
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 110 : Where is she?

Vastav Mansion.

Seeing the car leave the Mansion...Lilly smiled in satisfaction.

"Henna inform all the people in the home to leave except the head butler and his wife.", Lilly spoke her deep eyes carried a signal Henna could detect.

"Alright Mom.", Henna stood up as she walked towards the Kitchen.

"Varun what happened to the...", Before Mukesh could complete his sentence.

"Deeksha and Ajay will be here soon. Mishra's will also be here soon.", Varun spoke as his voice was filled with unknown misery.


"Old Man this...why did Lilly suddenly invite us to lunch?", Suhani was rather confused but Elder Mishra smiled as he stared at his confused wife.

"Nothing much. Why are you acting like it's far...it's a few minutes from here. Call Bhargav and Meera let's go there.", Mukesh spoke as Suhani shrugged and called her son.

Kyra's Car.

Kyra was driving the car as Diya sat in front while [Fake Aditi] Linda took the backseat. The atmosphere was tense as no one dared to speak another word.

Just at that moment. The call came in...it was an international caller. Kyra recognized the number. She instantly hung up the call.

The caller called again. Kyra hung up again but the other side didn't stop.

"Aunt Answer the call.", Linda spoke as chills ran down her spine/

"That...that...", When Kyra was to think of excuses Linda leaned front and answered the call for her.

"Ms.Linda.", Rio the assistant of Elder Ray voice entered the ears of trio in the car.

"Mis...Mister I'm bit busy so I...I will call...you in a bit.", Kyra spoke and when she was to end the call.

"Ms.Linda is not an outsider. She is the one Elder Master sent.", Rio's voice made Kyra pause her hands in air.

"Ms.Linda has wanted created this opportunity for you guys to get to know each other better. I hope you will assist her properly and show your loyalty to Elder Master.", Rio hung up as Kyra and Diya went pale.

"So...you...are not Anvika ?", Diya spoke in confusion and nervousness.

"Answer won't make you happy or Sad. Because you only want her to die. Now that you know who I am I hope our future cooperation will be easy.", Linda spoke as she closed her eyes.

"We will try our best to cooperate.", Kyra spoke as she felt afraid of her aura.

Kyra and Diya stared each other as the car silent reached Karan's apartment after few minutes.


Adi walked out of the bed and entered the washroom after a quick fresh up she walked downstairs to see the man walking out with few freshly made dishes in his hand.

Her smile widened instantly as she walked down stairs. Seeing her walk in big strides towards him. He couldn't help but extend his hands to welcome her. She quickly ran towards him and hoped on him. Her legs circled his waist and her hand circled his neck.

She looked like Koala holding the tree. He kept one of his hand around her waist to make sure she doesn't fall and entered the kitchen to get the rice bowl.

"Why do you treat me like this...? What would I do without you...? You are so good that I'm afraid I will lose everything in an instant again.", She spoke as he couldn't help but feel a heartache.

"Silly I'm going to be clingy towards you this whole lifetime. Back then wasn't your side now that I am I will make sure no one touches what's yours...I will protect you with my life.", Anan spoke as he walked towards the table and took a seat. She released his arms around him and cupped his face as she pouted.

"Hubby you are so good. Tell me what should I do if you fall for another woman ?", Adi spoke. The thought of hers made her feel extremely uncomfortable. She felt jealous and angry.

"Wifey are you still so full of energy to think rubbish? Did I not satisfy you properly ?", He teased as he kissed her nape.

Adi slightly moaned as she pinched his cheek.

"Answer my question. What if other girl enters your world other than me ? Will you leave me ?", Adi questioned seriously.

"Anvi I'm busy enough to deal with you for this whole life time. The question of yours' doesn't have any logic at all. With you alone...I still can't get enough of you.", Anan spoke as he hugged her.

"Anan tell me the truth...in the time I wasn't there...did you date someone ?", She questioned.

"Huh?", He sounded confused.

"You are sogood at sweet talking...I couldn't help but wonder...", Before she could complete his lips landed on hers as he sucked the breath out of her.

When he let go of her lips they both panted for air.

"Anvi...In this life time or next...I just hope you'll remain by my side. No other women make me interested in them other than you. Your presence is a drug that I'm deeply addicted to.", He spoke as she felt flutters at his confession.

"Alright let's eat. We still have to go somewhere later.", Anan spoke as he stood up and placed her on the chair beside his.

"Where?", She questioned.

"Date.", He replied as he walked towards kitchen to bring the water. Adi smiled as she patted her growling stomach as she stared at freshly made dishes.

Vastav's Mansion.

Except Butler Paul and te head Maid every one left the Mansion. Paul informed that today was day off and they can return tomorrow morning.

Mishra's, Ajay and Deeksha arrived soon they all sat for lunch.

"Why is it so silent ? Old Man why do I feel something is amiss...?", Suhani spoke as she stared at the faces.

"Suhani I feel we have been exposed.", Elder Mishra silently spoke.

"What do you mean? Elloborate.", Suhani whispered back.

"Sister he means we know the matter you've been hiding who knows for how long.", Mukesh voice came through as the people on table couldn't help but shiver.

Ajay who was calm couldn't help but feel some uncomfortable feeling around him.

Rest silently stared at each other. Mukesh couldn't take it as he wiped his mouth with towel and spoke again.

"Where is she?", His voice is crystal clear.

"There are no servants in home except Paul and his wife. So speak where is she ?", This time it was Varun who spoke.

Meera and Suhani stared at each other and then towards Deeksha who was also slightly pale.

"If you guys are done with the drama along with that brat Karan. Soon speak.", Lilly's tone was firm and sturdy to make others fear a bit.

"Brother why are you guys hiding her so badly ? Is there someone who's trying to harm her ?", Henna spoke as Ajay widened his eyes.

He was sure it is about Anvi there are speaking about. THEY KNEW....THEY KNEW.