
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 107:Cure's subject.


Anan was sleeping soundly as Adi was in his arms. His phone vibrated as he opened his eyes restlessly as he frowned.

His eyes fell on the screen that showed up the name 'Silian.' his eyes widened as he let the woman sleep comfortably and slowly left the bed towards the balcony.

"Speak.", Anan's cold voice spoke up as he entered the balcony and closed the window.

"Boss you have to come down to the office. The matter is pretty serious and I don't wanna take chances speaking like this.

Anan knew unless it's something important he wouldn't behave this way.

"I'll be there in an hour.", Anan hung up the phone. Soon he entered the washroom after a quick bath he walked towards the bed and pulled out a sticky note from the drawer beside and scribbled a few words. Looking at the woman in bed he couldn't help but give a peck on her beautiful lips as he walked out of the room.

Anan reached Silian's Lab as he parked his fancy Range Rover at the garage.

Silian walked out hearing the car sound as he opened the door with his biometric identification. His lab is completely locked and can only be accessed by him alone.

"Boss we need to go towards the higher lab.", Silian spoke as Anan stared at him with a frown.

The upstairs lab is exclusively for his own research of how to find cures for different odd and impossible to cure diseases. So Anan felt the situation more and more serious and dangerous.

They entered upstairs as Anan saw Karan seated with an ugly expression on his face. Seeing Anan he relaxed his muscles and stood up.

"Why are you so late? I've been waiting for 30 minutes now.", Karan was dead sleepy, and moreover he had to leave his wife in bed after they truly had a wonderful night. He was of course upset and irritated when he received a call from Silian.

"It's really dangerous so I had no other option but to ask you both to meet me in person.", Silian explained.

"Alright, Karan stop being baby. Silian enters.", Anan spoke as the trio walked in after Silian accessed the door.

"Not bad I've created this lock software for some good use.", Karan spoke as he stared at the different tubes and chemical solutions in the wide room.

They walked towards the corner as a secret glass door entered the sight. The door took the iris scan of Silian identifying it's their master.

"Welcome Master.", A voice sensor from the glass door came as the glass divided into 2 parts giving them a view of a secret chamber that was more mysterious. Soon trio entered it as the glass door became one again like it never parted.

The trio walked in as the sensors inside the room activated and the lights turned on. Silian walked towards his desk and passed both of them 2 records of the report. Anan and Karan were now seated on the sofa. Both stared at each other as they took the report from Silian and examined it.

After a few seconds, Karan's and Anan's faces looked startled. Karan stood up in shock while Anan was seated yet his gaze was complicated.

"You mean MZ virus got the antidote? It can be cured ?", Karan's words had shock and doubtfulness.

MZ virus has made scientists live many sleepless nights yet they couldn't find the cure to date. Finding a cure means...Karan was utterly speechless and shocked.

"Yes, Mr.Karan but this isn't the reason I've called you both. The main reason...", His words were paused as he stared at them with fear and some unknown emotions.

"Speak why did you pause...?", Karan spoke.

"Please turn to the last page and check.", Anan and Karan slowly turned to the last page to see the blocked letters that made them go pale and lifeless at the same time. Both didn't have any words to say. They were not even in a mode to even analyze the words they just read.

The report showed:

Cure's subject: Ms.Anvika's blood samples.

Silian felt chills down his spine as he stared at both men in front of him. Even after a few minutes, he didn't even dare to utter a single word.

"Explain.", A cold dangerous voice of Anan made Silian paler and paler.

"Boss Ms. Anvika's blood has few unique antibodies that are not from genes. They were injected into her at some point in her body. These are the antibodies that can restrain any disease...even deadly viruses. From the test tube blood of her's, we can find the cure to many deadly and incurable diseases to date. She is a living mortal human being until she is shot or stabbed. Even then she could stay alive for a few days. Until all her main vital organs are damaged. In one word if the world knew about this...", Silian paused his words.

"....she'll be a lab rat.", Karan's furious tone completed the words that Silian didn't dare to say out loud.

"Seize the information. No one except us three should know about this. Make sure to traces of her blood and wipe out all the information you entered in this file.", Anan spoke as he stood up.

"Yes, Boss.", Silian nodded as Anan and Karan left the room as Silian walked them out.

"This...do you think it happened that day ?", Karan's voice trembled.

"Anvi was hypnotized and she can't remember the events from that day till now...soon she said she drained in rain entire night in rain and was still able to get cured after the next few days.", Anan analyzed.

"Before she was kidnapped her health was good yet she used to instantly get cold and cough if once she caught them she used to suffer for a month.", Karan spoke.

"Karan things are becoming tough day by day. I sense your Grandpa will soon make a move. After all, it's time for him to explain to us about the ruckus he created.", Anan's eyes darkened as the words left his mouth.

"Anan should we inform My Uncle...?", Anan spoke.

"Nope let's wait until...your grandpa makes a move. I'm afraid we only know a hill and there is still a mountain hidden at the back that we don't know of.", Anan replied

"You mean there is still much more to this...What on the earth happened back then? Why did Anvi become the center of all these ?", Karan couldn't help but feel bad for his twin.

"Whatever it is...The harm will have to cross me to reach her.", Anan's determined voice entered the air. His thoughts were busy analyzing and connecting all the indefinite thoughts.

'Future indeed has an ocean full of surprises and hurdles for them to cross.', Anan was sure of that for now.