
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 105 : I want to visit Riya once.


"What the....is she the new Madam...?", Some spoke.

"Wahh...the wife of the FOR YOU's CEO indeed.", Other replied.

"This is simply hugeeeee.", Other commented.

Meanwhile, the Fake Aditi [Linda] who was seated with Kyra and Diya to avoid suspicion was burning in rage.

'What right does she have to be my Karan's wife...she is just a s*ut who went into his bed and with son she is behaving like a queen.Wait until I accomplish my work. Karan is mine...Hmph.', Linda inwardly scoffed.

Kyra and Diya who are seated in corner were helpless and angry. They never had privilege to daunt because Kyra was just an adoptive daughter. Meanwhile Priya who's seated beside them was staring at Wendy and wondering if she could make friends with this new member so she doesn't have to deal with this Adoptive Daughter of Vastav's and Diya.

On stage.

"Oh My this is huge...we didn't expect this shock. Madam are you trying to scare me bring the CEO himself without any warning ?", Abby spoke.

Wen smiled and raised the Mic.

"It was his Idea. I'm dragged along.", She simply spoke as she stared at Karan.

"So Boss can we know how you feel being part of your Wife's fashion element...?", Abby gathered her courage and spoke.

Wen smiled and passed the mic to him.

He smiled and held her hand as if she is his only.

"The moment she wanted to go with this series. I thought I would make this the way to project world about My Mrs.Karan.", He spoke making all the audience go wild.

The employees who never saw their boss smile were rather scared to see this soft side of his.

"Boss this is an absolute shocker to the world. May I get a scoop about your love journey?", Abby felt daring after seeing Karan being a little easy going.

"We meet when we were 18.", He spoke.

This was the thing they planned to tell to the audience. They didn't want rumours about Aarav so they choose to say public that they were lovers and were connected all along.

"Soon she came back home and I stayed overseas. So no one knew.", He spoke as his eyes were stick onto her.

"Wow...this is huge. So Boss has been taken long ago.", Abby spoke.

"Yes. This is the proof.", Karan pointed his finger towards the young handsome boy who unintrestedly stood beside.

The little guy was so handsome. His features were from good genes indeed.

"Little Master can we have a word with you ?", Abby politely spoke.

Karan passed the mic to Aarav who took it reluctantly.

"May we know your name ?", Abby questioned.

"Aarav Vastav. 6 years Old.", He spoke in a matured tone.

"What school do you go to ?", Abby spoke as she treated him as a little child.

"I'm done with my primary education and will be entering my secondary education from Monday.", The moment he was done the audience were baffled. What did he say ? He's done with primary education? They were shocked and confused.

"His IQ is a but better than the normal people and was a bit ahead.", Wen spoke as she took the microphone.

She meet with the teacher other day and heard that Aarav passed the examination and was eligible to the next stage although she felt it was not right. Karan convinced her saying Anan was also like that back then.

Wen couldn't argue and agreed with the Father and son pair.

"A Child and Husband who are Handsome and Genious. Ms.Wendy I'm really envious of you.", Abby

"It's me who you should be envious of. Having such a beautiful wife. Aren't I right ?", Karan spoke as he stared at Wen making everyone feel single and envy of their relation.

Linda's face is being darker and darker as she couldn't help but tighten her fist.

'It was me who drugged him...it should be me...if not for that Old Sihna and my so called adopted Dad. I would have been the wife of Karan and stand there with him.', Linda cursed inwardly.

Her perfectly laid out plan was disputed and crumbled at that night. She was more irritated as the past memories hit her.

"Wahh I'm not doing this show. Their love is soo much for me to act like I'm not jealous.", Abby teased.

Wen was ebaressed enough as she pinched the waist of Karan as he smiled and held her hand in return.

'This Guy seriously.', Wen was speechless.

"Okay now I invite Ms.Jennifer onto the stage.", Abby spoke. Karan exited the stage along with Aarav as Aarav ran towards Henna and sat beside her and Lilly. Then quickly patted his hair and whispered as the Boy smied handsomely and replied. The Prince was Prince indeed people thought.

