
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 106: I'm dead tired.

Anan and Adi walked out of the room. Deeksha was leaning against the wall and was staring at her Neice who just walked out along with her husband.

"Seriously when will you ever change ?", Deeksha spoke as she adjusted Adi's front hair.

"It's what you and mom thought me. 'Keep the gratitude and repay if the person is enemy.', The words you said. Aunt, I'm your good disciple.", Adi smiled warmly.

Deeksha shook her head and smiled helplessly. Anan was also speechless at her skill to make another person helpless in front of her.

"Anan take care of her. Soon I wish all the knots will untie and she'll regain her past glory soon.", Deeksha spoke as she patted Adi's hair.

"Rest assured. I will protect her with my life.", Anan spoke sincerely.

"I won't mention thank you because it is your responsibility too. But are you ready to face the men in her family? Although Ajay looks as if he's okay seeing you. He really hates you so do her father and her grandpa. They hated you for the time you left abroad as they saw little Anvi breaking down. They had a meeting and discussed not to let you marry her in the future.", Deeksha spoke as Adi embarrassedly held her head.

Why is her Aunt trying to dig her pit? she wondered.

"Rest assured. I know my past behavior wasn't proper. I came back to the country to explain that I'm willing to go with the arrangement but she went missing and your disappearance crumbled all my plans. I promise I will lay all the plans properly and communicate with them and win their favor before we announce our relationship to them.", Anan spoke.

"Good then. Take care Anvi...child you take care too.", Deeksha spoke to both and left the couple, and entered her office.

"Anan it might not be as bad as she portrayed it to be...!!!", Adi tried to make excuses.

"Last time when your father came to the states along with my father for an art exhibition he declined to stay with us as he went to the hotel saying he's a bit uncomfortable around me.", He spoke as Adi felt immense guilt.

"I was 9 years old back then...", She felt wrong but she was still young.

"Alright, I don't blame you. It was me who didn't cherish the chance. I just have to work harder and prove myself to them.", Anan spoke as he walked her towards the car.

They reached THE VILLAS and entered the house.

"I'm dead tired.", Adi spoke as she fell on the sofa. Anan saw her recklessly falling as he panicked and rushed towards her.

"You are seriously reckless.", He mildly scolded her and pulled her to sit. When she saw her wound she realized she was hurt.

"Alright don't worry...I really don't feel pain anymore.", She spoke as she saw the panicking Anan.

Anan unwrapped her wound and his eyes widened and became normal before Adi could even see him. He calmly stood up and dialed a number. The call went in.

"Rishi ask Silian to come to my home. I need him within half an hour.", Anan spoke as he hung up the phone.

Adi saw him as he walked back towards her as wrapped her wound back and stared at her.

"Adi no matter what your health comes first. Even if it doesn't hurt you can't act recklessly. Let me ask you something did you ever get into accidents like this before ?", Anan calmly spoke.

"Yup when I was 5 years old that's when they knew I was allergic to anesthesia. Later when I lost my memories I never got hurt even if had a small wound it would help pretty fastly. Wen used to call me superwoman.", Adi smiled as Anan seem to have some unpredictable thoughts that made him shiver but smile at her like he's enjoying her babble.

After 30 min.

The doorbell rang as Anan went to unlock the door.

Rishi was standing on another side with a handsome man who had one hand in his pocket other adjusting his spectacles.

"Boss.", Rishi and Silian greeted.

Adi was upstairs as she went to fresh up.

Anan nodded as both entered the room. Soon the 3 men entered the study.

After a few minutes, Adi walked down the stairs to see the empty house. Just when she was on the last step she saw the 3 men walking out of the study.

"You are here. This is Silian. My personal doctor.", Anan spoke as he walked towards Adi.

Adi knew Anan was pretty sick at a young so he had a doctor who was always by his side. But she was confused that this doctor was very young. He looked as if he's the same age as Anan.

Anan seem to understand her face.

"He is the son of the doctor who used to treat me. Now that his father became Old he became my personal doctor. He's quite known in the field of science. Your Uncle Ajay also praised him for his exceptional skills.", Anan explained.

"Oh. Hello Mr.Silian.", Adi greeted.

"Greeting Madam. Boss is exaggerating. I'm happy to be at his service.", Silian spoke.

"Alright let's get you checked.", Anan spoke as he took her towards the sofa.

Silian checked her wound and was startled too but he quickly maintained his expression and did basic aid and wrapped the wound again.

"Madam I have to take your blood sample for further tests.", Silian spoke as Adi extended her hand.

Soon he took the sample and left the space to the couple.

"Alright stay here and watch TV. I will cook something.", He kissed her forehead and walked towards the kitchen.


The Venue ended as Aarav joined his grandparents and returned to Vastav Mansion. While Wen and Karan returned to their apartment.

They reached the top floor and entered the room. He pinned her to the door and hungrily kissed her lips as if he's releasing his suppression.

She trembled and held his coat a bit tighter as she allowed him to make advancements. His hand slowly entered her back as he unzipped the long gown that made her look stunning.

She gasped along his breath as she circled her arms around his neck. He held her up in a princess hug and took her upstairs as she buried her head in his chest.

