
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
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141 Chs

Chapter 138 : Why isn't this matter...?

Three people stood in front of the operation theatre their pain was clearly hidden behind their cold eyes. Aarav was standing in all guilt. Wendy was struggling to not faint as she prayed to god that two women at the operation table were fine.

The moment the door opened Anan and Rishi rushed towards the doctor.

"Both are fine. They fainted due to extreme dehydration and lack of stamina. We injected the fluids and did necessary treatment.", Silian who came out spoke. He knows more than anyone Anvi has a special blood so she can't be treated by another doctor. So she personally was there to check on her wounds.

"All good. Can we see them?", Wen spoke this time.

"Yes Ma'am, They will be shifted to their respected wards, then you can visit them.", Silian spoke as he excused himself.

Half - an - hour later.

"Sunny spit out before you make us anymore angrier.", This was Karan who was speaking as he sat beside Anan who was basically staring at him like a demon god.

'He knew this...this damn aunt of his not only had a relation with these two demons but left him all alone to deal with them.'

"Hmm...Can I lie?", It was Wen's turn to be speechless.

She couldn't believe her child to be brave enough to not even shiver in front of two demon gods. Their appearance was enough for her to shiver to the core.

"Aarav Vastav...I will give you 5 seconds. 1...2...3", Before Anan could complete.

"There was an attack after I was born. Mom was almost killed by the nurse. Aunt Anvi came in time and we escaped from that place.", His words made Anan and Karan shiver.

"Why isn't this matter...?", Before Karan could complete.

"Because she knew...she knew all while she lost her memory and there is someone after them, maybe your meeting with Mom was not just an accident but it was all a known plan. Somewhere... sometimes these all connected.", Aarav spoke.

Anan eyes turned bloodshed as she stared at the woman who was sleeping peacefully.

"So she became the infamous A and started to not only create a money source for you guys but also to investigate.", Anan spoke as Aarav raised his face.

"When I started to code...we almost got few strings but lost them. Later once we realized Mr.Zi and Redsociety were about to track us down...to protect me and mom she erased every single thing.", Aarav replied.

"Didn't we know the enemy? Why are we back to square again? How many are we actually dealing with?", Karan was super pissed now.

"Red society...I think destiny has to be on the mission again.", Anan spoke as he slowly walked towards Anvi.


"I said you not to ruin my pace...what is wrong with you two? Apart from getting scoldings from the elder is there a situation you can be helpful to me? ", Fake Anvi [Linda] shouted.

"We are trying our best. How will we guess my adopted mother's tastes to change overnight?", Kyra spoke as if she was wronged.

"Are you sure they are not acting weird? Mom there seems to be something amiss.", Diya spoke as she suspected the recent events.

Although they looked like they are adoring the fake Anvi she could still see them being vary of her.

"Diya their daughter was lost and found. A person came and claimed to be their daughter out of nowhere. Child anyone will be varied and our position is to clear that air.", Kyra spoke before Linda could repent Diya for doubting.

"Oh, I see.", Diya shut her mouth.

On an Island.

"Seems like that brat is intelligent. Not bad I like to play this game again with her then.", A middle-aged man laughed as he siped the glass of wine that's just poured by a servant.

"Master...are you planning to destroy Mishra's and Vastav's? But you don't have any hatred towards them, right?", The assistant spoke.

"I don't care about anyone in this world...except that Brat. ANVIKA...she shall be my most powerful weapon that I use against the world.", A demonic laughter was heard.

His eyes were vicious and his face was extremely demonic, as per his identity...it is for some other day.

Hospital ward.

Anvi opened her eyes to the dark sky and the man beside her bed who holding her hand as if she is his most precious treasure.

Her eyes felt like this scene was the most beautiful scene they could witness in this life...his care was always her weakness. To spoil the moment a thunderstorm shivered Anvi to the core. Anan who was a light sleeper quickly woke up to see his woman shivering.

"It's alright now...It's alright. I'm here. I'm here.", He tried to relax her as he hopped on the big bed and hug her tightly.

Anvi seem to be struggling but relaxed a bit hearing his voice. She tightened her grasp around him and took in his unique scent. After a few minutes, weather turned normal and she relaxed in his arms for a long time

But at that moment, another realization struck her. 'Shit Sunny.' then another realization made her shiver to the core. 'He knows.'

She raised her shiny eyes to meet his. Anan could clearly see guilt written allover her face.