anan walking towards her. She kept her work aside.

"I guess you made your decision?", He spoke.

"Mr Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she spoke as her voice was a bit trembling.

Anan stood up, saying nothing. It confused her, seeing her confused look.

"Let's go and register..." Mr Anan spoke, leaving her speechless.

"Let's keep our marriage a secret...!", She asked him suddenly...

He thought for a while. "Until 1 year.", He spoke. She agreed.

Soon they walked out of the café.

"Let's take my car.", He spoke as he asked the driver to take care of Aditi's car.

"Rishi drive the car.", He spoke as he opened the door for Aditi.

They reached the office in an hour and after signing the certificates; they became husband and wife on paper. They were now an official couple.

Inside his car.

"I'm okay with not announcing it to the public but I hope we can inform to our family members.", Anan spoke.

She thought for a while. She didn't have any regrets, and this was her future. So, she has to face in now or later.

"Okay. But before I have to tell you something.", She spoke.

"Speak.", he spoke as he kept his phone aside.

"I'm an orphan. I think they abounded me. I was grown up in an orphanage and I had a relationship for 2 months but we broke up now and the reason is he is having an affair with my best friend, although she didn't I'm her friend. Anyhow, it doesn't matter, I prefer you to say if you happened to cheat on me. I don't want to find it with my eyes again.", She spoke as she gave him a bitter smile.

It startled him.

"Were you always this honest?", He spoke as his smile lifted upwards.

"I don't want us to have misunderstandings in the future.", She spoke.

"Don't worry. It's me who asked you to hold my hand. So I will never leave you.", He spoke as he asked Rishi to enter the car and drive them.

"When are you planning to shift?", He spoke as he saw his phone.

She was not dumb. She understood his question. She wondered if she has to feel a burden but her answer was no. She was already his wife. What will she have to feel awkward?

"I'm fine anytime.", She spoke with a little thought.

"Are you sure?", he spoke as she saw her with a smile on his face.

"Are you regretting marrying me?", She questioned as she countered back his mysterious smile.

"Then good. Rishi drive directly to the home.", He spoke as he turned his face and concentrated on his phone again.

Her heart skipped a beat, but still, she maintained her posture.