He opened the bedroom with a kick as he let her stand as her long gown instantly lost its grip and fell onto the floor. She felt shy as she was only in her undergarments now.

"I...", Before she could speak.

"Shuush...", He signaled as his hand touched her bare waist making her shiver and feel tingles. Under the moonlight, her milky white skin was more seductive and attractive. He pulled her closer and gently kissed her ears making her feel tingles all over.

"Help me unbutton my shirt.", He whispered as his lips kissed her neck.

She felt as if she was in trance. His words made her lose the last bit of consciousness she had. Her hands slowly reached his shirt as she unbuttoned his shirt buttons one by one. She could sense his muscles and perfect abs of his. Seeing that she was a bit slow. Karan just tore his shirt and he pulled her even closer making her gasp. His lips bit her lower lips as he pressed his lips on her trembling lips.

He pushed her onto the bed as he slowly made his way on top of her. His kisses fell over her body making her lose her consciousness. He finally reached her lips as his hands reached her bra strips. When he was to open it. His lips touched her ears as his raspy voice entered her ears.

"May I ?", His words were like music soothing and addictive at the same time.

Wen who's already lost in his touch nodded her head as she blushed.

"Although it was fate which brought us together. I promise I will cherish this love and not make you regret choosing me.", He whispered as he unhooked her bra as she gasped feeling the coldness reach her.

The night went on as both were exhausted, Karan carried her to the washroom and placed her in the tub, and entered it. After an hour both walked out of the washroom with bathrobes on. Karan changed the sheets and soon couple entered the bed as they cuddled each other with no strength left.


"Boss Ms.Wendy is indeed an orphan but she was recently adopted by Mishra's. She is now an official member of Mishra's and The wife of Mr.Karav Vastav. Her age and all other factor matches the Young Miss's.", Eric spoke as he could see his Boss deepened expression.

"Don't tell anyone about this. Not especially my father or grandpa. This matter should never be known to them.", He spoke in his cold deepened tone.

"Alright Boss.", Eric nodded.

"I understand. Keep an eye on her. Let me know if you have any further updates.", Jason spoke as Eric nodded and left the room.

Jason stared at Wen's pic as he sighed in silence. As memories hit him.

"Jason Mama is weak and can't protect you. Don't you hate me for being useless ?", His mother's voice rang his ears. He was little back then but after a few years, all changed.

"Jason do you call yourself human...how could you...how could you be like this...why? Why must you choose your grandpa and father, over me ?", His mother's agony entered his ears.

"No one is to come near me...this little one is mine. I already gave you my son who I can't even recognize now. I will not let you to take her away from me.", His mother's powerful tone entered his ears

"No no...", Her cry was heard as he opened his eyes wide.


Wen had a dark dream where she felt short of breath all of a sudden as she widen her eyes and took a study breath. She realized it was just a bad dream as she stared at the man who held her in his arms. She could see his neck covered with hickeys that were made by her. Her face reddened as she remembered the night events.

She wanted to wake up but before she could move he pulled her back as he cuddled her even tighter.

"Mrs.Karan where are you running off to ?", Karan deep voice entered her ears as she blushed even harder.

"I just wanted to make breakfast for us.", She spoke as she stared at his starry eyes.

"Wifey are you trying to kill your husband the next day we made the news public ?", He patted her head and questioned in all seriousness.

"Karan.", Wen shouted.

"What ?", he giggled and stared at her angry face.

"You are not allowed to mock me.", She angrily pouted.

"Wifey truth is truth when did I ever mock you. I was stating the fact.", He spoke.

"Alright sleep a little...anyway your body will hurt if you wake up now. I called the maid she'll make the breakfast and update us.", He spoke as he kissed her forehead.

"Alright then.", She smiled and drifted into sleep in his arms. He smiled at her sleeping face as he closed his eyes and entered the dreamland.

Author's special:

Author: Good Morning Sunny.

Aarav: Morning Haru.

Author: How were you able to pass the primary-level classes and enter secondary level just like that...?

Aarav: It's best I don't answer this question to not offend you.

He smiles.

Author: I'm an open-minded person. Go on.

Aarav shrugged and speaks.

Aarav: It's because I'm clever and you are dumb. My IQ is good.

Author: Hey how could you call me dumb it's you who's abnormal. Which 6 year old is entering Secondary level show me...show me I say.

Aarav: See I said you'll be offended.

Author[Mind voice]: huff...Why do I feel like I'm interviewing Anan instead of Aarav? My cute little master why did you change into that monster.

Aarav: Haru are you cursing me inwardly...?

Just then a dark man walked towards them...as Author rolled her eyes at him.

Anan: She must be cursing me.

Anan's voice came.

'On point', was Author's mind voice but she didn't dare to say it out loud.

Author: No no I wouldn't dare to. What karma did I do to see Mr.Anan on sets ?

The author awkwardly spoke.

Anan: Here to get him.

Like usually he gave a one-liner with a poker face on. The author rolled her eyes and gave up on him.

Author: Sunny you can leave. I might hit him if I hear his annoying tone again.

The author whispered as Sunny let out a small laugh.

Anan: What nonsense are you spouting?

Author: I was saying the interview is not important but Mr.Anan is. Mr.Aarav see you later.

Aarav followed Anan as they left the set.