
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 139: 'He is taking his punishment.',

Anan saw guilty written all over her face...he knew she must be creating scenarios in her mind.

"Dear A aren't you savage and ruthless? Why do you seem like a scared little bunny?", He spoke as he stared into her sparkling eyes.

"Hubby...I...:, Before she could say anything...his lips slowly enveloped hers as she could help but stare at the man in front of her in shock.

His tongue broke through her barrier as it entangled with hers. Anvi couldn't help but give in to her husband's emotions as she raised her hands to encircle his neck. Anan slowly reached out to her hospital gown as his hands touched her bare skin and a door knock was heard.

"Sir...Sir.", It was Silian.

Anvi quickly pushed him as she arranged her gown...Anan stood up as he adjusted his collar button.

"Come in.", Anan spoke as Silian slowly entered the room.

'Why do I sense death here?', Silian thought as he brushed his thoughts and walked forward.

He checked Anvi's pulse. When he realized it was normal and all good. He took his leave as he left the couple alone again.

Seeing that they were alone again...Anvi raised her head to speak.

"You don't have to...Aarav explained everything, I would do the same if I were in your position.", Anan spoke first as he sat beside her and brushed through her hair.

Anvi felt immense emotions as she dived into his arms without any thoughts.

"But you are to get the punishment.", He whispered in her ear as he bit it, Anvi's ears have always been sensitive so as she got the tease from her husband she shivered as she trembled in his arms.

"Rest well and get strong for your punishment. Once you are fine and well don't you think to leave bed for a week.", Anan spoke as he pushed her towards bed and laid beside her.

"Hubby if you do it for a week...I might die.", She spoke as she stared at him with her glossy eyes.

"Then I shall accompany you to the afterworld.", He spoke as he kissed her forehead.

Anvi smiled as she dived closer into his arms as she closed her eyes. The narrow escape clearly scared her to the core. Anan also pulled her closer as he only knew how scared he was to lose her.

Mishra's mansion.

"Give us a week...this 60 years of MEDIA SCORE you will see Anvi.", Karan spoke as he saw Vatsav's sitting in front. They nodded and didn't speak anymore.

Varun wanted to ask but controlled himself. He just wanted his little girl to come back to his side. Nothing more nothing less.

"Why is your apartment so quiet? Where is Sunny?", Lilly spoke as she couldn't see her great-grandchild.

"He is taking his punishment.", Karan spoke as he stared at his study room.

"What punishment? What did you make him do?", Hanna spoke as she was worried that her grandchild is doing hard labor.

"Nothing doing some mathematics and economics homework.", Karan spoke as he sipped his tea.

Wen glared at him. 'How is doing annual accounts of FOR YOU considered mathematics and economics homework?', She was speechless at how her husband made it sound. She felt embarrassed for the shameless human who was shamelessly lying.

Aarav who is checking all the company accounts could help but sigh.

'Huh...If I knew prior that I would be nephew and son to these demons, I would have not learned to code.', he sighed again and started to make the statements.


"Sir...if this goes on...in a week Dream will be part of MEDIA SCORE and Nobel forever stay 2nd.", Assistant of Jason spoke.

"Go and fix the meeting with the Dream team...speak to those two and ask them to use whatever means. I need to see the person in charge.", Jason spoke.

"Alright, sir.", His assistant clearly understood who those two are and knew his boss was seriously angered this time.


"Daddy I wanna go and visit aunt Anvi please take me there...pleaseeeee.", Dai was trying his best to convince his dad.

"Dai it isn't that we aren't worried about her...It is about the trouble that's yet to come.", Aditi spoke as she passed a glass of warm milk to Mina.

"Mom you think someone strong is supporting the Red society?", Hosino spoke as his eyes stared at his home with unknown pressure.

"Her blood...they are after it. Her memory may end or save the world. Hoshino she chose this path...to save everyone.", Mina spoke as she closed her eyes as tears ran down her face.

"Mom...she did this to protect us. Please don't be sad.", Hosino spoke as he wiped his mother's tears.

"If only I didn't do that...if only they didn't threaten me to do that with her life...", Mina cried as she gasped for Air.

"She was poisoned...You had no option, that Bastard was an animal.", Aditi spoke.

"Jason and his family don't scare me...the only person who makes me anxious is him. What if.." 'he is behind this Red society', she didn't complete her sentence as she shivered and opened her eyes.

"Mom...you mean him?", Hosino gasped in fear too.

"Hosino protect your sister at all cost, I can't face my sister if anything happens to her child.", Mina spoke as she had too much in her mind.

"Mom...she is my cousin, of course, she is my blood too. I shall protect her.", Hosino spoke.

"So are we going to Country Y?", Dai spoke as his voice carried a spark.

"Not yet.", Hosino spoke.

Dai throw his favorite doll on the floor and ran towards his room.

Aditi sighed and followed him to ease him.


By the time she woke up, it is already dawn...Anan was slowly patting her head as his muscular chest was clearly in her view. She smiled evilly and she bit his collarbone mercilessly.

Anan saw the little cat that just attacked as he raised his hand to pull her kissable cheeks.

"Why is my wife so overactive today? Isn't her injuries enough for her to be weak?", He questioned as he raised her head and placed a small peck on her rosy lips.

"What to do? Husband seems so juicy that this wife can't resist.", She smiled as she enjoyed adding fuel to the fire.

"Anvi...Is it funny? You almost died...I'm sorry for not being able to protect you and you had to struggle so much.", He spoke as he bend forward to her forehead.

"Aren't I fine? You were there to protect me too. I knew you must have felt worse when you heard I was kidnapped.", Anvi spoke as her eyes were teary.

"Anvi...Anvika Vastav...the last thing I ever wanna hear is you being out of my sight.", He spoke as he hugged her as his lips locked on hers.

Anvi couldn't do anything but return him the same passion.