
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
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141 Chs

Chapter 12: "You should ask her."

P.S: Hello reader's if you are confused about the new characters please go to end of the chapter to know about them.

Inside Aditi's office.

"Manager the new CEO has come. Would you want to go and see?", Sandy spoke as she was hinting her to see him.

"It's okay, I have something to deal with. Get me the details of the project. Mr. Vikram Sena will arrive soon.", Aditi spoke.

"That... I forgot to inform you the manager has sent it to Preetha saying she will deal with the rest. Manager, there is a rumour that the head Manager is having an affair with Preetha.", Sandy spoke in a low voice.

"Then leave it. Let's deal with the next meeting.", Aditi opened another file.

"That's all?", It surprised sandy.

"You don't intend to do anything?",

"Do I look like a pushover?", Aditi asks with a mysterious smile.

"An absolute no.", Sandy responds immediately.

"Then prepare for the next meeting. Let's wait the so-called head manager to come and beg us.", Aditi spoke.

"Manager, let's be on the same team forever. I don't want to be your enemy, even in my dreams. You are scary.", Sandy spoke as she runs out of the room.

Aditi smiles as she sees Sandy walking out of the door. The moment the door opens, she sees a tall figure entering the elevator. She gently smiles as she recognises him.

Just then her phone vibrates.

She stares at the text on her phone.

Text From Mr- 'Mrs. Anan where are you hiding?'

She smiles as she types the message.

Inside the elevator.

"Whom are you texting? That too with your personal phone?", Karan spoke as he saw Anan was busy texting.

"My wife, got a problem?", Anan phone vibrates. Karan was speechless.

From Mrs - 'Mr. Anan oh no sorry Mr.Chairman we are a lowly staff how could I possibly dare to stand in the crowd to welcome you?'

He smiles as he sends a message and then keeps the poker face again.

Aditi who was satisfied with the text message she sent was refreshing the message box again and again waiting for his message.

'Ding' the text from Mr- 'Where is the Mrs.Anan who said she is going to run away with all my assets?'

She was speechless now. She smiles and keeps her phone aside as she opens the file beside.

Inside the Meeting Room.

"Good Afternoon everyone. I'm Rishi Assistant of Mr Anan, this is Kelvin, the new Vice president of MEDIA SCORE, Mr.KARAN the CEO/ new CHAIRMAN of FOR YOU. I would like to ....",

Rishi starts the introduction and the speech after a few rounds of different speeches Rajesh Mishra enters the room with Mukesh Vastav.

"Good Afternoon Mr.Chairman, Good evening Mr.Vastav.", one of the oldest directors speaks.

"Good Afternoon Mr.Chairman...", everyone starts the to greet.

"Good, good... I'm old now and this is the day I'm retiring and going to become a simple husband to my wife, father to my son- and daughter-in-law, a normal grandfather to my grandson, and a normal friend to my retired friend.", Rajesh Mishra spoke. Seeing everyone's silence.

"Anan as the new Chairman I can rest in the home comfortably.", He continues as everyone smile and wishes Anan.

Then, after the signing event, they walk into the CEO's office.

"Although we are having the both CEO and Chairman position, we would like to leave the Chairman positions for you guys for a while and be the CEO's.", Karan speaks as he takes a sip of the coffee that just arrived.

"No problem with guys in the company. We don't have to return to check.", Mukesh spoke as he smiled.

"Grandpa, I'm Married.", Anan, who was silent for a while, spoke.

Rajesh mishra who just had a sip of coffee nearly split it...

"Did you kidnap Aditi? How on the earth did she agree?", he couldn't understand. There were many rich kids who tried to approach Aditi, but she rejected everyone mercilessly.

"Wait..is it Aditi?", he thought this question made some sense.

"Grandpa, Aditi and I will come home in the evening.", Anan spoke as he walked towards his desk.

"Can't I just call her now. I controlled myself for a year.", Rajesh acted like a kid.

"Old Man, that So-called Aditi is she the girl who you brag every time we meet?", Mukesh spoke.

"Yup, it's her. Finally, I can meet her today. I have to tell this news to my wife.", he [Rajesh] was too happy.

"No, I'll just go home and start the preparations. Be on time.", he warns Anan and stands up to walk out.

"Alright, we will also leave now. Remember to show her later on." Mukesh stood up and Karan followed the old man's out, signalling Anan that he's going.

Main hall.

Vikram Sena and others enter the MEDIA SCORE.

Preetha quickly walks towards them.

"Hello Sir, Welcome to MEDIA SCORE.", Preetha speaks.

"Hmm.", Vikram's eyes search for Aditi. He frowns as he couldn't see her as they enter the meeting room.