"To avoid suspicion and to make sure the results are based on talent. The staff has already passed the main design sheets to judges a while ago when a staff came to inform me. So the judges already made a decision. The result card is in my hand right now.The show abided all the rules and regulations and we knew Ms.Wendy was wife of Mr.Karan a moment ago.", Abby smiled and explained.

Audience felt pleased as they knew this. Indeed a fair company all thought. Still they knew the winner by the designs itself. Wendy's were eye openers and made everyone feel attracted. So no one doubted the winner or the competition.

"So the winner of the competition is Ms.Wendy.", Abby spoke as Wen smiled and congratulated Ms.Jenniefer who was the runner up.

Audience applauded.

"This competition is not only for the winner but also to select 2 people for the team that we formed with DREAM ENTERTAINMENTS a while ago. The 2 participants names will be revealed by DREAM's CEO's Manager Ms.Bailey.", Abby spoke as Bailey walked up.

"Hello there. Dream is excited to collaborate with FOR YOU. We are sure that our artists will shine with your brand designs on them.", Bailey spoke as the audience applauded.

"Congrats Mr.Heir and Ms.Jenniefer you guys are selected.", Bailey spoke as both were shocked and happy at the same time.

Later the Venue continued as most of reporters were over the cloud 9 that they got so much of information that would break the internet tomorrow.


"I want to visit Riya once.", Adi spoke as she saw that the Event came to an end.

"Adi...", Anan really felt she was too softheartned person.

Adi started back at him with her puppy eyes.

"This is the last time.", He spoke as he helped her as they walked down towards the car.

After a few good minutes they reached the police station. After hearing the news Anan was hear Deeksha who came back walked out.

"Why are you guys here ?", Deeksha spoke as she stared at the couple.

"Ask her.", Anan spoke as he sounded helpless.

"Aunt I want to see Riya.", Adi spoke as she smiled at Deeksha.

"Anvi are you sure ?", Deeksha was unsure. What if Riya attacks her again.

"He's with me.", Adi smiled as Deeksha gave in to her request.

"Give me a minute.", Deeksha spoke as she walked in.

After 20 minutes.

"This way.", A police officer showed the way to the couple.

The door was opened as the pale seated Riya came to their sight. Anan helped Adi as they walked in. Riya who was facing floor raised to see the couple as shock emerged in both her eyes.

"He...he...", Riya was dumbfolded.

"I will ask them to not extend this matter anymore. Riya I hope you'll become a better person.", Adi spoke not caring for the shock in Riya's eyes.

Riya who heard her words was truly shocked.

"Why? Even my own family abounded me...why are you treating me this well ?", Riya question after a thought. The feeling she faced now was not only regret but also agony. The one she hated was now the one to save her. The one who she harmed is now helping her. Tears rolled down Riya's cheek. She felt immense guilt.

"Because we were friends. Even if you didn't think I was yours' but you were my good friend. The time when I was low you smiled as you made me smile along. For you it was a plan and some shitty reasons but to me that is a relation I cherish.", Adi spoke as she stared at Anan.

Anan who saw her eyes understood the signal she was giving. He helped to turn as they walked towards the door to exit.

"Adi...wait...", Riya suddenly spoke. Adi and Anan pause as they stared back at her.

"One day I will show you that I'm eligible for your friendship. I regret not chershing us when we were together. One day when I'm truly worth of your friendship I will appear in front of you again.", Riya spoke.

"Riya I don't think you are unworthy and I hope you'll leave a good life.", Adi spoke as left.

'One DAY I will make sure to repay all of my gratitude.', Riya swore to herself.

Author's special:

It's an open interview with my readers.

Author: Do you think a change is good? What is your opinion on Riya now? Do you believe in the idiom to turn over a new leaf?

Let me know.💙💙💙

Please do check out my other novel too. I'm sure you'll love it.