
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 137 : 'I'm doomed.',

"Why are you here?", Ajay spoke as he sat in the back along with Felix.

"Why? Don't you miss me?", Felix stared at the window as he nonchalantly asked.

"Felix, are you seriously planning to act this lame?", Ajay spoke as he open a file and handed him the application.

Felix didn't speak much as he took over the file and opened it.

"These are your villa details, the key to your villa, and then all the required documents of your position in the hospital.

Felix took the file and analyzed it and after a few minutes of silence.

"Okay.", He said as he closed his eyes.

Anan's office door.

"Boss...", Jai panted as he stared at Anan who was busy talking with Rishi about some project.

Seeing Jai in the breathless state...Anan stood up and stared at him.

"They...they...", Jai panted.

A few hours back.

"Manager, how is your hand? Should we rest?", Anvi came for the site inspection of the new site for today.

"I'm good, can u get me a glass of juice?", Anvi spoke as she sat on the bench.

"Sure, in a few minutes.", When Sandy was about to leave.

"I will go...you both please take some rest.", Jai spoke as he walked to the nearby shop. When he was bringing back the packed juice bottles he saw a few men pulling Sandy and Anvi into a van and leaving the place.

Jai's hands shivered as he checked his phone connection...he couldn't reach anyone with call. After a few clicks, he realized his phone was hacked.

He didn't waste time as he quickly went to Media score.


"Rishi call Aunt Deeksha and ask her to check all the vehicles passing down the lane. Pass me my laptop I gotta track Anvi. Start the car.", Only Anan knew what he was going through.

'Who was this? Who dared to kidnap Madam and Sandy? Jai couldn't imagine something happening to both.', He saw the two men running for their women he felt helpless and sorry for not being alert.

Inside the Car.

"Boss I informed Ms.Deeksha and rest.", Rishi spoke as his voice was cold as ice block.

Anan knows how he must be feeling knowing his woman is in danger.

Just then he got a call. Anan raised his brows as he checked the caller.

"Speak.", Anan's voice was decent enough as if he is dealing with a respectful person.

"She can't be tracked don't try so hard. She is at Line cross road passing by the rosy mary cross...It seems she wants to hide the device from them she switched off the device so Uncle let's wait for her to be on the device. I promise to give her some time.", Sunny's voice came.

"Rishi to Karan's apartment.", Without a single question he turned the car and started to drive.

'I'm doomed.', Aarav hung up the call.

Half an hour later.

"Who are they?", Anan's cold voice was enough for Aarav to shudder but his strong posture made the remaining room stare at the little one in Awe.

Dharma, Gary, Stephany, and Mike had no idea why they were assembled too.

"Sunny, I called Team Hope as you asked me to...now your silence will not help us in anything. Speak out.", Karan's voice was full of worry.

" It is red society.", Little one spoke making room stare at him viciously.

"Aarav? What do you mean Red society? What do they...", Before Dharma could complete his sentence his mind seem to work at full potential. His eyes widened as he stared at Aarav in disbelief.

Aarav seem to realise his stare.

"Yes Hippo, me and Aunt are A. A is two people me and her.", Aarav little voice shivered everyone in room.

He then bowed to everyone.

"That year we withdrew from the company because Mr.Zi and Red Society almost found us. Aunt Anvi didn't want people to know so we had to clear our tracks. But now I guess someone is behind all this. Some power is helping Red society. With Aunts hacking skills no one would have tracked her unless Mr.Zi but as Uncle didn't do it...", Aarav paused as he got a notification.

"She sent the signal. ", He typed a few codes.

"S-cross towers...Drive warehouse. Uncle, Dad rush.", Sunny spoke as remaining stood there silently.

"This isn't over...you both are giving me a clear answer once we are back.", Anan spoke as Aarav gulped a handful of saliva.


Anvi was pressing her little ear pin as she untied Sandy's threads.

Soon after she did, she tore Sandy's face plaster so she could speak.

"Manager are you fine.", Sandy's eyes are full of worry.

"I am...we don't have much time we gotta escape.", Anvi spoke as she helped Sandy to get up.

"But how? They are outside.", Sandy spoke as she was worried.

Anvi stared at the surroundings as she stared at the surroundings. The moment she saw the glass window her eyes lit up.

She walked towards the window...seeing that it is breakable, with a technique she learned from Deeksha she hit it. With minimal sound, the glass cracked. Then she signaled Sandy to come forward.

"We gotta run to the left side as the door is more inclined towards the other, by the time they reach us we can run towards the main road. Sandy, I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess but please let's get through this.", Anvi spoke as she felt Sandy is suffering because of her.

"Manager I don't regret it and I'm happy that I could give you company.", Sandy smiled.

"Thank you, Sandy, I shall remember this.", Anvi spoke as she asked Sandy to walk through first. Slowly they walked out as they both came out through the glass window.


"Boss, are you really sure we can't touch them? They both look so delicious I hope to at least have a taste of them.", One of the people who stood there spoke.

The man with a huge tattoo hit him on the spot making everyone shiver.

"She isn't the one you can handle to hurt. She is the one Boss wanted.", His cold voice made rest shudder.

"Go and feed them something. Boss will be here any moment.", The tattoo guy poke.

"Yes Boss.", He walked towards the door and opened the door as he entered the room where they were locked. His eyes turned bloom when he saw the scene in front, realising that the tied rope was lying on the floor and the window is broken.

"BOSSSSS.", His voice shivered as he shouted at the top of his lungs.

The rest ran in to see the seen in shock.

"Catch them...if we can't get ready to be slaughtered.", Tattoo guys voice was scary and demanding. The boys ran out in search for them.


"One more mile...we will reach the main road.", Anvi spoke as her breathing became uneven.

"Manager you can't hold up any longer and I ....th...thi...think I'm not in p....po....posi....position to bear too.", Sandy panted as she ran with all her might.

"One more mile...just one more.,", Anvi spoke as Sandy nodded. Both started to run as they reached the road finally. Just when she was about to step on the road a car screech was heard as it abruptly stopped a 2 feet distance before Anvi.

Anvi's face terribly shook as her face turned pale when she saw the car dashing towards them. She immediately shoved Sandy to the side and she closed her eyes tightly.

It was clear. She could only protect one of them, so she choose to give up her to save Sandy.

But then Anvi was not hurting as she raised her pale face...she saw the car doors open widely as a man walked out of the car. Before she cooked process she was held in his embrace. Feeling the familiar scent...she lost the consiousness she was holding onto.

"Anvi...", Karan voice was barely heard as she felt she was covered with warmth when she hugged the guy who was in verge of breaking at the moment.

Rishi also carried Sandy and walked towards other car. Karan started to drive the car and his assitant choose to drive the other car.

The two lovers held their women dearly as they felt the miserable pain only they knew.