"Where is Ms.Aditi?", Vikram's cold voice is heard.

"I, Preetha, will be responsible for the project from now on.", Preetha speaks with confidence.

"Who the hell are you? Forget I'm not interested in you. Where is your head?", Vikram spoke as it frustrated him.

The head after receiving the news walked out as fast as he can and stood before Vikram.

"Hello Sir, We apologize if there is any problem." He quickly apologised, seeing Vikram's dark face.

"Why isn't Ms.Aditi here?" Vikram spoke.

Just then the door opens, and a man enters the room. Seeing the new CEO, everyone's eyes were widened.

Anan calmly walked towards Vikram and extended his hand.

"Hello Mr.Vikram Sen it's a pleasure to meet you.", Anan spoke.

"Good to meet you, young man.", Vikram spoke as he saw Anan.

"Is there any problem? What is happening?", Rishi spoke.

"No...No Sir it's just Ms.Aditi is not here we are waiting for her..." The manager sweats to see CEO here he was too afraid.

"We will inform her. Just...just a moment." The assistant of the head manager walks out quickly.

Inside Aditi's room.

"Manager we are done with the schedule today. We can leave." Sandy spoke.

Aditi checks the time..." There will be a guest who will enter in 5 minutes inform him that we are leaving and will not meet anyone."

Sandy didn't get what Aditi is implying as she nods and walks out of the room, but the moment she sees the assistant of Head Manager walking towards her. She finally understood Aditi's words.

"The meeting requires Ms Aditi. The manager asked her to attend it immediately.", The assistant spoke as he was panting.

"Sorry, Ms.Aditi is done with the work today and she's off the duty.", Sandy spoke as she walked towards her seat.

The assistant who knows Aditi's and Sandy's temper walked back with no choice.

He then informed the matter to his manager. Soon the manager walked hurriedly towards Aditi's room.

inside Aditi's room.

The door was opened and the head Manager enters...

"Aditi, what do you want?", The manager was a smart person and was aware of what he has done, so he was direct.

"Respect. I don't care about what's not mine, but if it is mine. I'll make sure to make those to regret touching what's mine.", She spoke as the Manager started to sweat from inside.

"I understand. I'll make sure to give you a proper answer later on, but I want you to attend the meeting, Right now.", The Manager spoke.

"You better keep your word.", Aditi was too rude.

The Manager tightens his hands and loosens it as he couldn't do anything.

Aditi and Sandy walk towards the Meeting room. The moments she enters the room she sees Anan speaking to Mr.Vikram.

She was stunned but quickly adjusts her emotions and enter the room.

Seeing Aditi entering the room, Preetha's face turns pale. Vikram sees Aditi and his smile increases.

"Hello, Mr.Vikram. I'm sorry I was late.", Aditi spoke as she turned her head towards Preetha.

"No worries, my child. I just spoke with Mr.Anan. If everything is fine, let's sign the contract." Vikram spoke with a completely different tone from before. It shocked everyone there to see his change in attitude.

"Mr.Vikram if it is okay. Let me take you for a trip to my office we will sign the contract there.", Anan spoke.

"I'm okay with it. Let Aditi lead the way.", Vikram spoke as Aditi stood speechless. 'Why does she have to lead the way?'

She just gave a smile and when she was about to speak something.

"Let's go then." Anan spoke as he turned towards Aditi, asking her to lead the way. Aditi led the way.

Inside the elevator.

"Is Mr.Chairman not in office today?", Vikram spoke.

"Grandpa went back home to welcome his Granddaughter-in-law.", Anan spoke.

Aditi glared at Anan.

"Are you married?", Vikram spoke as it surprised him.

"Just yesterday.", He replied with a smile.

"No news or any...?", Vikram tried to analyse the situation.

The elevator door opened wide. Rishi and Vikram's assistant were standing out of the elevator.

"Rishi take care of the paper and sent it to the office. Aditi follow us in." Anan spoke.

The trio entered the room.

"I'm indeed married but why wife wanted our marriage to be a secret for a while.", Anan spoke as they sat on the sofa.

Aditi's face was reddened beyond imagination.

"Hahah...Why on the earth did she want a secret marriage? Who wants a secret marriage with the Heir of MEDIA SCORE?", Vikram laughed out loud. 'who is this girl wanting to keep a marriage secret with a person like Anan?'

"That I'm not sure too. You should ask her." Anan spoke as he pointed his hand at Aditi.

Aditi was beyond speechless.

This guy is he trying to push her under the bus. She stiffened her smile.

The Moment Vikram heard Anan, his eyes widened.

"You married Aditi...?" it shocked him.