
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
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141 Chs

Chapter 141 : 'Father...I...',

"Boss I tried my best...please can we not get ourselves into too much mess?", jade spoke as he cautiously saw Felix who was busy with his lab test.Felix raised his head to see the human who's already shivering to the core."Leave prepare the car, I wanna go out for a drive...it's been long I was in this place.", Felix spoke as he placed his work aside and walked into the adjacent room.Jade took a deep relief breath as he focused to call the driver.Meanwhile.Henry was seated in his chair as his secretary came back..."Sir, we couldn't get any information regarding her except she is works for Mishra's company.", The assistant spoke.Henry smashed everything that was visible in front of him...he felt suffocated and nauseous...how can there be a person so similar to her? He couldn't believe it...he was not ready to accept the fact that she and that felix had a child together.Henry stared at his assistant with blood eyes..."That woman...I need someone to monitor her...who is she meeting, details of her and all related information.", Henry spoke as he smashed the TV in front of him.Seeing his blood shot eyes...the assistant also shivered at the sight.Vastav's "Karan my patience has a limit.", Varun spoke as he sipped his tea."Father...I...", Before Karan could complete his sentence."I don't care...to me anything you say is an excuse, Bring my daughter in front of me. There isn't a day Vastav's is happy from the day your sister is lost. Your grandpa is losing his patience too, At least I am a painter I use words...but your grandpa is not a type to stop with words.", Varun spoke as he walked towards his studio.Karan sighed and laid back...'Anan how are you going to convince these people? What is your plan?', he sighed again as he stood up to leave his father's studio.Varun sat in front of the blank canvas as his hands hesitated to start anything new...'Anvi...my little one...it's it time for you to forgive us for losing you and come back...it's been hell to vastav's...can you return back now.', thinking he placed his paints aside to pick up the canvas beside...which has little Anvi's smile.Island."Mom are you saying you want to go back to..? Are you crazy? If the world knows you are alive...no...if father knows you are alive...no...if those bunch of creeps knows you are alive...are you sure the world will still hold its peace?", Henry spoke as he stared at his mom."Hoshino if I am a type to hide...I would never started this all from the start...the only reason I wanted us to hide is because my legs were not in good position, but thanks to your skills...my legs are cured and I can walk now. I just I don't want Anvi or rest to be in danger...you also understood right... than that old man Ray there is a more deadly animal coming to hunt.", Mina spoke as her eyes were so furious."Mom...", Hosino wanted to rebute but he didn't know what to say."You, me and Aditi...we three know that only I can help Anvi bring back her memories right? Because it is me who hypnotized her.", Mina spoke as her eyes showed determination."But once she gain her memory...it will be a blood bath.", Aditi spoke."Either with or without memory she has to fight a bloody bath...I wish she at least know who is she against.", Mina spoke determined."I will prepare the mask for you Mom...I will try to appoint you near to Anvi...although Anan will give me hell and back...for now this is the best we can do.", Hosino spoke as he left the room.He walked out to see Dai who's patiently waiting outside the door."Dai...go pack your bags, this summer you will stay with Aarav along with your caretaker.", Hosino spoke as he walked towards his study."Wohoo.", Dai clapped as he walked into his room. Opening his phone to see picture of Aditi and Sunny's hugging picture...he jealously smiled."Aarav...to the battle that's upcoming I think I should be there to protect our Aunt.", the little one spoke as he rushed to pull out his suitcase.For You."Sister-in-law...how could you reject these designs even without considering one of it? Are you sure you wanna act this way?", Linda [fake anvika] spoke as she wiggled paper's in her hand."Ms.Anvi...the designed are outdated and not fit for the upcoming fashion weak...I can't approve the design that doesn't fit the concept of the new fashion week.", Wen spoke as she slightly raised her head to see Linda who is shamelessly seated in front of her."You...You are clearly bullying me.", Linda spoke as she rushed out of the room.Wen's assistant closed the door as she sighed and looked pitifully at Wen. From the moment Linda[ fake anvi] joined the company all she does is fighting with Wen or causing various problems...she is nowhere near to Wen's skills but still try to compete...god knows why."Huh...Should just kick her a*s next time she comes? I'm already busy as it is..this brainless idiot is testing my patience to another level.", Wen shouted as she took the sip of ice coffee beside her."I will try to stop her from next time boss...also I heard it's time little master is done with his high school entrance exam...don't you wanna go and pick him up?', Wen's assistant reminded her."Hmm...nope there is someone who's picking him up.", she went to her load of work saying that.Outside the Exam gate.Aarav walked out of the gate as he saw a white Porsche where a lean beauty leaning on it at the corner and staring at him."No doubt you know me very well, partner.", Sunny spoke as he walked towards the passenger seat."Your mom asked me to come after 30 minutes...but I knew my brat didn't have so much patience...So yeah here I am.", Anvi spoke as she opened the driver seat."Aunty...where are we going?", Sunny spoke."Destiny.", Anvi spoke as she saw Aarav gulping the saliva."Aunty...now that I think I have some urgent matter...", just when he was trying to escape...she started the car."Your father, my husband, and the whole team are waiting for Mr & Ms. A....how can you...my partner in crime throw me in the firepit alone? Let's die together.", Anvi spoke as she raised the speed."I knew there is nothing good in you volunteering to pick me up out of nowhere.", Sunny sulked as he closed his eyes. Thinking about facing his Uncle brought shivers down his spine.