
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 111: Food or me ?

Vastav's Mansion.

Ajay dropped his cutlery as he wiped his mouth. He knew the matter was exposed.

"She is fine...yes there are shadows lurking around. We want to at least drag a chess piece before exposing her to the enemy. They were daring enough to send a replica to Vastav's so they are still not aware of real Anvi. We just want to at least pull a small fish out even if can't catch the monster.", Ajay spoke as Vastav's body trembled.

Of course, they knew their guess was right...but deep inside they had a hope that they were wrong...but no blood connections don't lie.

"Th...Then is my precio...precious alright?", Varun's words were full of longing for his little one.

"Brother-in-law she is fine. Anvi lost her memory and she recently got back her memories as for the details I'll let you know later.", Ajay explained. He felt heart pain as he saw Varun. He knows what he is feeling at the moment.

"How did you guys guess...?", Suhani was still a bit in confusion.

Lilly gave a long sigh and spoke.

"How can't we...The girl was almost like my Anvi but was nothing like her at the same time. The vibe we got from her was different. The most important deduction...Karan and Ajay. They didn't even try to take initiative towards her. Karan was possessive of his sister from childhood and Ajay dotes on her like she was some precious treasure...but both were indifferent towards her...and you guys who always questioned and cornered her unlike in the past where you used to dote her. We had our doubts and deductions. Varun was sure there is something different with the Anvi...Mukesh also felt something was wrong with the new Anvi. No matter how many times Henna convince herself she couldn't get to connect with her daughter...this was all puzzle pieces of course. But the final puzzle piece that connected everything was yesterday's competition.", Lilly paused as she saw confused faces on the table.

"When Anvi was a 5-year-old child her strokes on the paper were different and absolutely one of a kind. Mom felt it was unique and helped Anvi to make it more elegant and sharp. The strokes she makes on paper are almost impossible for another person to make because Anvi's own style can't be copied. But surprisingly design from Wendy's partner had those strokes. That's when Mom and I were 100% sure that my Anvi is not the empty pot that claimed to be...but she is somewhere hiding and hoping for us to recognize her.", Henna spoke as tears rolled down her cheek.

Suhani and Meera exchanged looks.

"Looks like we can't fool these people. Any way Lilly, Mukesh she's fine. Varun, Henna she remembers us and misses us dearly.", Suhani consoled them.

"But Vastav house has become a place for spies. There are too many of them so we didn't dare to speak.", Meera spoke.

"Anyway, now that you know she's Fake. what are you intending to do ?", Elder Mishra spoke this time.

"The MEDIA SCORE party will be held soon. Now that we know Anvi is a good friend to Wendy I think it's all fate. We will wait for her to show up in front of us.", Henna spoke as she was held by Varun.

"Is she fine? My Anvi does she...does she really...", Before Varun could complete.

"Yes, she is fine and became a stunning lady. Brother, she is still your little one only.", Deeksha spoke this time.

"She is my little one too.", Elder Vatsav frowned.

"Mine too.", A cold Ajay's voice came through.

The people around the table laughed they seemed to go back.

"When she returns she will be my baby only. I regret every moment without her...she is my precious. I will make sure to protect her and spoil her.", Elder Vastav spoke.

"Dad she is my daughter. Mind your business.", Varun spoke like a jealous father.

"Hey can't you guys stop...she is not back yet.", Lilly couldn't help but scold her husband and son.

"Old Man it feels like we time traveled to 10yrs in the past. The table has become lively. I wish these days will stay and Anvi returns home bringing all the luck.", Suhani smiled.

"Hmm...wifey in this happy occasion can I have a piece of desert extra...?", Elder Mishra spoke.

"No.", Suhani directly rejected him as he couldn't help but feel gloomy.

"You are heartless.", He whispered as he painstakingly eat the veggies on the table.

"Your wife's heart is full of you Old Man...", Suhani joked as she placed more veggie on his plate.

"Am I pig or cow?", Elder Vastav whispered angrily yet ate the food his wife placed.

"You...my lovely pig and angry cow.", Suhani spoke as people at the table laughed. While Elder Mishra silently ate his food.


They reached the place. Kyra and Diya were still in shock about the woman who sat in the back.

"You both...better not ruin my plans and focus on the works I give you. Remember I hate drama the most.", Linda spoke as she walked out of the car.

The moment she walked out Kyra and Diya took heavy breaths.

"Mom, what the hell? Do we have to be her servant ?", Diya spoke as she felt annoyed.

"Darling only a few days...wait until I think of something.", Kyra spoke as her brain started to have thoughts that are impossible for Diya to deduct.

Aarav walked towards the elevator not bothering about the people who are following him. The maid who lives there saw that little master is back as she came to take his luggage from Drake and walked upstairs.

Kyra and Diya followed Linda who looked nervous and excited as if she's visiting her first love. Kyra frowned at the thought she just got.

All entered the elevator. Aarav pulled out his phone and didn't bother about the people in the lift.

The moment the elevator reached the top floor. Aarav walked out as he saw Kyra, Diya, and Linda's awe looks. He scoffed and walked towards the door.

Other than Aarav and the maid the remaining three felt awe. The penthouse was a 2 storeyed villa it looked so royal and cozy. Linda felt her heart flutter at the thought this might be her future place after she got together with Karan.

But she forgot her little daydreams will never come true.

They followed Aarav. The access had biometric access. Aarav was pretty tall for his age so as he stood on the small stool he could reach the access. The moment the system accessed his eyes the door unlocked.

Before they could walk in...they could hear faint noises.


"Where did you go.", Wen spoke as he saw her husband walk towards the bed and slide in.

"Anan called had some issue to deal with.", Karan spoke as he entered the sheets and kissed her forehead.

"Oh. Have some rest there's still time until lunch.", She said as she fell asleep on his chest.

By the time they woke up, it was already lunch.

"Karan it's time Aarav will come back.", Wen lazily spoke as she sat on the bed.

"Alright I'll make some simple dishes...you wash up.", Karan who just came out from the washroom spoke.

"Okay.", She said as she walked towards the washroom.

After an hour, she walked down to see Karan bringing out dishes one by one.

"You are done ?", Wen spoke as she walked downstairs.

Karan pulled her towards him as he wrapped his hands around her waist...as he kissed her forehead.

"You've been upstairs for 1 hour...what do you think?", He touched his nose with her nose as he rubbed it.

"Hubby is so good at cooking. Smells so good what did you make?", She avoided him as she turned towards the dishes on the table.

Seeing that she was embarrassed he pulled her back as his right hand locked her face as she could only stare at his handsome face.

"Food or me ?", He spoke as he could hear her heartbeat.

Before she could answer...

"Food for me...Daddy for Mommy.", A faint voice came making Wen embarrass as she hid in Karan's chest.

"Brat why are you embarrassing my wife ?", Karan chuckled as caressed the woman in his arms.

But before Aarav could answer...Karan frowned as he saw more shadows appearing at the door.

He saw his son's face that didn't look good and figured out there are unwanted guests.